This post contains me whining about my week, but if not here, then where??

This week was just A LOT. Time change. T was away. L has/had strep. Solo parenting.

And, we had state testing at my school. Tell me, please, WHO schedules state testing the week of daylight savings time? See, I’m moody. I feel so tired… My kids were surprisingly good though. Not much fighting. There were days when we had to brush L’s hair in the car but, big deal, right? For the past three days the weather has been just delicious. After school, R and L spent time outside.

I felt as if treading water. But, I want to find something positive about this week…

1. Did my dental cleaning and check up- every 6th months! 🦷

2. Easter Bunny photos at R’s preschool 🐰

3. Going to bed early all week long- 7:30!

4. L receiving her keyboard and practicing, practicing! Also, signing up for lessons for her, officially. Every Saturday she has a piano lesson. 🎹

5. Eating up food in the refrigerator – it looks nice and empty. I do not like wasting food. 🥘

6. St. Patrick’s day at the school! ☘️

My colleague and I

Things I’m looking forward to this weekend… Making corned beef and cabbage dinner. Making a Leprechaun trap. An Irish dance performance with L on Sunday night in NJPAC. Also, gymnastics and piano. Also, I need rest.

10 responses to “Happy Friday. What a week…”

  1. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    Oh my, that sounds like a tough week. Why would they schedule those tests the week after DST? Why do we even have DST? Or those tests? Well, I hope you get a chance to rest and catch up over the weekend. Your shamrock glasses are so cute!


  2. Melissa Avatar

    Oh yes, I hate that feeling of treading water, I hope you get some time over the weekend to refill your tanks.


  3. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    Oof that is a tough week. That is terrible timing for testing. Everyone is so tired! I traveled this week so Phil was in your shoes with me traveling. So he dealt with overtired kids. But it was nice outside so the boys could scoot every night which really helps!!

    Paul mentioned setting a leprechaun trap as I guess they talked about it at school. I just feigned ignorance because I really don’t want to do it. Yes I am not a fun mom!! 🙈


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh, you are a fabulous mom! I love St Patrick’s day albeit being Russian, so I am here for it- actually, let’s put T to work- he is a maker of the family.


  4. Coco Avatar

    solo parenting is definitely challenging at your kids age… glad it’s over and you’ve still managed to do a lot! Love that pic, so cheerful. btw, your skin loooks sooo good. what’s your skincare routine or is it genetic?


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hey Coco, definitely NOT genetic. Been using cream with squalane for day and serum for night from Dermalogica. Thank you for saying that 🙂


  5. NGS Avatar

    It’s always crazy to me when schools acknowledge religious holidays like Easter. How do they not get in trouble for that?!


    1. Daria Avatar

      I honestly don’t know… The whole separation of church and state.. We are in a district that is heavily Christian/baptist, maybe that’s why? The community is driving the schools I think?


  6. jennystancampiano Avatar

    Yes, if you can’t whine on your blog, where CAN you whine? I’ve been doing plenty of it! I hope this week is a better week for you. That is absolutely crazy they had the state tests the week after DST. Someone didn’t look into that very carefully. The time change definitely made for a rough week… but we made it, it’s a new week and hopefully a better one!


  7. Want some minutiae of my life? Here ya go! – Mom of Children Avatar

    […] past weekend was really nice. Albeit I was so sour on Friday night, I felt better as the weekend progressed. I had some time to myself. I watched Society of the Snow […]


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