I know I have to exercise. Part of me even wants to exercise! I don’t particularly enjoy the process but it feels good afterwards. Plus, the aging. I am 40+ so, you know, perimenopause is on the horizon if not already here. PLUS, it will help with feelings of anxiety I sometimes get and moods in general.

But, how, where, when??

Early in the morning, before the kids wake up? They are up at 5:30-6 😦 so that means I have to be up at.. 4:30 or 5? Getting on a treadmill at such an early hour instead of quietly enjoying my coffee (which is what I do now) is gaaaaahhhhhh.

After work? Ha. That means they have to stay longer in aftercare. Which is okay. But how will that look like? I have to race home at 3:30, work out, then pick up the kids at 4:30? Sounds terrible and I don’t wanna do it but I think I may have to try it. I know I have to be very disciplined with leaving work on time for me to be able to work out in the afternoon.

After the kids go to bed? No way in hell. By then, I’m done with the world.

Other news…

I really love R’s preschool, it’s free, it’s quality, it’s lovely. But for the love of god, tell us what celebrations you have coming up! They release it day by day. Monday night- bam!- tomorrow is holiday sweater day. Today-bam!- “be ready for crazy hair day tomorrow!” Like, people just have colored hair spray and wigs lying around?… Or maybe they do, what do I know? I made a mistake going on Pinterest to look up “crazy hair day for boys with short hair.” Why did I do that, WHY?

I ended up ordering a temporary hair color kit from Target and gluing some sea animals onto hair clips and that’s how it’s gonna go. He wanted to wear cars in his hair but those are way too heavy and will not stay.

Trial for tomorrow 🤣

Ugh. I need to read, meditate and go to bed. Tomorrow is another day.

Update on hair! The end product 🤣

23 responses to “Exercise and Crazy Hair Day”

  1. Tina Avatar

    I totally feel you regarding exercise. I don’t have any small children at home, but I still can’t seem to find the time to exercise like I need to, and I’m a wee bit over the 40 something so I feel like I need it even more so my joints don’t seize up. The special days in school are getting a little out of hand in some ways. Every day is something else and it is hard to keep up. I know one mother who goes all out and really gets into each of those special days. The kids are adorable, but I can’t imagine trying to do all that. I’m glad my kids didn’t have to do that too often. Yeah, I’m kind of a grumpy old lady, I know. But he looks fabulous! Great job on a last minute idea.


    1. Daria Avatar

      I wish things were a bit easier at school. They LOVE to celebrate! And I’m happy they do but may I please have some advanced notice?
      I need to figure the exercise out, I really do.


  2. Kyria @ Travel Spot Avatar

    Crazy hair! Who does that? Is this a new pre-school fad? I have never heard of that before! ***** I just went and Googled it and…apparently it IS a thing! I think for adults that is just called normal hair day, or maybe hangover day, or maybe didn’t-feel-like-showering-today day. 🙂 Although I suppose I never put cars or dinosaurs in my hair when I was hungover.


    1. Daria Avatar

      HAHAHAHA a hungover hair is totally legit lol


  3. Coco Avatar

    I’m fortunate to have time to workout before work. Usually I run before girls wake up. They are old enough to make breakfast (reheating mostly) themselves, so I usually come back to pack their lunch before they go to school at 7am. Then I’ll go to the gym or do yoga at home until 8 to prepare to go to office. Usually i arrive office 9am sometimes earlier. I wanted to workout in the PM, gym workout, but my energy level is so low then that I can’t. so if i don’t workout in the morning, I wouldn’t workout for the day.
    Hope you figure out a schedule that works for you. Exercise is my mental fuel and I know i need it to keep myself strong and healthy.


    1. Daria Avatar

      It really is! I need to figure it out.


  4. melissagstebbins Avatar

    Special days should have a week’s notice at least! My kids had crazy hair day, I think E (my son) just twisted some pipe cleaners around in his hair. The girls are easy because you just put a few extra pigtails in a crazy angles and call it a day. We never got anything special for it, but that may have been because they didn’t give much notice. I seem to remember being told on the morning of.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Ugh! The morning OF??? That would give me anxiety! yeah, girls are so much easier. But I think we made it work lol


  5. Irena Avatar

    I can hear you with the school holiday days! Bam, it is a Grinch day, wear red & green! Seriously? Please give me at least one week notice for those! so I make sure the red & green shirts are CLEAN! Or yesterday we heard that they will be decorating Ginger-Bread Houses on Friday, and need to bring candies to decorate. OMG, i filled out TONNS of forms in the beginning of the school year saying that my kid is allergic to gluten. and he is not the only one in school with the allergies. Are they willing to accommodate? Nope. Please, please dear school teachers keep food away from your lessons. The kids can do crafts, no need to mess with the foods and allergies!

    In terms of exercising, when i worked full time in the office, i always did work-out after work, before picking up the kids. The way it worked for me: I changed 8-5 to 7-4, then cut down my lunch, so i could leave 3.30-3.45 pm. Had my bag with the work-out clothes in the office, changed to work-out clothes in the office bathroom before going to YMCA. Got to YMCA at 4 pm, exercised 4.-4.30 or 4.45 and picked up my kids around 5 pm. Got home, prepped dinner, then took a shower! It was easier to get “messy” at the end of the day vs morning/lunch when you have to look put-together for work 🙂 You can do it :))


  6. Sarah Avatar

    Love the crazy hair!! I get up at 5, have coffee and do a few random things, and then exercise from 5:20-6:30-ish. Minnie has one of those OK to wake clocks that turns green at 6:30, and the other kids stay in their rooms until 7. Could you institute a new wake up time for the house to give yourself enough time in the am? Or could your partner be the first responder until you’re off the treadmill?


    1. Daria Avatar

      See that’s really good. I have to leave the house by 7, sharp… so that further complicates things…


  7. NGS Avatar

    When to fit in exercise is the bane of my existence. I am already getting up at 5:30, which seems stupidly early to me. I’m NOT getting up at 4:45 to workout. So I somehow have to fit it in after work, but before I start making dinner, which is also dogwalking time. I squeeze it in, but sometimes we’re eating dinner pretty late and it frustrates my husband. I do not have an answer for you.

    His crazy hair looks great! Maybe just have some tiny packets of Kool Aid available for coloring hair on the spur of the moment!


  8. Elisabeth Avatar

    I decided early on I was only going to have my kids participate in those days if they a) cared and b) knew in advance.

    Thankfully, the preschool they attended did NOT have special days like this. Now that my kids are in grade school they have days like this – usually announced a week in advance – and they participate about 50% of the time, but I put in SUCH LOW EFFORT on this because…well, it just does not feel like a way I want to spend my energy. Sigh.


    1. Daria Avatar

      I totally hear you!! I think I will leave our preschool some constructive feedback for the future- please give parents some notice. And I love your statement about energy.


  9. Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    We generally skip the special school days like crazy hair day. We just totally opt out and the kids don’t seem to mind/care! If it’s easy and I think of it – like wear Thanksgiving colors – I will try to do it. But Taco is pretty clueless about this kind of thing.

    Fitting in exercise is hard. I can only do it on Mon/Fri when I work from home and then Sat and Sun. I’m not an early bird like you so I don’t want to get up for ANYTHING at like 4:30 or 5am. No thank you. So I do what I can and then just trying to live an active lifestyle. I am not looking my best these days but I am just trying to let it go.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Yep! Exactly! I need to do what I can and get the benefits the exercise gives me.


  10. J Avatar

    Those early years, it’s so hard to find time for yourself, especially time when you also have energy. Hang in there. What if you have some hand weights that you can do in the evening after the kids go to bed? It might be a way to sneak in a little bit of exercise…

    Weather in California is such, I was able to take my daughter for walks in the afternoons sometimes. That was about as much as I could manage many days.


    1. Daria Avatar

      That is a wonderful idea Julie. Anything, I’ll take anything!


  11. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    Hi Daria! The “crazy hair” is super cute! I can’t imagine having to come up with these things the night before! I used to exercise a lot, but as I get older, I keep injuring myself. It’s given me a different perspective, a different feeling of self-care by not exercising. I’m happy to discover your blog! Nice to meet you!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Nice to meet you, too, Michelle. Your creations are beautiful!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. last week – Mom of Children Avatar

    […] connecting with fellow bloggers and commenting when I can, also writing (posted on Tuesday about exercise dilemma and crazy hair day). Podcasts on my commute, of course. This month I am drawn to episodes that cover how to beat […]


  13. San Avatar

    I understand the exercise timing dilemma. I work out in the morning, pretty early, and one can used to it (and it makes me feel good to get things done), but yeah, it’s not the leisure start in the morning that you describe. But with kids, the options are limited, right?


    1. Daria Avatar

      They sure are. I think my strategy will be “get what you can, whenever you can,” Even if it’s just a few pushups and weights.


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