This post started as a Friday five and then time got away from me so I guess a Saturday six? A few highlights and reflections as I look back on my week.

1. One-on-one time with R! On Monday he had half a day so I picked him up early (and had to take a half a day off), and had some uninterrupted time with him. We played Legos, went out to lunch, watched cartoons, and did laundry.

“Our” diner where we are regular customers 🙂

2. Student project with “if” clauses. My level 3 students are working on a fun project: “if I were an animal” or “if I won the lottery” It is so interesting and they are enjoying it.

3. We received our contracts yesterday for next year! I am still nontenured in my district because I jumped ship three years ago to come here, so this is extra special. I wasn’t really worried, because if the district is not planning on renewing you, you will know quite early. Also! I finally broke six figure ceiling! Teachers’ salary is on a step system, with each step corresponding to one year of work experience. So my step for next year is over 100k. Maybe it’s tmi and maybe I shouldn’t be talking about my salary on here, but it feels validating to me. And it’s all public information anyway. I finally- finally- feel that I will be making a salary that is comparable to other professions.

4. L had a spelling bee at her aftercare! All kids had a grade-level list of words and they were called up by their level. L won the kindergarten portion but lost the final round when they had to spell words from the list that is ABOVE their grade level. I am proud of her for participating since at the beginning of the year she had some public speaking anxiety. Grateful to her after care teachers who do cool things like that!

“Get. G-e-t. Get.” 💜

5. Terrible, anxiety-ridden dreams. I am either stuck in some country and can’t get home, or I am filming a movie and being a terrible actress, or, last night, I am stuck in a snowstorm, my boss has to pick me up and deliver me to work, and I can’t find my classroom! I honestly don’t know where these dreams are coming from because during the day I am not really anxious about anything…

6. I got a yearly mammogram and a breast ultrasound on Thursday. It was painful. They place your breasts between two panes of glass and bring the lever down to squeeze even more. Then they tell you to hold your breath! I have small breasts to begin with so there is not much to squeeze. But- it’s done ✅

All-in-all, the week was fine, even with T traveling for three days at the beginning.

Looking forward to:

Bring Your Child To Work Day – next Thursday L and R will meet my students ❤️

Time to read this weekend – still on Holly by Steven King

Last episode of Baby Reindeer series on Netflix

A hike at the reservation

13 responses to “Saturday Six”

  1. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    I like a Saturday Six post! It sounds like a great week, full of interesting and fun things. Congratulations on your contract! That’s wonderful!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you so much! I am rarely proud of myself but betting better.


  2. Elisabeth Avatar

    So much great stuff (minus the dreams; I had a stint of awful dreams over the winter and it was really bumming me out. I was having them every single night and I would wake up feeling tired from the stress! thankfully they are much better now) and kudos on the raise and a great contract!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you so much for the love! I told Lisa it’s the magnesium supplements that are giving me these crazy, vivid dreams.


  3. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    Congrats on the new contract and the new salary step.

    I feel you on the dreams. Lately I have these really weird dreams from which I wake with a very very strong emotion (anger, sadness, anxiety). I have no idea what I dreamed about but the emotions wakes me because it’s so much. I am clueless what is going on.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you! You see mine are just really vivid, borderline lucid dreams. Turns out it’s the magnesium that I take before bed.


  4. NGS Avatar

    Ha ha ha! My husband has a PhD and has tenure at a small state university in WI and will never make six figures. We’re lucky if he breaks 70K in a year. LOL.


    1. Daria Avatar

      That’s interesting. I always thought that higher education faculty make over 100k. But I understand it depends on the state, too. I went to seton hall to get my phd and always wanted to work there but I heard they don’t pay very well. And it’s a wealthy Franciscan university.


  5. Diane Avatar

    congrats on the new contract! That is such good news about your salary. I’ve always felt like teachers are underpaid and undervalued. 


    1. Daria Avatar

      I also felt that way. But then I switched districts and felt better since my new district has a stronger union and they make staff feel valued. Most of the time.


  6. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    yay for breaking 6 figures!! I am so happy for you! Brag away girl! That is awesome!

    Your 1:1 time with R sounds great. 4 is such a great age!!

    I had a stressful dream last night that I could not find our RAV4. I was walking all over the place looking for it and then it started to rain. I was freaking out that I would never find it!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      I think I figured it out! It’s magnesium! On the night when I take that supplement I get very vivid, scary dreams. From now on I’ll be taking it sporadically.


  7. Melissa Avatar

    Congratulations on yuor new contract with a pay raise. That is great news. I have book mammogram on my list at the moment, we have screening every two years once you reach 50.


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