🥑Health. Had my gyn appointment and found out I am officially in perimenopause. Not surprised but hurray. That explains the night sweats I sometimes get. Was told to increase my vitamin D intake and ordered magnesium. Apparently, it helps with sleep and stress response…? Of course, the topic of exercise came up. Need to start lifting.

R is feeling better from his stomach issue this past Sunday into Monday night; and L has strep! It just never ends.

🧸Family. The kids had their parent-teacher conferences. I went to L’s and T went to R’s conference. L’s teacher feedback. Hard worker, always completes homework, can read, grew very much since the beginning of the year. Should work on: reading between the lines, using textual evidence to make inferences, and make predictions based on information that is implicit. Something the teacher said that rubbed me the wrong way a bit (or a lot): “I have this other student who can’t read as well as L can but they are making inferences and making connections to self and the world.” It’s not what the teacher said but it’s what I heard: “L is bubble wrapped.” Honestly, she is. Both of my kids are quite sheltered. We live in a bubble. Soon enough, life will toughen them up. Socially, L is doing well but is very sensitive. Forgot to brush her teeth- tears. Forgot to brush her hair-tears. Forgot to wear earrings- tears. I see some perfectionistic tendencies coming from internal expectations.

R’s feedback: ready for kindergarten (I don’t believe that he is but, okay) and can be a tattletale. Often reports other kids to the teacher instead of saying “leave me alone” instead. Gotta love this age.

📒Work. Worked for four days since R was sick so I took Monday off to care for him. All is well at work. Finished and submitted my SGOs. SGOs are Student Growth Objectives and require all teachers to document growth in their students. In essence, you give an assessment at the beginning of the year, they all fail; then you give a similar assessment in February, and see who grew. They ALL grow, albeit some more than others.

Participated in a school improvement committee to brainstorm ideas on Back-to-School night alternatives and cell phone policy for the district.

🤝Connection. Throughout the week touched base with a. my three close friends, b. mom group and c. some neighbors. R had an impromptu playdate during the week at his besties house. ❤️Today I met up with colleagues from my prior district to celebrate Galentine’s day! ❤️

🏠House. Is still standing. We thoroughly cleaned last weekend, and this weekend I just want to do the upkeep. The landscaper cleaned the back patio- omg, I didn’t realize how dirty it was.

Our patio. On the right- clean. On the left- not clean.

👸Self. Now that the evil luteal phase is over, I feel better. My energy levels are better, and I am in a considerably better mood. Did treat myself to a croissant and a matcha tea from Wawa one morning before work. Missed a day or two of meditations but then did them at night. Read the Historian by Elizabeth Kostova.

Weekend happenings

  • Prep for T being away next week (laundry, floors, stock, meal ideas)
  • Gymnastics on Saturday + Lunar New year!
  • Lunar New Year dance show on Sunday at NJPAC in Newark with L
  • Visit Asian Foods market to get red bean buns for Lunar New year celebration at work next week
  • Read, blog, walk, rest.
R at his best buddy’s house

17 responses to “Evaluating…”

  1. Coco Avatar

    How can you check you are in perimenopause? I’m intrigued. I’ve been reading a lot about it to prepare myself, but still not sure when to confirm it.
    Luteal phase is the worst but knowing it’s the worst makes it less bad as it’s normal part of the cycle. I learned to be more gentle in those days.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hi Coco! So far they haven’t tested the hormones, but from what I told them, I guess they made a diagnosis. Apparently, very early perimenopause starts at age 35. For me my symptoms so far are night sweats and heavier than normal periods.


      1. Coco Avatar

        Thanks! I didn’t know you can get that early. Any treatment for those symptoms?


  2. Kyria @ Travel Spot Avatar

    That is interesting that they diagnosed perimenopause without hormone tests. I told my GYN I had been having certain symptoms and asked if it could be peri and she basically told me I was too young! (PS I am 45 and my Mom started in her early/mid 40s) I wonder if I should ask to have a hormone test instead (or go to a different doctor!) I do not have night sweats but have been bloated, heavier periods and have been hot often when the two guys in my office with me are not. I have to admit, I would like to just get it over with, so maybe it is just wishful thinking.


    1. Daria Avatar

      I wonder the same thing. I especially dislike the night sweats. They are not major but unpleasant nonetheless.


  3. Grateful Kae Avatar

    Sorry you’re having more illnesses in the house!! UGH. That’s the worst. I’m glad they both got generally good school reports though! That’s tough to have a super sensitive kid, but I think many of us are just that way. She’ll be ok!! And the tattletale thing is hard, because we all know that other kids just hate that, but I think at that age, it’s often the right call… though I know we do want to teach them to stand up for themselves, too.. It’s a process! Don’t worry about it. 🙂


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thanks Kae!! Totally valid!


  4. NGS Avatar

    It’s interesting that they’re teaching about reading between the lines so early. I honestly feel like I didn’t get lessons in things like foreshadowing, symbolism, etc. until I was a teenager. Such high academic expectations for children these days!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Yep… I was homeschooled so I think I missed that lesson entirely… lol


  5. San Avatar

    I was also intrigued to hear that you’re officially in perimenopause. I thought it was mainly determined by symptoms? How did they diagnose it?
    I am looking for/paying attention for any changes, but I am not sure yet if there is anything that would be attributed to perimenopause.

    So nice you were able to connect with friends this week. That’s always a highlight of a week, I think 🙂


    1. Daria Avatar

      Honestly, I don’t even know. I stated the symptoms, and the doctor was like yep, you are in it. Okay…


  6. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    That is tough feedback to hear. Can’t the teacher be pleased with the fact that she can read which is not something all kids can do? Our fall conference for Paul wasn’t super great – lots of focus on how he was kind of a dawdler. The Feb conference is optional and I am traveling that week so I asked over email if there was anything I should know and got such a raving report about him. So that was nice to hear since the fall conference was kind of a buzz kill…

    I have some symptoms of perimenopause but not enough to probably be fully in that stage. Like I don’t get night sweats. My cycles are heavier and less predictable and I can bleed on and off for like 10 days! I would like to be done with the whole thing!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Definitely heavier periods here, too! Night sweats, and irritability (although that was always my problem, especially since I became a parent lol).
      Thanks for sharing about your experience, I was thinking the same thing, but also appreciate the high expectations.


  7. J Avatar

    It’s hard with a kid who is sensitive, I think. Have you read ‘The Highly Sensitive Child’? I have not, but perhaps should have. My daughter is very sensitive, though she is definitely stronger as an adult.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you Julie! Will add that to the list!


  8. Melissa Avatar

    I think I have probably been in perimenopause for about three years now. Mainly just heavier periods, and the odd late one. And itchy feet when I’m in bed, which may be due to overheating. My sister who is two years younger said she has been getting itchy feet in bed lately too so I think it must be realted, although it’s not something that I’ve read. I started weight training in the gym last year. My sister is keen to get done with periods and asked my mum when she could expect to be done and mum said 60! Uggh!

    I think sensitivity is just part of a child’s personality. My eldest is very sensitive, with lots of feelings, that she can’t necessarily just shake off to “get on with things” but she is now an adult, finished her degree and enjoying working. She learned how to manage her anxiety. My son is also very up and down with his emotions. At first it really affected me when he would be crying, but then I realised that in 15 mins he’d probably be on top of the world and I just had to wait it out. It can be very wearing though. Luckily my middle one is very even emotionally, more like me.


  9. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    I am not looking forward going through perimenopause but it will happen.
    When I was at the gyn early January and asked how I will know she just told me I will know. Well, thank you…

    Wow, what a difference the clean and dirty patio.


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