Oh, what a weekend… This weekend I really felt up (Saturday) and down (Sunday).

Saturday I actually had energy! I know, right? 😳 The weather was grey but no rain. Went to gymnastics, then played at home. L and I took a field trip to Walgreens, loaded up on treats, and went to the playground to eat said treats while R napped.

Like I said, grey!

I then had a totally last minute lunch date with good friends.

After coming back from lunch, I did some laundry, then bathed the kids for the night. It was only 5pm! 🤣 Then – a neighbor asked if R wants to come over a play for a bit with her son. Why, of course!! So I brought him over, clean and nice-smelling, in his pajamas, for an impromptu play date. After the kids went bed, T and I watched a horror movie that I fell asleep to. Oops.

Sunday. Ugh, Sunday was raining cats and dogs. And I felt utterly miserable. My usual, relatively patient, fuse was short. R started his morning with whining. Typical, but my whining threshold happened to be very low. After yelling, I locked myself in the bathroom, cried for a bit thus somewhat de-escalating. I then checked my calendar. Sure enough, luteal phase! No surprise that I am feeling miserable! Except, how do I pull myself out of this state of misery?

Then decided: I need to get outSo I went to a Korean sauna. They had a 30 minute massage opening this morning so I grabbed it.

This type of massage was a new experience for me- Accupressure. It’s a Japanese practice during which the therapist gets on the table with you and uses their elbows (?) and knees (?) to stimulate pressure points. They tap, and stretch, and push, and pull; everything through a thin sheet. I thought it was interesting. And, I tried something new. Then after a few hours of roasting in the sauna, hopefully I sweated the negativity out. Also, I tried a new Korean dish – bibimbap and shaved ice dessert, served with condensed milk.

This coming week, as I go through luteal phase, I am setting a reminder for myself to be kind. To myself and others. Don’t chew anybody out. Take a breath before speaking. Don’t react. Take care of yourself. Want carbs? Eat carbs. Want rest? Rest. Want to read? Read.

In summation. Overall, it was a good weekend. I saw friends, spent time with family, and did something for myself. I feel calmer as I type this, hours after exploding onto the kids this morning.

Next week… January ends, February starts. L’s school has a STEAM night which is fun to attend with both kids, and L has her annual physical. Blog post ideas: reflect on the month of January, use my yearly intention list to set some intentions for February.

6 responses to “Up and Down I Go”

  1. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I am glad you had a chance to reset by going to the spa! That massage sounds interesting but probably effective? I have had massages where they climb up and use their body weight to work out knots. It’s not exactly relaxing but it does take care of the knots!

    Our weekend was pretty decent overall. We were supposed to go to my parents but Paul woke with a fever on Friday and then threw up sat am. He was better by later that day. Today was the better day. I baked cookies with the boys in the morning, Paul had swimming and then we went to the park after naptime. Having plans and getting out of the house is good for all of us!


  2. Coco Avatar

    I’ve became very mindful about my mood/physical body during luteal phase, and do what you suggest too. I don’t know why it took me decades to figure it out.
    I love that you spent time by yourself to recharge, so important!!!


  3. Kyria @ Travel Spot Avatar

    That massage sounds kind of like a Thai massage; they really beat you up! I think it is good for something but usually I just want to be softly stroked. 😛 you really have to be in the mood to get the elbow treatment (or feet!) I am glad that you had a chance to reset your mood. I felt the same way today….not super motivated and feeling like eating cereal all day rather than make real food, then I actually started my period!


  4. Diane Avatar

    I hate how cliched it feels that my mood goes up or down with my cycle, but it’s true, so I guess there is some benefit in being able to track and have that self-awareness. My oldest definitely gets very volatile and emotional leading up to her period and I never think of that until after we’ve had some big blow out argument. I feel like my tracking her cycle is a little invasive, but maybe I need to be prepared? hah!
    I’m not a massage person – I hate the idea of people touching me – but it does sound like it was the perfect thing for you!


  5. J Avatar

    I’m glad you got that massage, if nothing else it got you out of the house and gave you a chance to just focus on YOU. When I was a teenager, my mom and my cycles were synced up, and boy, the week before we got our periods could be ROUGH. Hang in there.


  6. San Avatar

    Go you. Way to take care of yourself. It’s good to realize what we need at a specific moment!


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