Sarah and Engie were doing refrigerator tours. Why not me? 😊

Pantry. Small and old. Walk- in. Right in our kitchen. The only place we store things that do not go in the refrigerator plus things we don’t know what to do with.

A place for aprons, hot water bottle, barbecue tongs, mop, bucket, and broom. A box of masks left over from the pandemic (new). Our vacuum lives in the pantry. Lunch bags, grocery bags, and light bulbs coexist peacefully too. Paper towels stand like little soldiers. A big bag of Amazon bags waits to be filled to the brim and sent over to Target to be recycled. Cans of cat food.

I tried to give the pantry some kind of system.. Coffee with tea, pasta with rice, baking goods all together. It’s impossible. We don’t have enough goods in there to warranty a full, separate, category. So everything kind of sits together. We know where everything is, for the most part.

Maybe, one day I will feel inspired to get clear plastic bins and organize everything. It could be my summer pet project! For now, it stands as is.

Refrigerator. Bought it in 2012, right after closing on the house. Has two sides- refrigerator and freezer. It’s deep and narrow.

Refrigerator side

I am the most basic meal planner. Protein, veggies, starch. Nothing glamorous and many of our meals are tired and true. And they are boring. I haven’t made a new recipe in I don’t know how long. Just don’t have mental bandwidth in this season of life to be experimenting with food.

When we need something, we add it to the list and do a weekly or biweekly online order and pick up. We do not belong to Costco but use a local grocery store – Stop and Shop.

Freezer side

Freezer has some frozen meats, pirogies, chicken nuggets and French fries, and red bean buns that are there since Lunar New Year. Also some frozen pizza, vanilla ice cream and frozen fish. Edamame, peas, and string beans.

The door is a mishmash of stuff. Pickles and Pedialite. Ranch dressing and amoxicillin. No wine, just beer. And I don’t like beer. I like wine.

I forgot to take a picture of our vegetable drawer. Usually you can find tomatoes, broccoli and potatoes. Onion, scallions, and garlic. Avocados. Crap. I have two in there that must be eaten, like, now.

I don’t like to waste food (grew up with a Russian mother) so we try to use up what we have and just fill in holes when we shop. In fact, at the beginning of each week, I like to write a list:

HAVE (all the things we have)

NEED (what we need to buy)

EAT ME (any leftovers that must be eaten)

That’s all I have for today! Would love to see other people’s refrigerators and pantries.

21 responses to “Pantry and refrigerator tour”

  1. Coco Avatar

    I love seeing what people has in fridge! super interesting as everyone is super different!

    Our fridge is always overflowing of eggs, tofu, and veggies.


    1. Daria Avatar

      I know, me, too! It’s like a little glimpse into their lives. My husband loves tofu but I just tolerate it.


  2. Sarah Avatar

    Paper towels stand like little soldiers. — love this!!

    I am jelly of much room there is in your fridge– like, you can SEE all of the things you have!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Natka Avatar

    I have a question about on-line food ordering…. do you get fruits and vegetables this way, too? I’ve never tried it…. It seems pretty straight-forward with milk/yogurts/cheeses and the like, but other things (including meat and fresh produce) I feel unsure about. I like to see and squeeze stuff before buying it…

    I like your pantry! So neat and practical and easily accessible! My fridge and food-storage areas are a mess… too embarrassed to post!

    And yes to not throwing out food 🙂 Expiration dates are overrated* 🙂 My husband tends to over-buy when he does the shopping, so, on occasion, we end up with mushy slimy cucumbers or rotting cauliflower – argh. We compost the fruit/vegetable food scraps, so at least that makes me feel a bit better about the waste (it all goes into our garden soil… or gets consumed by the resident groundhog…)

    *Well, sometimes… This is really sad – I have some pickled herring that’s months passed the expiration date, and I don’t have the heart to throw it out (I love herring!) but I am scared to open the container… I got it from a Russian store that’s like an hour away, and I have no idea when I’ll be able to go back there to get more herring…


    1. Daria Avatar

      ohh I love herring, too.
      we usually buy fruit and vegetables online, too. I don’t really feel the need to squeeze in order to purchase. Lettuce comes fresh, unless it’s on sale then I don’t get it, bananas come a little green sometimes but they ripe up soon. Avocados have an option- buy ripe or unripe. I always go for unripe and they ripen up at the house. So yeah, it’s fine.


  4. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    I loved seeing your pantry and refrigerator, Daria! What fun! I love to see how other people live. I think you’re very organized! I keep a list of what I need when I go shopping, but I love the idea of listing what you already have. That’s so smart! I often buy something I see, then come home to find out I already have 2 of that item!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hi there, Michelle! Thank you for your kind words. I am a big proponent to throw things out as long as it not food. I grew up poor, and I think it stems from my childhood.


  5. Melissa Avatar

    Oh wow, I can’t believe how little you have in your pantry, I’m obviously not a minimilist in this area! You certaily don’t need to do anymore organising in there, it’s so neat. I really hate wasting food too. My husband is a stickler for keeping with the best before dates even though I’ve explained they are not use by dates but because I do the cooking I can usually sneak things past him.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hey Melissa! Thank you 🙂 Yes, I guess it’s not a lot for a family of four. I am big on avoiding food waste and I also like to circulate the energy – say, a box of pasta was there too long, let’s make it and eat it and make space for new things. I’m weird lol


  6. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I love seeing people’s pantries and fridges! I am envious of your pantry. We do not have one in this house. We have a pantry type of cupboard and a storage area under our window seat so we make it work. But I would love an actual pantry!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Diane Avatar

    We have clear plastic bins in our pantry, but really it just becomes another dumping ground… There is one for my snacks, one for the kids’s snacks, one for bags of beans and grains, and then a big one for random things on the floor. So I guess I know what category of food is in the bin, but it still takes a lot of digging to get to whatever I want. 


    1. Daria Avatar

      okay, good to know, Diane. Maybe I’ll just leave it alone and go do something fun like… read.


  8. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    Thank you for sharing. Always fun to see how others manage the day to day. Looking at your fridge I first thought its rather empty. Bt maybe that is the size… Here in Europe they are smaller. Still I think ours is very much full and unfortunately too many things get spoiled.

    But than I am eating all meals at home so I want some sort of options.


  9. NGS Avatar

    Count me among the folks who are surprised at how little you have in your pantry!! So interesting!!

    (I didn’t actually do a fridge tour. I just wanted Sarah to because she has a zillion folks in her house. But this is so interesting that maybe I WILL do a fridge/pantry tour soon.)


    1. Daria Avatar

      Ohh I misread then! Yes, would love to see the pantry/fridge tour from you!


  10. Tina Avatar

    No one wants to see my pantry or fridge, including me. I’m the opposite of you. I have all the things and more than I know what to deal with. I’ll just say that I’m stocking up for an uncertain future. I wish I was more minimalistic, it makes life easier and less cluttered. I do like to experiment with dishes and meals and like something different quite often, another reason for a full pantry.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hey Tina! You do a lot of baking and I’m jealous. I wish I had that gift!


  11. Stephany Avatar

    It’s so fun to see people’s fridges and pantries – WHY is it so fascinating?! Haha. I love your nice big pantry. I have a pantry but it’s so narrow that it’s hard to store things. I’ll have to do one of these tours someday – not as exciting since it’s just me, but alas!

    Screamin’ Sicilian is my faaaave frozen pizza!


  12. Irena Avatar

    So much fun, thanks for sharing, Daria! I will be happy to share some pictures of our pantry/fridge, if anybody is interested, but how would I attach the pictures to my comment? maybe sending over the email?


    1. Daria Avatar

      I’d love that! Maybe I can share with the readers? Or you can totally do a guest post!! But then you have to create a blog. It’s time, friend, it’s time to make a blog 😉


  13. San Avatar

    Small and old (walk-in) pantry > no pantry 🙂


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