Christmas reminds me of a wedding. You get engaged, start planning, live and breathe that sense of anticipation, and then it’s over in one day. ONE day.

On a smaller scale, Christmas is kind of similar in terms of build-up. This comes from a person who grew up in a socialist culture and didn’t even celebrate Christmas for much of her life. We did celebrate New Years and that was similar. It was like a secular Christmas if that is even possible. We had the tree, we had Santa, we had presents, we had a party. The count-down from the Red Square clock at midnight. Obligatory champagne (diluted with water/juice for the old-ish kids). We decorated our homes and bought celebratory food that could only, only, be eaten on December 31. I usually found one gift under a tree.

Over the past 20+ years in the US, I grew to appreciate Christmas. But I do not have big feelings about it. My kids probably will since they were born here. And, really, how could you not? L and R had a wonderful, beautiful month full of activities (at home and at school), presents (at home and at school), and impromptu visits from friends and neighbors. They went to plays, learned and performed holiday songs, and had class and even aftercare (!) parties. What a lovely, amazing, generous way to celebrate.

Because I don’t have a big attachment to Christmas, it’s easy for me to move on after December 25th. T shared with me that he feels a twinge of sadness when we put the decor away. For me, that feeling is… Relief?… I silently congratulate myself and say thank you for a wonderful month.

When we take down all the wreaths from our windows, I wash the windows inside and out; a ritual of sorts. I declutter any decor that is broken/wasn’t used. Everything is placed into bins from HomeDepot and hauled into the attic. Sweep, mop. We do leave white lights on the mantle a while longer. Probably till the beginning of February?

I often feel myself looking forward to a clean, clear month of January. A month with less commitments but more self-care. A month of setting intentions (but no grand goals or quotas for me). A month where I often notice I eat less, eat better, make more effort with consistent movement.

I will leave it here, friends with a medley of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day pictures.

Tell me, do you feel sadness when holiday season is over? Or, are you like me, and looking forward to January?

16 responses to “Aaaand… It’s over”

  1. Grateful Kae Avatar

    I hear you! I like to keep all the Christmas stuff up because I really enjoy the period between Christmas and New Years. I often leave it up a bit longer just because I don’t have time to take it all down right away. But I do look forward to the fact that January is typically a calmer month for us. And I do love the new year energy.


  2. Elisabeth Avatar

    I really struggle with the in-between. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Christmas and the anticipation, and then find the week between Christmas and New Year’s to be rough emotionally. I’m tired and when everything comes down the house seems sad and lonely AND we start the worst part of winter where we live.
    But…I also do enjoy the fresh start January brings. I have come to anticipate feeling a bit down after Christmas and I think that makes it more manageable? I used to feel really bad about the sad emotions, but I understand them a bit better now. I also think the fact that New Years is NOT a big deal in my family does make a difference. After Christmas there is nothing but snow and cold and darkness – haha – so I should work to establish some fun New Year’s traditions moving foward.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hi Elisabeth! I was just looking at my January calendar and thinking” what can we do to have something-something- to look forward to? My ideas were… Go to a theater performance, a concert perhaps, and celebrate R’s 4th birthday at our house. He wants transformers theme ❤ It doesn't get that cold in NJ so I plan on also taking walks, unless it's raining… Lift my 5 lbs weights 😉 and blog.


  3. Tina Avatar

    I absolutely love Christmas, but today I am feeling a perfect sense of relief and calmness. I still have one more celebration to look forward to with my oldest daughter and grandson, as well as my sister and her family. But it will be small and nothing extravagant. I love keeping my decorations up through the first week of January and then reluctantly put them away. But once everything is back in order I admit to feeling a sense of lightness and relief, the stark difference between holiday decorations and back to normal decor feels refreshing and a good start to the new year.


    1. Daria Avatar

      How wonderful! many blessing to you and your daughter and grandson!


  4. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    Your post is spot-on for me! You’re right, there’s SO much going on before Christmas, and then it’s over in one day! I find it so interesting to hear about your earlier life and how you celebrated the season. I always feel a bit blue after Christmas, and also relieved. I love seeing your Christmas photos! It looks like you all had a fun time!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you Michelle!


  5. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I have similar feelings about Christmas which you know since you’ve read my blog! I love the season but the excess gets to me a bit. Next year I definitely want to sponsor a family and at least involve Paul in shopping for the family. Our kids just have SO MUCH!

    We will keep our tree up for a bit longer. I will put it away next weekend. I don’t love that chore but it is nice to get the house back to normal!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh same. I always second guess myself: “did I buy enough?” Between friends, neighbors, school, our kids get a lot.


  6. NGS Avatar

    Wow! I feel like things have just STARTED. I mean, New Year’s is a holiday for me, so I get ANOTHER three-day weekend next week. The holidays aren’t OVER! LOL. I guess it’s all about perspective. We did have a crazy December, but I’m looking forward to things getting somewhat back to normal in January.


    1. Daria Avatar

      After Christmas, I am pretty much ready for the New Year and a new month. I am off this whole week and feeling the desire to set some goals and start throwing stuff out 😉


  7. Suzanne Avatar

    Like you, I really look forward to January. I enjoy Christmas, but for me it’s more about the lead up — I love the gradual crescendo to the big day, and then once it’s over I am ready to move on. We will leave up our tree at least until Sunday, but hopefully I can persuade the family to take it down then, so we can start January fresh and clean!


  8. jennystancampiano Avatar

    Well, I like your attitude. Taking down all the Christmas decorations is hard for me, but I’m going to try to declutter, donate a bunch of stuff we didn’t use, and try to feel good about having a cleaner house. New Year’s is kind of a “blah” holiday for me, but I do like all the end-of-year lists people put out “Best of 2023” etc.


  9. San Avatar

    Oh, I definitely feel sadness… but I think it has to do with the fact that there’s a lot of anticipation (I guess the whole holiday season should be a celebration, but it’s usually a busy time with lots of things to do/organize) and then it’s all done in one day. It’s hard for me to go from “100 to zero” so to speak, so I have to transition out of the holidays, so to speak. I can’t put stuff away on the 26th (which in Germany is a second holiday, btw.).
    We usually keep the tree up into January.


  10. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    I’ll just say that my Christmas tree is still up January 18th.
    Which is long for me too. Usually I take it down around the 6th but being sick messed up everything.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Give yourself grace: if the tree is up, then it’s up 🙂


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