Sharing what I did/read/discovered this past week…

1. Signed up for online therapy. An email came through from Cigna, my insurance company, saying, online therapy, covered! Me: huh, been meaning to go to therapy to talk about anxiety and personal growth. So I signed up. My take-in appointment is this Monday. And it’s covered by Cigna!

2. An idea from Kendra Adachi: divide your to-do list into Have to / Hope to. Isn’t that amazing? In other words, non-negotiables and would-be-good to dos.

3. Purchased a few book box sets for L. Magic tree house series, Amelia Bedelia series, Ivy and Bean, and others. She is reading on her own, and I want her to continue so having books that are her reading level is key. There is always our library, but you know, new stuff. Tsk-tsk.

4. Stopped by the library on Monday night with the kids. Becoming a regular routine, just as I wanted.

5. L had her field trip to Camden aquarium on Monday. The pictures looked lovely! Especially those two sleepy hippos. I didn’t go with their class, had to work, and L had a good time. She kept talking about all the sea creatures she saw, and even could touch a star fish?…

Ah, the life…

6. T was away for two days and I survived it 👌

7. Three book recommendations. I will not buy them but I really want them! House Rules by Myquillin Smith, Uptime by Laura Mae Martin, and the 5 Resets by Aditi Nerurkar.

8. Student projects in Spanish 3 Honors were presented. The project was “if I won the lottery…” or “if I were an animal…” The projects were funny, and colorful, and whimsical. We had gibbons who lived in New York City, and dolphins who lived in caves and listened to music. Well done.

9. Made progress on “in case of death” folder and estate planning. The forms were sent to our attorney an hour ago!

10. Bring Your Child To Work Day with L and R. I had the biggest headache when the day was over but we had a lot of fun! L and R danced, played games, colored, and watched cartoons. In all my classes, we did work for about 2/3 of the class and then we played games 🙂

11. Purchased a 2025-2026 calendar – too soon? Placed big rocks: 2024-25 winter break, 2025 spring break, end of school for 2025. Also added birthdays. Did not touch 2026. Not yet.

12. 2024 a year-in-review family photo book – caught up for March-April in ShutterFly. In Paris, I took over 1K photos.

13. Figured out that my lucid, crazy dreams come from magnesium supplements that I take at night. Heard about magnesium on I’ve got 10 things to tell you podcast. Apparently, with magnesium, you fall asleep faster and sleep deeper and better and because of deep sleep, you dream. I decided to scale down and only take it once in a while.

All trivial, good things. How was your week?

12 responses to “Last week…”

  1. Melissa Avatar

    I hope your first seesion of therapy goes well and helps where you feel you need it.

    My youngest daughter loved Ivy and Bean books when she was younger. My kids also read the Enid Blyton books from when I was a kid.

    That’s interesting about the magnesium, I’m taking supplements for my vestibular migraines, but luckily no super lucid dreams. My sleep was pretty poor anyway so the supplements probably just get me a little closer to an ormal sleep.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you! I think it will be helpful in some aspects. I just ordered the Enid Blyton box set- I’m sure L will love them. Thank you for the recommendation!!


  2. Diane Avatar

    Oh my – 2025-2026 planner already! I guess my current planner goes into March of 2025, so I’m glad I can get a good chunk of the upcoming school year in there. 

    I love an evening trip to the library – I find that the atmosphere is so much more different in the evening than in the day – more quiet, I think. 

    I did end up bringing one kid to Bring Your Child to Work Day – the other kid had rehearsal, so couldn’t come. It was kind of fun to have him there, though. I couldn’t tell if he was having a good time or not, but he did say afterwards that he had a good time.


    1. Daria Avatar

      It’s the experience that matters! Not sure if kids had a good time but they were hanging around and watching some cartoons. Yeah, can you believe it? 2025… I already have major dates for trips and my annual world language conference, so I put the big rocks in already. Makes me feel secure lol


  3. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    We have the exact same iPad cases. Taco just got his own iPad this week since he is fully potty trained (during the day, we don’t really force the training at night – it will happen). New books are so exciting and I will absolutely buy them for my kids. Paul and I are reading some Paddington books together which he is loving.

    I hope you have a great experience with online therapy. I have a therapist but she is not in network so it is so experience to see her. I saw her regularly in 2020 and now I will see her for tune ups when something is going on in my life.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Yay Taco!!!!!!!!! Congratulations big guy!!!


  4. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    Ive never heard about magnesium causes deep sleep. Maybe I should take mine more regular. I do have them for my migraine as magnesium can help reduce them. But sleep. May try.

    Also very much love the Have to / Hope to list. I would add Want to.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Ohh good point- thank you Tobia!


  5. Ernie Avatar

    My jaw dropped at 1K photos. Wow. Do you update your photo books each month? That’s so smart. I still use actual photo albums that I stick real actual photos in, but haven’t updated in awhile. I got a lot of photo album work done during the lockdown of covid. I hope your therapy session went well. I think seeking therapy is so great. It has helped me over the years. We have a family therapist that we started using while in the process of adopting. I really like her and sometimes I meet with her for things unrelated to the adoption.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hi Ernie! Thanks for stopping by! I try to be disciplined about updating every month but… It’s more like every two to three months. Paris was so beautiful that I did take a lot of pictures. There is no way I can include all of them into our photo book so I cherry picked the best ones.


  6. Stephany Avatar

    Hooray for therapy! It truly changed my life, but it can be difficult to find someone who works for YOU. I hope this one is a great fit. ❤

    Bring Your Child to Work Day! How fun. I’m glad this is still a thing. I remember going to my mom’s work (at a daycare) for this when I was a kid. And I remember being at my first job and having other coworkers’ kids there for the day, which was really fun.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh your mom had a daycare? I admire that so much. I love working with young people but working with little people is just… wow – my hat’s off to her!


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