New Jersey got some snow and the schools in 13 counties are closed for the whole day today. That is a nice surprise since T is traveling and I’m solo parenting. So, instead of doing the drop off and getting myself to work, I get to spend the whole day home. I will still be working because I am a mother, but it’ll be more low stakes: play in the snow, watch a cozy movie with them, make a leisurely breakfast.

The weekend was a nice mishmash of Lunar New Year and Valentine’s Day celebrations.

Lunar New Year. While I am not of Asian origin, I am Russian, and my region in the south of Russia has a very strong connection to Asia. So Lunar New Year has always been important to me. Even when I was little, I remember celebrating it with mom, reading up on different animals for each year, discussing our fortunes for the year (mom and I are both Roosters), and visiting Asian shops for some snacks and firecrackers.

Valentine’s Day. T is away this week so we will miss Valentine’s Day so we celebrated on Sunday. And by “celebrated” I mean gave cards and chocolates to each other and the kids.

Cats on chocolates, I can’t…


1. Gymnastics class. Glad the kiddos have this weekly opportunity.

2. Making cards with L with tiny gemstones. Not for someone with little patience like me, but it was cute.

3. Going to the Asian Foods Market and loading up on panda snacks, pot stickers, shumai, and bok choi.

4. Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company performance with L at NJPAC in Newark. Lovely, uplifting, inspiring. I hope the dragon is kind to us all this year!

5. Breakfast at our regular diner on Sunday morning.

6. Walks, with kids and alone.

The year of the green wood dragon 🐉

13 responses to “A nice surprise”

  1. Elisabeth Avatar

    CATS ON CHOCOLATES. Best thing ever!


  2. NGS Avatar

    I love Valentine’s Day so much. Yay for fun crafts!


  3. Coco Avatar

    I didn’t know chinese new year is celebrated in Russia. how interesting! what’s your favorite chinese food/snack?
    I miss walking with kids and alone.


  4. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    I always learn something new from your blog, such as Russia celebrating Chinese New Year! I hope the dragon is good to you!


  5. Diane Avatar

    I did remember to call my father for Lunar New Year, though my mother is in Taiwan with my grandfather so I didn’t get to talk to her.
    We don’t do anything special for Lunar New Year – I guess it was never a huge deal when I was growing up. Or maybe because we lived in a very small town and there weren’t a lot of other Asian families around? This year my parents sent us oranges from their tree, and my neighbor gave us a box of pineapple pancakes. We used San Francisco playing in the Superbowl as an excuse to eat dumplings and steamed buns at our Superbowl party too.
    Ironically, my 4 year old today came home and said she had to wear red to school tomorrow, and at first I thought it was for some kind of belated Lunar New Year celebration, but it’s actually for Valentines Day. Hah.


  6. Sarah Avatar

    yay snow days!!!


  7. Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    I grew up in North Dakota which has a very, um, white population. So I did not know anything about Lunar New Year until I moved to Minneapolis, and really I feel like I’ve only been more aware of it in the last 5-10 years? I like hearing about how others recognize it! A local museum had an event that I would have taken the boys to if I had known about it.

    We have yet to have a snow day! We did get 7″ of snow on Wed night but it was business as usual the next day since we are Midwesterners that can handle that much snow. It’s already melting, though, so we won’t be able to enjoy it. I do hope we get some snow again so we can take the boys sledding. If I had more energy on week nights, I would have taken them last night but it’s tough when we get home at 5:15 and they need to eat right away and it gets dark so early…


    1. Daria Avatar

      Ohhh NJ is so sensitive to snow! We get 1-3 inches- disaster!!! LOL


  8. Suzanne Avatar

    Hooray for a snow day! Especially on a day when single parenting.


  9. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    What a gift a snow day can be. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Was also not aware that Lunar New Year is observed in part of Russia. Interesting.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh yes, Russian spans two sections- Europe and Asia. I’m from the Asian part. In my town we had many people from China, Central Asia, Mongolia come and work. It was cool 🙂


  10. San Avatar

    I haven’t been out for breakfast at a diner in forever. I wanna go 🙂


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