Big guy is 4!

R’s birthday was a success. In reality, how could it not be? He got a cake, a party, and gifts. That is all what a newly four year old wants! But I’ll go in order.

On Friday night I picked them up from after care, brought them home. Saturday was spent in gymnastics, my Russian friend’s house, doing laundry, reading and napping. Yes, I napped! And so did R 😉

Sunday was R’s party. We got balloons for him, an ice cream cake, and pizza. His aunties (my friends who are really sisters) came over. One friend from his pre-school class. A few neighbor families we are close to. I thought is was a perfect amount of people. It was wonderful to see my son so happy!

The birthday boy with his aunties
Cake time! It was an ice cream cake with R’s face and transformers!

Gifts. R received just a few toys, a table top game (shoots and ladders!), a few articles of clothing, and some cash. Whatever cash he got, we transferred it into his brokerage account. We do it for both kids on their birthdays.

He also got a “take me out” gift. In other words, an auntie will take him out and do whatever he wants. Example: his auntie B took him to get chocolate chip pancakes last year, a year prior they went to the zoo, and to TJ Maxx, from where they came back with toy cars that he picked. This year I am not sure what they will do, but we have to set the date. I am usually not present, and I don’t want to be present. I want R to have time with whoever is taking him out. Of course, there has to be a very high level of trust. L also received a gift like that from her auntie H, that she still needs to cash in.

Monday was MLK day, and it was cold but also kid of enjoyable. T rolled his eyes when I said I want to get out with the kids for a bit. We bundled up, and went for a very short hike.

Our usual place to hike

On Monday night, the schools in the area called a two hour delay due to this snow storm. On Tuesday T left early in the morning for his flight. Meanwhile the snow is coming down. I am getting ready to go to work and to drop off the kids, and I am having chest aches because I am still- still!- coughing. And I am thinking “how can I be in two places at the same time?” Then I get a call from my district: “closed for the day.” Whew. That was such good news. Now I can drop off both kids and not stress about it!

You see, my district is up on the mountain so I wonder if the conditions up there were more dangerous. In my town, yes, it was snowing but not majorly.

The universe must have heard me. So the kids and I went to Panera for a while, then I dropped them off, came home, took some medicine, and lied down. Oh and I saw a fox!🦊

Delayed opening at Panera
Not the best picture but yes, we have foxes here. In NJ.
Such beautiful animals

17 responses to “Weekend recap/Snow Day/Life”

  1. Coco Avatar

    Happy birthday R! He looks so happy in those pics! you saw a fox? that’s incredible! how rare is to see those animals! so cool!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thanks Coco! He really had a wonderful time 🙂 We have quite a few foxes, my neighbor had a whole den in her back yard- with babies!


  2. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Happy birthday! Sounds like a perfect birthday! Four is a great age, I think!


  3. Natka Avatar

    Love foxes!

    Sounds like such a fun weekend. And I love the idea of the “take me out”gift!


  4. NGS Avatar

    A fox! I have seen them in the wild a couple of times and it’s always So Exciting!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Aren’t they just so gorgeous. With their fluffy tails.


  5. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    You all look so cute in the birthday hats! How lovely to see a fox. We used to have several that roamed around. They’re so graceful. I haven’t seen them for a few years though.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Ha! Thanks Michelle!


  6. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    Happy birthday to R!! I love the aunt outings. That’s a gift for everyone! I used to do that for my nephews. I would take them to a cool kid’s bookstore and out for ice cream.

    I can’t believe you are still having issues with your cough! You sound like what Phil was like last fall. He ended up with pneumonia!


    1. Daria Avatar

      I think if the cough doesn’t improve by next week, I am going to a pulmonologist… It’s been so hard.


  7. Stephany Avatar

    Happy birthday to R – the auntie gift is such a sweet one. I’m an auntie to some of my friends’ kids and I want to start doing stuff like that for some of them now that they are a bit older.

    And I’m glad you got to have an extra day off to deal with the logistics of kid drop-offs and feeling under the weather!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thanks Stephany!!


  8. Lindsay Avatar

    Happy birthday, R!

    That picture of the fox is wild! I’m always surprised by the wildlife we get because we live next to a university; but, we get deer and moles and skunks and all sorts of critters on my birdcam.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hey Lindsay! Thank you 🙂


  9. Diane Avatar

    Happy Birthday to R!!! I love that cake!
    There used to be a fox in our cul de sac, but then the county mowed the field at the end of the street and I haven’t seen the fox since. Our neighbor said that the fox probably moved on once their habitat was shorn.
    We’ve had a snowy snowy week here all week as well. The kids probably don’t remember what school is like anymore.


    1. Daria Avatar

      LOL -> “The kids probably don’t remember what school is like anymore”


  10. San Avatar

    Happy birthday, R. What a wonderful weekend!


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