I’ll start with lowlights. Last night was not pretty, parenting-wise. The kids were fighting, R was whining, and not wanting to eat, and not wanting to do anything except whine.

I explode. I yell at both of them, send them up to their rooms, they are both crying. I then cry my eyes out because I feel like an ultimate shit.

The kids were incredibly compassionate. As I type this, my eyes are clouding at how forgiving they both were. L sat by me, stroked my back, saying “rough day, mom, rough day.” R was sitting next to me and saying “deep breath mom; smell the flower, blow out the candle.” He then slid onto my lap. The saddest thing of all, is that we have Nest cameras in kids rooms (from their baby days) and all of that was recorded and saved in Nest memory. Yep.

Another lowlight is that Cigna, our medical insurance company, keeps processing the claims as out-of-network while our kids’ doctor is IN network. Ugh, frustrating. So I constantly have to call them and ask for claim reprocessing. I miss Horizon BCBS of NJ.


Snow day on Tuesday! It was wonderful to have that day with the kids.

Isn’t he cute? Oh and those are the curtains I talked about in January post.

A few social events at work! Adding those to my word of the year – connection. One day we had a Lunch and Learn initiative to talk about healthy lunches and maintaining our energy levels. I think out district employs a health consultant/dietitian. Then on Thursday, the whole school went out for a glass of wine or beer to a local bar. Even the principal and the vice principal.

T received his annual bonus at work – congratulations, honey, much deserved!!

The kids celebrated their 100th day of school and Valentine’s Day at their respective schools. I bought a bouquet of a dozen red roses, untied the twine, and the kids distributed individual red roses to R’s preschool and L’s aftercare staff. It was lovely.

100 day of school 🏫

Things to Look Forward to:

  1. Gymnastics class
  2. A magician event for kids at the reservation
  3. Monday off for President’s Day
  4. Parent-teacher association meeting
  5. A world language teacher conference in NYC of Thursday and Friday of next week! Woot woot. This is my 4th time attending. I have an Airbnb and I’ll be there for two nights, the conference is Thursday – Saturday.
  6. Saturday – T’s birthday celebration!

9 responses to “Highlights…Lowlights”

  1. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    Sorry you had rough patches in your week but how lovely the kids comforted you.
    Enjoy your conference and those two days. May they be inspiring and good for your should.


  2. Coco Avatar

    We all have those days. It’s so nice that your kids understand.


    1. Daria Avatar

      I scared myself when I yelled like a maniac.


  3. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    Hugs to you, Daria. Parents are people too and can’t always react perfectly when things are rough. Having it recorded on Nest is a sobering thought! I hope you enjoyed the fun things you were looking forward to!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you Michelle! Right back at you: hugs!


  4. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I can so relate to the tough parenting moments. I lost my cool with the boys last night, too. We are struggling to get taco to use the potty and instead it takes tiny poops in a short period of time and I was just past my limit last night and so tired of wiping poops butts. I know bigger kids come with bigger problems but the little kid years are VERY hard for me.

    The conference in the city sounds awesome!!


  5. J Avatar

    You’re definitely not alone in having scary moments while parenting. My daughter made me so angry once (fighting about math homework) that I threw her math book against the wall and broke it. I felt bad about that, and about yelling at her, and how angry I was. But I still let her go to school the next day with a broken book, and she got to explain to her teachers what happened and why. Hang in there.


  6. Stephany Avatar

    Aww… I love the compassion from your kids! You’re raising good humans. I think it helps kids see that adults can lose their cool sometimes and it’s okay as long as you apologize afterward. ❤


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hugs my friend, thank you for the validation.


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