Spring in central New Jersey can be magical and difficult at the same time.

🌿 A sound *constant* landscaping. The buzzing of lawn-mowers, tree cutting tools, leaf blowers. People where I live are concerned with the state of their lawn (including our household). You can always **hear** landscaping at this time of year. We are so vain 🙂

🌿 Everything is flowering. A stick you thought was dead is producing flowers. Bushes that were this spindly thing in the winter are now flowering. Everything is flowering.

🌿 The smells are incredible. Daffodils, magnolias, forsythias, and other good-smelling things that I have no idea of what they are, are flowering. Quite intoxicating.

🌿 The colors are lovely. Mint green, moss green, deep green, yellow, pink, violet, white, all present.

🌿 The smell of manure… The smell of poop, the smell of spring. Many people are mulching/fertilizing their lawns and gardens so most definitely you will get a strong whiff of manure/fertilizer.

🌿 Allergies are in full swing. Spring is beautiful but the air is thick with pollen and your throat closes because of all the particles. The pollen can also be visible to the naked eye- just have to look carefully.

What is this time of year like where you live? What smalls and sounds do you notice?

12 responses to “Spring in Central New Jersey”

  1. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    That looks gorgeous! Everything is blooming here too and I love it.


  2. Coco Avatar

    It’s summer all year long here, but maybe a bit more chill and cleaner air in the first few months of the year. I like it more as I can run without worrying about air pollution. It usually ends the day with some rain or thunderstorm, making being at home very cozy.

    when I lived in the US, I loved spring and fall, both so colorful.


  3. Kyria @ Travel Spot Avatar

    I love your sights and sounds and smells recap (manure! Yay!) I am currently in Portland OR and it is beautiful! There are a lot of pink trees which are flowering and they are lovely, plus it is green and nice and the sun is shining and I am happy! Hahah. It’s amazing what a little pop of freshness can bring, which is probably why May is my favorite month! I love summer, but there is just something so refreshing about spring!


  4. NGS Avatar

    Manure! I work on a rural campus and the last couple of days the scent has permeated everything.


  5. Stephany Avatar

    This is all year round for us in Florida, haha, but it’s nice when I start seeing posts like these from my northern friends. Spring is here!

    The pollen in Florida can be MISERABLE – my car is constantly coated with a nice layer of green. I’m so glad I don’t have seasonal allergies!


  6. Melissa Avatar

    It’s Autumn here but the trees are only just starting to change. We have a beautiful maple in our garden and I’m enjoying watching it slowly turn bright red.


    1. Daria Avatar

      We have a maple, too. And I love it!


  7. San Avatar

    I love spring, it’s such a happy time of year!


  8. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I barely noticed my surroundings when I was in NJ this week which is a shame. I was either in meetings or in a car on the way to a meeting with my head down, triaging email. Ugh. It was rough. Spring is kind of springing here but we are quite behind you. And it has been cold the last couple of days. The weather can’t decide what season it is. I am so ready for blooming flowers and flooring trees!!


  9. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    What a wonderful post.
    Where I live I also hear the lawnmowers, tree cutting and leave blowers. I don’t particular enjoy the sound.
    We live right by a forest of deciduous trees and they are all in bloom so everything is covered in yellow pollen dust. And the greens are so vibrant. Each tree is sporting some other shade. Its lovely.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh soon that will be my car! A thick layer of green/yellow pollen.


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