Stuffed my winter hat with her hat, gloves, and scarf.

I have stuff brewing in my head and I just need to get it out on the page.

1. Went to see a Mad Scientist show with the kiddos at the reservation yesterday. It was boring, I’m sorry to say, but – something to do, ya know?

2. Kids had their friends come over yesterday for a while- it was lovely! They played inside, then outside, then inside again. They are the twin girls of our neighbors that drop L to school when T is traveling.

Barbecue is closed until further notice

3. This essay from Leslie Jamison in the New Yorker (behind the paywall, sorry, but you can find it through Libby. It’s from January 22, 2024 issue).

3. Tiago Forte’s Second Brain was mildly infuriating. I returned it early after two days of him explaining why we should write things down. I’m not sure about the intended audience but I have an accessory notebook and I use Google Keep to save information. I also keep a stack of Post-its in the car and will jot down thoughts for later processing. I save about 5% of input and usually delete it afterwards. Example: itinerary to Iceland, deleted after the trip to Iceland was completed. If you liked his book, tell me why, because it was not for me.

4. This meditation on Insight Timer ->

I am not religious but I do believe in angels. Go figure.

5. A few beers with my close friend H yesterday at a local restaurant. Tried a crême brûlée beer and an apple cider. Add that one for connection (2024 word). Talked to her about so many things that were on my mind lately: mom anger, dealing with aging, winter blues, upcoming trips.

6. So many good podcast episodes but will just share this one ->

7. Found this 6/10 rule on the Internets… Daily six cleaning tasks and weekly ten cleaning tasks. This is a lot! Vacuum every day 😵‍💫 maybe a little section but not the whole house… Vacuum car monthly? I’m so behind on all of these… One load of laundry every day??

What’s on your mind today?

14 responses to “Mad science/Second Brain/ 6-10 rule”

  1. Tina Avatar

    Ugh, that 6/10 rules. I’m already stressed looking at it and how I will find every way possible to procrastinate and not do any of them. I’m absolutely the worst with lists like those. I applaud and admire those who can adhere to them and I wish I could, it would probably make my life easier in the long run, but I guess I’m happy enough with vacuuming twice a week.


  2. Coco Avatar

    I didn’t like second Brain either mostly because I felt like too much “work” to organize household/life staff… may be good for entrepreneurs or creators. not for me.


  3. Natka Avatar

    #5 sounds so, so good! Chatting with a close friend about anything and everything! I miss this. And mom anger – yup, and aging – but this just reminds us that we are human.

    #7 and the 6/10 rule… No way 🙂


  4. NGS Avatar

    Who’s cleaning their microwave every week? What are making in there? So many questions. If I followed that schedule, I’d be prioritizing housework far more than I want to!


  5. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    I love your snowy scene photo! And I’m laughing about the cleaning lists. Whoever made that list was obsessed with housework! 🤣 I’m more of a “clean it if I notice it’s dirty” housekeeper!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Same!! Vacuum every day?? Not in this life for me.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    Who is doing all of the stuff on that 6/10 list? I have never vacuumed our car. Phil might do it like twice a year? If that? I hate lists like that because so much is so impractical. What in the world.

    I didn’t feel compelled to read second brain but I know Kae and SHU loved it! It’s funny how a book can be so right for some and so wrong for others!

    The venting/catch up beers with your friend sounds amazing! I will be back in NJ in April – maybe it will work out for us to meet up again. I will let you know when things are more finalized!


    1. Daria Avatar

      HA. The car. Oh gosh, my poor car. I love it, and I pick up the trash regularly (in fact, I have a trash-collector- a bag in my car) but vacuuming… It’s just such a pain. But it looks so nice afterwards…


  7. Grateful Kae Avatar

    I did like Second Brain! BUT, I guess maybe with the caveat that I didn’t necessarily love every bit of it. I think I mostly just really liked that it inspired me to fine tune some of the practices I already had in place- but to improve them. And, it made me realize that I can save anything I want! I had been feeling often like I would hear something or see something (online, TV, conversation, whatever) and would think, “Oh, that’s a good idea- I should do that! Or remember that, etc.” But then I often didn’t write them down or save them anywhere, so those things would sort of just slip away, or I’d THINK I would just remember them, but then I didn’t, actually…. Second Brain just made me realize I think that I already had a place that those things could go! (Google Keep). So the book really just inspired me to use Keep much more often, and for anything, than I had been. I did feel like the end dragged on for me, and I don’t feel compelled to do his PARA organizing system. (I don’t feel that works out great with Keep?) So I’m not sure I got a ton of specifics out of the book besides just the (important, for me) encouragement and reminder to really lean into my Second Brain!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you so much, Kae! That is very good to know. See, I didn;t even get to his PARA method- that is how quickly I returned the book LOL I’m so impulsive.


  8. Kyria @ Travel Spot Avatar

    That 6/10 list is absurd. I don’t do half of them and I think its fine. I mean, who does a load of laundry every day? I know maybe if you have lots of kids you may do that, and I get wanting to stay ahead of it, but…no thanks! I am like Lisa, I clean out my car maybe twice a year and I clean the bathroom a couple of times a month and I only just wiped the baseboards for the first time in 10 years because I had to paint them. I mean, I dust them, but I don’t go all out every time! Whew, I would rather spend time with family or travel than spend all my time worrying about how clean mhy house is.


    1. Daria Avatar



  9. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    HAHAHA wipe out fridge seriously? I don’t think I do that nearly enough.


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