I am typing this post… Guess where? On the treadmill!! In our basement. I am walking, and using this sort of a “standing desk” for the treadmill that T created. My speed is at 2.4, and it’s a bit wobbly but I already feel warm: my blood is flowing. Also, the laptop is blocking my view of time and steps and that is good. I will stop when I feel I have done enough.

Last week was LONG with a few late nights. L and R had their parent-teacher conferences at their respective schools. We then went to a tree lighting event in our town. Then on Saturday it was L’s birthday party!

Parent-teacher feedback was good. But if I were to read between the lines… L works hard, no behavior issues but can speak out of line. Nah, really???? LOL R loves people, participates, speaks in full sentences, gets along with other people. Not a surprise: he can be lazy and can zone out (he does it at home, too). I think we need to implement a little more structure with R. Spend some more time having him hold the pencil, write his name, and trace.

Tree lighting in our town was on Thursday night. I was gonna pull a Daria and cancel but then I got into the car, and we went. It was lovely! Although when Santa pulled up in a fire truck, L broke down in tears since, I guess, the siren was too much?…

Is she lovely???

L’s party was so fun! We had seven kids and… 10 adults? We got KFC and put the chicken into heating pans in the dining room. Per L’s request, got an ice cream cake with Frozen image from the Diary Queen. Placed chairs around the house, set up the drinks for kids and adults in the butler’s pantry (a little room off the dining room). The kids were wild, they played upstairs since that is where all the toys are. We didn’t set up a crafting station or an activity. They figured it out and everyone had a nice time. T really took care of everything: setting up, ordering food, getting drinks, plates, balloons, etc. Honey, if you are reading this, THANK you.

I am feeling better. After a very sickly November, I am looking forward to December, with its holiday energy and, hopefully, better health for all of us.

Some intentions:

  1. Exercise! No matter how little it is.
  2. Don’t forget about Daria this holiday season!
  3. Continue to stay organized and keep planning each week out
  4. Be like a river 🙂

How was your week and weekend?

14 responses to “Hello, December!”

  1. Coco Avatar

    glad to hear you are feeling better!
    I really don’t know what to take out from teacher’s feedback… as you say, sometimes I have to read between the lines and wondered if it’s part of normal development stage or personality. you are teacher, what’s your take?


  2. Tina Avatar

    It seems like everyone had fun at the party, and that’s all that counts isn’t it? The tree is beautiful, glad you decided to go out and see the lighting ceremony. We went to a little play in our local town, a teeny, tiny theater, to see “A Christmas Carol”. We didn’t even know there was a theater in this town and it was a wonderful play. Everyone did a great job and we plan on checking out more of their productions throughout the year now that we know about them.


  3. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Happy birthday to her! I love the cake! Sounds like the party was a good time had by all!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thanks Nicole! I loved your post about favorite things. And the gnomes are adorable!


  4. NGS Avatar

    It’s always the transitions to doing things that are challenging, right? The actually doing (the tree lighting) is fun! There’s a lesson in that somewhere.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh sure! The lesson for me is: get off your bitt and get more social even if you don’t feel like it.


  5. Elisabeth Avatar

    That tree is gorgeous! So big! Wow.
    And hooray for special birthday celebrations. I love that balloon. I don’t even know where I’d get one like that where I live, but I think my daughter would be OVER THE MOON WITH DELIGHT if I could find one like that ❤


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thanks! On the day I bought the balloon, it was so windy, so I had to hold on to it for dea life 🤣


  6. Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    At Paul’s conferences, we were told that he is very friendly, very social, and makes friends easily but that he lacks focus… So basically he is my opposite as I am an introvert who is very focused. We had conferences at daycare and were always told he was such a good listener, teacher’s pet, etc etc. It wasn’t the most uplifting conference to be honest. Paul told us he is bored so we explained that the teacher can’t challenge him if he doesn’t work hard at what she gives him. I think part of it is just his age and I hate to say this but his gender. So for now I’m not worrying about it. We got his first report card and he’s at or above where he should be at year-end… so she clearly recognizes that he’s bright and doing well. Next year he can be tested for gifted and talented so maybe they’ll find ways to challenge him if he makes it into that program.

    I cannot even read when I am on the treadmill so I could not be on a laptop! I am terribly uncoordinated, though!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      I like your approach! “The teacher can’t challenge you if you don’t work hard at what she gives you.” I need to steal it!


  7. Diane Avatar

    That cake! My four year old would be so excited if she saw that cake.
    What and eventful week! I hope December brings lots of good energy and memories. I love your intentions.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thanks Diane! Same to you!


  8. Sarah Avatar

    Love your intentions– the practice of just setting holiday intention in the first place is a great one. What a fun party!!!!


  9. San Avatar

    Yay for working/writing on the treadmill. I would totally do that… if I had a treadmill. LOL

    The Christmas tree looks lovely and it sounds like L had a good party 🙂 Look at that cake!


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