My word for 2024 is *connection* and I think now that the weather is warmer, I am focusing on it with full energy.

Whew… This weekend was busy. BUT no one to blame but myself.


  • SEL day at the high school! Did a mindful eating exercise with the students (some classes =marshmallows, other=chocolates). Then did an EFT tapping exercise with them. They all loved it.
  • After pick-up, we delivered yellow flowers in honor of the International Women’s Day to the babushkas: Tanya first, then Lyuba. Mandatory tea and cakes with Nastya followed while the kids played. About an hour and a half later, we were home.
  • T ordered pizza and salad so we had that. Then we watched a movie after the kids went to bed – Alone, a 2020 horror film.
Flowers delivery 💐


  • Gymnastics for kids. T usually takes them so I can have time alone. I did a meditation, got started on laundry, had quiet time for myself.
  • Then, at 12:30pm L had her first trial piano lesson! Her teacher was great and she stated she is interested to continue. I keep reiterating that she will have homework from the music school- 20 minutes, five times a week. Plus lessons on Saturdays. We are not aiming to become next Lang Lang but I do think it will be good for L.
  • After the lesson, had lunch, then drove over to my friend Anya’s house for a play date. Had tea and cakes with baba Tanya, swapped stories, planned, and just hung out with Tanya and Anya.
  • Then, in the evening, the sitter came and T and I went to dinner and a movie. We saw another horror film – Imaginary.
  • I collapsed into bed at around 10:45PM.


On our way to the parade! ☘️

Spring forward! Up at 6AM. T went to breakfast with the kids and our neighbors, and I stayed alone at the house, made a small dent in laundry, listened to Stephany’s podcast, planned a bit more, stared at the wall, had coffee. Did a face mask, did a body scrub. Mopped floors with Murphy’s Oil Soap, dusted.

In the afternoon, the kids and I went to see my sister-friend H who lives about 20 minutes away and her town had a St. Patrick’s Day parade! We looked at the firetrucks, police cars, and a few floats. It was cold and windy, so we found a lunch place soon after and had some Costa Rican food. My friend and I could chat, and she had time with L and R.

Looking ahead: New York Botanical Gardens is having an orchid show (want to go sometime in April with friends), then they have Alice in Wonderland installations from May to October. We went to see Kusama at NYBG back in 2021, with L, and it was incredible. Want to take both kids this time.

Till April 21

Brief rants

The cost of kids activities… Aftercare for both kids- $600 per month. Gymnastics for both kids: $250 per month. Piano lessons: $160 per month (one kid) + bought a keyboard (200+). Family activities: depends on a place. At least $100 per outing (tickets, lunch, gas, etc) If it’s in NYC, then $150 or more. Don’t get me started on travel. BUT- I no one to blame but me.

Daylight Savings…. WHYYYY. The students are tired, I am tired, we have state testing this whole week (another WHYYYY). We all are zombies. Our morning today with the kids was okay, surprisingly. Oh, and L has strep as of this morning. Welp.

What I need to do is to sit down and just clear my head. A brain dump I think will be helpful.

6 responses to “Feeling Tired + a few rants”

  1. Suzanne Avatar

    Rant echo to the cost of kids’ activities and the senselessness of daylight savings. YUCK.

    You are so busy! I love the yellow flower tradition and the “mandatory tea and cakes.” Delightful!


  2. Melissa Avatar

    Wow, that was a busy weekend … but all very good things I think. Love the expressions on your kids faces in the car, LOL.

    We have certainly found that we have a lot more spare cash to pay for fun things for ourselves now that we are no longer paying for kids stuff.


  3. NGS Avatar

    This time change has really knocked me for a loop. I’ve tried to go outside in the morning hours and I am collapsing into bed at my regular bedtime exhausted, but I’m still considering a nap every afternoon.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Seriously. You get me. So tired.


  4. Stephany Avatar

    Thanks for the shout-out! That made me smile. 🙂

    L is so adorable sitting at the piano – I hope she enjoys lessons!

    Kids activities are SO expensive. My brother talks to me all the time about it – older nephew is doing HS baseball and everything is EXPENSIVE. Not only the cost of the activity, but then all the equipment!


  5. Irena Avatar

    Wow! You have so much energy! When i have coffee dates with my girlfriends on the weekend, i always come back home to a quiet, cozy, and relaxing eveining. I won’t be able to go out on the same day, maybe something to do with my energy :)) On a rare occassion when we need to go to someone’s birthday in the evening, i don’t do any coffees/friend dates during the day. I would be fine running errands, shopping, and doing groceries, but i just can’t have two get togethers in one day. If I do, i feel rushed and don’t enjoy it. Maybe it’s just me.

    In terms of the kids activities – enjoy while they are little 🙂 My kids are now 6 and almost 9, and while I had a rule of no extra activites for the little one while he was in Kindergarten, he is slowly catching up with the older brother. We do piano and Spanish on the days when i work from home (Monday and Tuesday), and then one day (Saturday) is always dedicated to sports – swim lessons/ basketball/ baseball/ taekwando – it waries. They want to do everything, and i have to push them to choose “what is in season” – since summer is coming, lets take a break from taekwando (which challened their energy during the winter months) and try swimming in May-August- it is so much easier to deal with the wet hair, showers, etc when it gets warm outside! The older kid now wants to do baseball, so we signed him up, and the price is $$$!!! Swim leassons were so cheap compared to basebal!! In terms of the private lessons, homework (Spanish and music) is what takes so much of my energy. We now have a somewhat system in place for a homework, so it makes life easier 🙂


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