1. When leaving work yesterday, I saw the world wrapped in fog. Eerily beautiful.

2. Sitting by R’s side as he settled to sleep. He had a rough evening, acted tired and cranky.

3. Neighbor reaching out to me yesterday to see if R wants to an impromptu play date for an hour. Why, of course!

4. Meeting my study hall students yesterday for the first time- we will be together till June.

5. Making L laugh after using her nose and forehead as a “ski slope” at bed time last night.

6. This is materialistic but: ordering stuff on Amazon to use up my rebate card. Under eye patches (thanks, Suzanne!), bath bombs with small toys in them, a few books, a water proof phone case for the beach (about time).

9. Researching places in Paris and adding them to “Paris” Google Maps folder. Joanna’s post from a cup of Jo is full of ideas for Paris with kids.

10. Getting my third, and last observation in! Unannounced. By my very laid back yet supportive supervisor.

11. Coming up with an idea! This Friday, after R’s annual physical, him and I are going out for some ice cream!

12 responses to “Glimmers”

  1. Kyria @ Travel Spot Avatar

    I love the ice cream idea! My parents used to take me for a milkshake after going to the dentist and it definitely made it easier to handle! Ice cream is a balm to soothe all kinds of things!


    1. Daria Avatar

      haha totally!! Plus, some quality time with my son ❤


  2. Grateful Kae Avatar

    Congrats on getting those observations out of the way! I feel like that would be….stressful. I would not like someone just showing up on me like that! But I am sure you crushed it.

    I am getting a little anxious because we have a trip coming up in March and another in June and besides securing lodging, I haven’t done really any planning for either yet!! AND we still need to book the flights to Hawaii in June. And figure out car rentals! I feel like I will blink and it will be the end of the school year, so I am itching to find some time to carve out to start tackling more detailed trip plans/ form our itinerary.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Whew! YES. Feels good 🙂
      You know, I book everything pretty much at the same time. With Paris, I book everything within a few days. Same with Italy. Otherwise, I can’t… with anxiety. Plus, I felt like with Italy especially, Northern Europeans will start storming the beaches in August and I don’t want to be house-less with two kids. I need a place with a kitchen and a washing machine.


  3. Coco Avatar

    please share your Paris plans! we are going there in April.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Sure thing! No GRAND plans rather this idea of slow travel..


  4. J Avatar

    PARIS! I had forgotten you were going. So exciting. I have heard the chocolate museum is a lot of fun.

    We used to get ice cream after a vaccine. It helped.

    I love the eerie beauty of fog, especially when it is nesting in the valleys between hills.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Right?! So moody!! Also, when your headlights shine through the fog. The chocolate museum! Will add to the list of possibilities.


  5. NGS Avatar

    The fog! I was driving on Thursday from Wisconsin to Michigan and it was so foggy! That fog was record breaking, so I tried to enjoy its beauty instead of freaking out about how scary it was to drive in!


    1. Daria Avatar

      I love how you said that!! It’s rare and the world looks so different, right?


  6. Anne Avatar

    Oh, what phone case did you get for the beach? Or, what brand? I’d love to have one (albeit not always for the beach, LOL).


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hi Anne! It’s this one: https://a.co/d/7D92jvN Like you, I am not sure whether I’ll be using it at the beach, but I feel like it’s good to wear around my neck- I always misplace my phone!


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