Oh, dear readers, I feel like I have so some much to say and, at the same time, it could be all rambles and fluff. But, if not here, then where?

Physical health. I am sick, yet again. Last week I was walking around with an overall sense of malaise and some body aches. In the mean time, at-home tests kept coming back negative, so I muscled through the week, as per usual. Mind you, T was away so it’s me and the kids (read: everything is on me). T came back from his trip on Thursday, in the afternoon and said he will pick up the kids. I went to get a hair trim, then came back home and just could not get warm! I got into the shower, turned the water temperature up to 95 F, still cold! So get out of the shower and climb under the blankets. A few hours pass, and now I am really hot! I take my temperature, and, sure enough, 103 F! As an adult, I rarely get fevers but this was not fun. After some NyQuil and many cups of tea with lemon and honey, I dosed off.

My intuition tells me that maybe this whole week I had somewhat of a fever but stupidly never measured it. But on Thursday night my body was like “enough” and gave me a 103 fever.

Friday I took off since I was in no shape to teach that day. Turned out, almost all schools in the area had early dismissals due to about 3 inches of snow in New Jersey that fell in the late morning. We kept both kids home that day. My cough subsided somewhat but is still present. I decided that next week I am going to a pulmonologist. I’m done with coughing like a Scottish grandpa with a pipe (nothing against grandpas. Or Scotland. Or pipes).

Self. I continue taking good care of my face. I ran out of my night cream and ordered a different one from Sephora. On a pricey side, but that is my commitment to myself. Also, Lâncome Définicils mascara is my new favorite mascara! Also, naps. I’ve been taking naps on weekends [almost] without guilt. Around noon, R usually goes down for a nap. And I started doing the same. Yes, clean laundry is sitting there, glaring at me, waiting to be folded, and dusting and vacuuming can/should always be done. But. I need to take better care of myself.

Podcasts rec’s: Watch Me Dependency from Kim John Payne, Why Do Moms Get All The Blame? from What Fresh Hell Podcast and Finding Focus from the Hidden Brain podcast.

Q1 is here! Q1 encompasses January, February and runs all the way up to our spring break. So, it’s a long quintile. I find it it helpful to break it up into smaller chunks so that it is clear what we can look forward to. I also usually pinpoint what holidays/celebrations/traditions or opportunities we have for each month. Opportunities are marked with a [?].

Holidays provide good teachable opportunities: via crafts, food or a field trip: Lunar New Year, March 8th, St. Patrick’s day. I keep meaning to take the kids to Asia Society in NYC for their Lunar New Year celebration. Maybe this year?

☐ New year energy
☐ Kids’ annual physicals 
☐ R’s birthday
☐ MLK day
☐ Create 2023 photo book
☐ Global view of the year
☐ Valentine’s day
☐ T’s birthday
☐ Lunar New Year [?]
☐ President’s day
☐ professional
conference NYC
☐ Social hour at work
☐ Annie the musical [?]
☐ March 8th
International Women’s day 
☐ annual mammo+breast ultra sound
☐ St. Patrick’s Day
☐ start summative
process at work
☐Pinca-licious musical [?]
☐ Almost at spring break!

I want to note that we like to somehow celebrate a variety of holidays. We don’t go all out but I feel it’s nice to receive a self-made card and some chocolates for Valentine’s Day. Yes, it’s a Hallmark holiday, so what? The kids have fun, I have fun. I usually wear red to work, the kids wear red or pink to school. It’s cute. T and I buy each other candy, watch a movie together.

March 8th is Women’s Day, a socialist holiday that not celebrated here. Among my Russian friends, however, that is an important celebration. I usually buy a few stems of yellow flowers (yellow is a color of solidarity), and the kids give them to their respective teachers, with a card that they wrote. It’s nice.

St. Patrick’s Day. We make corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes, get some soda bread, and some Guinness. Some green food coloring in kids’ milks and some gold chocolate coins. Last year we did not build a leprechaun trap, but this year, we will!

🤣 from last year’s St. Patrick’s day ☘️

13 responses to “Health+Q1 planning”

  1. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I am glad you are going back to the doctor! You might have pneumonia! Or something else. Best to get it checked out! Terrible timing to not feel well when you are solo parenting!

    We are not great at recognizing small holidays… I should work on that!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      The holidays are more for me 😉 otherwise I get caught up in the routines and get depressed.


  2. Coco Avatar

    sorry to hear you got sick. getting 103 as adult is not fun at all. hope the doctor figures out what you have and get you proper treatment.


  3. Sarah Avatar

    Oooooh— I am on for 3/8– what a great holiday!

    I hope you feel better fast, and I agree about Definicils. I have used a ton of mascaras and always come back to that classic.


  4. Diane Avatar

    Oh! I’m so sorry to hear you have been sick! Being sick is always the worst! I love how you plan out celebrations. I feel like the worst Asian daughter in that I *never* know when Lunar New Year is until it is too late to do anything. But your post prompted me to look it up, and now I know. (And it’s the same weekend as the Superbowl…. hmmm wondering if there is a creative way to combine the two???)


    1. Daria Avatar

      I feel like it’s late this year… Feb 10… There probably is a way! Let me know if you have any ideas.


  5. Kyria @ Travel Spot Avatar

    I hope that you are feeling better! I hate being sick and have rarely had a fever over the past couple of decades, knock on wood! I don’t mind holidays but I am not a fan of crowds so anything with a large group of people or a parade, I try to avoid. Lunar New Year is fun in San Francisco, but it is A LOT so I don’t mind taking part only every several years instead of every one.


  6. J Avatar

    Wow, 103? That sounds miserable. I’m glad that you are going back to the doctor. I am going to buy some yellow flowers for Women’s Day, thank you for the heads up!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Sure! It is such a good holiday imo


  7. Stephany Avatar

    You poor thing! You just cannot get well. I hope you are able to get in to see a pulmonologist SOON so you can figure out what’s going on. I rarely get fevers, but I have a friend who gets one every time she gets sick. It’s crazy how bodies are like that!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hugs, Stephany!! Thank you for your kind words xo


  8. San Avatar

    I am sorry you’ve been sick again… I hope by the time I have caught up on your blog, I found out that you’ve been on the mend.


  9. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    I am so so sorry to hear your are continuing struggling with your health. I feel you. It is so annoying and slowing down everything.
    I’ve been sick since late October for at least 2 weeks a months. Its exhausting. Besides a migraine attack in February I am doing fine. I hope I have it behind.
    Only way to get through is taking care of yourself and giving the body time to heal itself. Easier said than done, right?

    Did you know that in Berlin March 8th is an official holiday? A couple of years back officials realized that within Germany Berlin citizens are among the ones with the least holidays. So there was a vote which day should be a holiday and woman’s day made it. So its a day of while the entire rest of Germany needs to work (don’t pity them, they have a gazillion other holidays we work).


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