Here comes the mandatory post on 2023 goals! Essentially, it’s a table that clearly outlines what I did, didn’t do, and did in some haphazard way.

If I look at this over all, I see more green than red, and that’s a good sign. Goals that were not completed are generally my fault (exercise) but there are also some that are out of my control – monthly dates (couldn’t find a reliable sitter).

Are there specific ways that I tracked these goals? People are probably wondering “how does she track alone time?” You can do it by writing down the exact hours, I guess. But I am not that organized. I will not quantify it because I don’t want to get into such weeds of having to come up with an instrument to measure and be consistent with it.

My assessment is more of an honest feeling. I know I went on some walks (especially in the second half of the year), and I know I did not check in with my local moms group as often as I wanted. I feel like I received an adequate amount of alone time (especially in the second half of the year). I used the rowing machine around 5 times?… Pretty laughable.

Things I realize are missing from 2023 break down are “finances” category, and also yoga in the “physical/mental” category.

T did the budget for January, February, March and April of 2023, I just looked at it. In other words, I wasn’t actually doing the budget, I was just looking at the ready-to-eat information. Then life got busy, we abandoned that goal, and resumed in November and December. Again, haphazard.

Same with yoga. I do it when I feel down, had a bad day, and/or in pain (example: PMS). But when I feel fine, had a normal day, and my hormones are in balance, I don’t do it.

I also wrote this in my 2023 reflection, some of it is a bit childish but whatevs:

Three things I love about myself: strong, compassionate, active, brave

Three things I need to let go of: laziness, idleness, desire to fix certain people, being a people pleaser

I want to achieve these three things the most: travel with kids and alone, better mental state, more quality 1-1 time with T

I will dare to discover these three things: monthly mom group meetup, conference, solo travel

I will say no to: nail-biting, people pleasing, complaining, and comparing.

I will work, travel, and suck the juices out of life. Can you believe I wrote that? 😂 

My word(s) for 2023 is: HEALTH and MOVE

My secret wish is: to explore everything and everywhere. Live large and travel.

Yearly health check-ins 

➡️ Physical: every December ✅

➡️ Obgyn- January ✅

➡️ Mammogram- March ✅

➡️ Dentist- every 6 months ✅ [September and March]

➡️ Invisalign- ✅

➡️ Mental health is maintained through time alone/ meditation/writing/planning/organization ✅

➡️ Vitamins ✅

➡️ Nutrition: veggies / chicken /starch ✅ Very little red meat.

💦 Water: need to increase 🌀 ✅

🌀Spirit: books+pray+journal+blog ✅

I will leave it here, my friends. I have said it many times on this blog that 2023 was indeed a great year, and I am feeling very grateful for the life I have created.

In all honesty, my 2024 goals will not look much different from 2023. Perhaps less of them. Perhaps more specific? If I have less goals, it does not mean that I will just sit on my butt and do nothing – that’s just not me. Word of the year? Don’t have one yet.

To be continued…

12 responses to “2023 Goals”

  1. NGS Avatar

    Congrats on all that green. It must feel so satisfying!

    It’s interesting that you do goals based on feelings. I’m hyper-specific and track things daily (right before bed) because otherwise I wouldn’t do anything. I need regular checkins with myself. You must be much more internally motivated than I am!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hi! I feel like I am the opposite-if I have to track everything, I won’t do it because tracking is “work” lol I guess.. Take reading. I read continuously throughout 2023, I didn’t have a quota and didn’t track it (although I can see a list of books in Libby). As long as reading is part of my day, I’m happy, quotas be damned 😉 That’s just how my brain functions. Tracking will stress me so much! I think. I don’t know, should I try it?


      1. NGS Avatar

        No! Don’t do it if it doesn’t work for you! Some bloggers spend a week tracking how they spend their time in fifteen minute increments. I tried to do it and after about half a day, I was having a minor anxiety spiral about it. Sometimes tracking exercises aren’t good for us! Don’t add unnecessary stress to your life.


  2. Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    You did great! That is a lot of green! I set 6 goals, I accomplished 3. That is pretty terrible objectively, but I feel like 2023 was a really successful year, all things considered. It was super challenging at times, and work totally wore me out for much of the year. I’m going to shift to quarterly goals next week and will try to work on 2-3 things. For Q1 2024 I’m going to try to do the january cure that is hosted by Apartment Therapy (all about organizing/cleaning the home) and go on one date with Phil. We haven’t been on a date in a very long time. We spend time together but I would like to get us out of the house for a proper meal out for a change!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Tell me more about that challenge!!! January Cure?… I can probably google it…


      1. Lisa's Yarns Avatar

        Here’s a link!

        I will do most of the tasks but not every task. Some are really easy – like clean out one drawer. I have done it in years past and it’s kind of nice having someone telling you to do X thing today. I think the emails start sometime in the first week of January. It doesn’t start on January 1st, though. When I get the first email about it, I’ll forward it to you! A coworker told me about it years ago and I try to do it most years. I absolutely was not in the right frame of mind last year so I took the year off!


  3. Lindsay Avatar

    I love your 2023 reflections! My daughter and I do an activity like that each year; I might borrow some of those prompts as we are trying to move away from vision boarding / goals this year and leaning into spontaneity a bit more. Congrats on all that green!!


  4. Tina Avatar

    That is a lot of green and you should definitely be proud of what you accomplished. I’ll be honest, I’ve never done any sort of “official” goal setting. I may have thought about a few things that I would like to get done during the year, but I’ve never written them down nor tracked them. I’m afraid to. I know my personality and I’m afraid I’ll just keep procrastinating and say “I’ll do it later”. Later comes and I still don’t have it done. I do keep lists about the chores and things that need to get done around the house and I add more things than I cross off, I have a feeling goal setting would be similar. Maybe I should try setting some simple monthly goals, or maybe even weekly first, and then move on to yearly. I think goals are a great thing to have and I envy those who are able to write them down as well as accomplish them. I would also drive myself nuts trying to track every single thing and then stress out about it.


  5. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    Wow! You accomplished a lot during 2023! I have found that I can’t do that kind of tracking or goal making. As soon as I make a goal, I feel trapped, and I rebel against it! 🤣 I love your reflections – that’s a wonderful way to close out the year!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thanks for stopping by, Michelle! Happy new year 🙂


  6. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    You crushed your goals for 2023. I am amazed how many green checks you have up there. I am also liking the goals you have for yourself and the tracking. Specially the health related ones. I may need to track some of those too.

    Wishing you a wonderful 2024 and may it be filled with happy moments.


  7. San Avatar

    Look at all the green check marks. I love it. I never expect to achieve EVERYTHING on my list, but if it’s mostly green, I am happy 🙂 There’s always room to improve.
    I love that you measure some goals based on your feeling. If you “feel” that you had enough alone time, then that’s a good thing (regardless if you met a specific “hourly” goal/week or something). I think that’s often more important than a specific number.


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