I started this post on Monday so it’s a complete mishmash. Don’t mind me!

We got back on Friday morning and had two days to recoup (a Saturday and a Sunday). A luxury! But I felt like I needed longer. We washed all of our travel clothes, I freshened up the house, spent some time planning for the week and organizing my brain.

Part of me is a bit depressed- I miss the feeling of Paris. Not the grand attractions and the museums but every day life – the coffee, the lunches, the streets, the market, even the playgrounds. I love my life in New Jersey as it is, but, to be completely honest, I am experiencing some post-travel blues. But it’s getting better as the week progresses.

Some highlights of the week so far are taking walks, smelling all the flowering bushes and trees, meditation, L practicing her piano, and going to bed early.

Some random thoughts that I want to share…

☝️ Reading the PARA method by Tiago Forte and Holly by S. King.

☝️ There are 40 (!) days left until final exams

☝️ I need to make the library part of my kids’ routines on weekends since it closes at 4pm during the week.

☝️ I think I have allergies… my sinuses are hurting.

☝️ for our chapter 7, students analyzed their chosen works of art; all paintings are displayed at the Prado Museum in Madrid

☝️ L has bug bites all over her shoulders

☝️ I have 8 days of PTO left till June 14th. I will take a few days for spring concerts and graduation ceremonies

☝️ The birds wake up so early and start chirping. We sleep with the windows open because perimenopause but T gets annoyed at the birds 😆

☝️ the smell of daffodils is so incredible

Some pictures to anchor this week in time…

Everything is flowering one way or another in New Jersey right now
The reservation
The path at the reservation
My new spring blossoms journal from a paper store in Paris
My baby boy who is no longer a baby
Spring is everywhere!
This book reminds me a lot of GTD method

I hope you are having a good week!

16 responses to “re-entry blues and random thoughts”

  1. Kyria @ Travel Spot Avatar

    Welcome back! I hate that feeling after a vacation where you just wish you were still on vacation! I know what you mean about the museums and things; I don’t think I miss them either, but it is nice to have that feeling of escape, plus the routine things (I used to always go and buy a demi baguette from the same bakery every day, even when we were only in one place for a few days. I love that routine!)

    Why does L have so many bug bites? Is it mosquitoes? If so, from NJ? Are you guys already getting mosquitoes!? We usually get them here when the snow begins to melt, but that is often later in the year in the higher reaches, which is exactly when I want to go hiking, so bug bites just remind me of summer.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hey friend!! I honestly don’t know- we saw the bites the day after we came back from Paris. So we washed her sheets and covered and clothes… I didn’t see any mosquitoes in Paris or NJ… They are itchy, too, so she is constantly scratching.


  2. Coco Avatar

    we have few more days here, heading to disney today, so I can expect having the post-vacation and post race blues soon. I’m already making plans to make the easing back smooth and something fun to look forward.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Have a wonderful time in Eurodisney!!


  3. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Re-entry is so hard, especially when you’ve had such a great trip!

    I’ve noticed the birds chirping here, but I’m up so early that it’s a pleasure for me.


    1. Daria Avatar

      I know- I like it too, but T takes it so personally lol


  4. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I had major blues when I got back from my 30th bday to Paris in 2011. I was living in a condo in suburbia at that time and was miserable. So I rented out my condo that summer and moved downtown where I could have more of a pedestrian lifestyle. Now I like my life far more than I did at that point so I don’t get such strong blues upon return. But I can really relate to those blues!!

    I meant to text you to tell you not to worry about not seeing me next week but the days got away from me when we were traveling. I know I will be back a couple more times this year so I will see you on a future week when hopefully T is not traveling!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Nice!! Yeah, I am sorry we can’t get together – wave when you are here in NJ :))


  5. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    The post-vacation blues are a real thing! I’m sure the jet lag makes it even worse. I love your spring blossoms journal!


  6. jennystancampiano Avatar

    Oh, I know those post-vacation blues. I think the only antidote is time, and keeping busy. But it’s a sign you had a great trip- so that’s good!!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Agreed!! Busy so that I don’t have to think about it..


  7. Diane Avatar

    ouf – I hope that getting back to life/routine/the every day is feeling less onerous by now. I always find it hard to leave the pedestrian parts of life behind for a little while, and then have to return to them. 

    I’m glad you are enjoying the spring blooms. 

    Your library closes so early! Many of our branches here are open until 8pm. A couple times last winter, I’ve taken the kids to the library after dinner, and it was always seemed like a special trip. I get frustrated by library trips sometimes because the kids just want to play on the computers, which I know isn’t terrible, but then they don’t leave time to look at books and then I feel like we missed the point of even going in the first place. Oh well. Libraries are wonderful things, regardless.


  8. J Avatar

    Paris is so beautiful, and you had such an amazing time. The museums and such are truly stunning, but you’re right, it’s the scenery, the parks, the meals, the VIBE that I miss most. I would love to live there for a couple of months someday. Which will likely never happen, but a girl can dream!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hey, I want to do the same. Just this morning I told L- maybe one day we can live in Paris for a month, then we will really get to know the city! 🙂


  9. San Avatar

    I just returned from my own travel and can definitely relate to the post-travel blues. It’s always so odd to travel between to places and to go from leisure vacation mode back to the daily grind. I hope the transition back won’t be too painful for too long.


  10. Stephany Avatar

    Post-travel blues are the worst! I can imagine re-entry is so hard when you’re coming back from such a great vacation and have to get back into work mode – especially teaching! I am a huge homebody so I am usually happy to be home and back to my routine after a vacation, but I always need a few more days to myself before I get back to work, ha.


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