The latest episode of Best Laid Plans had a guest on that used MakseLife system. I have no interest to incorporate yet another system into my life but she mentioned the eight areas of life. Below is a brief assessment of those areas.

Personal. I honestly don’t know what that means. Self-care? Down-time? Planning? Travel? I can’t reflect because I’m not sure what to place into this category.

Fun and recreation. Those are obviously hobbies. For me: reading books and blogs, blogging, walks and hiking, and travel. Could watch more TV in this area: quality series and movies. All in all, I feel like I have sufficient hobbies. I wish exercise could be my hobby. Also, theater plays and dances with kids can go here.

Work and learning. Very fulfilled in the area. At work I teach AND learn constantly. I teach students, students teach me. I regularly look up new strategies, resources, and materials. My annual world language conference in NYC helps me learn, too.

Family and relationships. This category receives the most of my time and attention, parallel to work. Kids take up a lot of my time, clearly. T and I have a monthly date, then we hang out on the regular. Friends: I talk to them every other day on WhatsApp but we meet facet-to-face about once every two months. Mom group is also part of this category, mainly on WhatsApp, but we get together with neighbors. Oh, the two neighbors next door: we see them on the regular. Plus my two Russian friends who are also moms. As an introvert, I feel like I have enough connection. Oh, and I’m adding cooking and cleaning into this category.

Health and wellness. Exercise: lol. Movement – some. Walks and hiking, mainly. I am on top of my appointments (medical and dental, every 6 months) and even the dreaded mammogram! Apart from exercise, I take good care of myself with water, vitamins and packed lunches. Healthy staples: green tea with honey, edamame, chili, and peanut butter. Can always be better with exercise and reducing coffee and sugar.

Spirituality. This is my meditation and journaling. Morning or afternoon pages, my stream-of-consciousness journaling practice – different from blogging. I just reinstated this practice into my life last week and felt a jolt of motivation.

Finances. I am not a big spender so I feel good about this category. I do like to travel so that’s expensive but I not spending our retirement money on trips. Our paychecks go into a common account, but we skim a portion for ourselves, an allowance of sorts. I mainly save mine in Acorns and a high yield, then spend it on travel, or, rarely, on clothes.

Physical environment. House, classroom, garden, car. I am kind of a minimalist. My car needs a cleaning but it’s not stuffed. Need to vacuum it before the end of the year. We started doing some work in the basement and the garage – cleaning it and throwing stuff out. My garden is an ongoing process, and it starts in the spring. Garden is a space that crosses multiple categories: physical/spirituality/wellness/family.

That’s all I got for today.

Which area would you say you spend most time on? Are there are changes you wish to make?

**cover photo- R in a box. On Monday, he crawled into a box, and I was just putting away some laundry thinking he is somewhere around, playing, and when he crawled out of that box, he scared the bejesus out of me 🤣

17 responses to “Areas of Life”

  1. NGS Avatar

    For me, “personal” would be my friendships that are outside my family. My book club people and my best friends from college. But maybe that would be in family and relationships? I guess I just don’t see where else friendship/connections/networking would fit in!

    I obviously spend most of my time on work and learning. Stupid 40 hour a week job! (Just kidding. I like my job!)


    1. Daria Avatar

      Ha! I feel the same re: my job. Yeah personal category is a bit vague..


  2. Melissa Avatar

    I have a fairly balanced life now that the kids are adults, previously most of my time would have been spent on family. I’m pretty happy with the way things are now.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Nice! Yeah when the kids are small, they take up a lot of time. Although, I heard that big kids=big problems, small kids=small problems.


  3. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    It sounds like you have a nicely balanced life! I’d say I do as well, although I need to work more on improving my fitness. It’s a process. I love the picture of R in the box! I’ll be he loved scaring you!


  4. Stephany Avatar

    Hmm… I’m trying to figure out what would fit in the personal category. Self-care seems like a good option (although that could fit into Health and Wellness). Maybe it’s just like personal goals for yourself?? IDK. I did check out the makse website and I really like their planners! I may have to dive deeper into their stuff.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Ohh that’s a good point. Personal can be goals. But then my goals are like “travel, year book, friends, learn to invest, read” so that goes into hobbies.


  5. San Avatar

    I’ve heard of MakseLife (the owner is local to me) but I haven’t really looked into it enough to know much about it…. I like the different areas of one’s life, but also struggle with separating the personal from the fun/recreation part.
    I might have to investigate this further.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Same! FUN is a hard category for me. Not sure because I am Russian but fun was never part of our family growing up… Maybe that is why I struggle with it. Fun was always labeled as frivolous and to be avoided.


  6. Diane Avatar

    Isn’t *everything* personal? It seems that to think about each of the other categories is to relate that category to your own life, your own plans and goals for yourself. Which sounds personal. 


    1. Daria Avatar

      It sure is! A lot of my goals rotate around other people, an issue, obviously. I need a creative hobby just for myself.


  7. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    I’ve heard of this concept – though not the name – and used to rate how much time I am putting into each category. But I’ve also struggled with some categories as they are overlapping. I realized that ou can’t do a 100% I all of them but that is a bit more fluid. Right now I say I spend most my time in fun & recreation, work & learning and family & relationships.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh completely agree. It’s not possible to have all of the categories aligned at the same time. Again, seasons of life.


  8. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    Work and family are my big categories or the rocks in my schedule that I fill in around. I like time tracking once a year because it shows me that I do spend a lot of time with family even though it can feel like I don’t with all my work travel and such!


    1. Daria Avatar

      I wonder if there should be a category for mental load or worrying or minutia. House work, is that family? A hobby? 🤣 Physical environment? Ugh idk.


  9. Anne Avatar

    Personal is hard… I’ve seen something similar with the dimensions of wellness, but hadn’t heard of Makse until now. I’m not a planner person, but I can see the value of checking to see whether one’s allotment to each area of life aligns with one’s preferences (and goals…). You seem like you are hitting yours pretty well! Go, you.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thanks, Anne. When I feel “off” or out of sorts, I usually notice that I have not been dedicating enough time to self.


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