And that’s a wrap! Thank you to San and other amazing souls who helped me make it through #NaBloPoMo2023. See full list of participants here!

  1. Planning. I was mostly flying by the seat of my pants, producing posts whenever, wherever, and about whatever. I wrote about fall leaves, and retirement savings, and illnesses, and coffee, and Snickers, and my son, and Russia, and plays, and a whole lotta… everything. Next time perhaps I take a more organized and mindful approach. I really loved what J from Thinking About did: she used the alphabet to inspire posts.
  2. Writing. I felt pressure to produce a post every day. I did not want to “break the chain” and there many days when I published posts that were short, or that were pictures, a photo “essay” type of posts or lists. I did not break the chain, so I give myself an A in this category.
  3. Reading. I give myself a B in this area. I read the majority of other bloggers’ posts. So many interesting people out there, from all walks of lives! It really was inspiring to see how other people live, what they care about and what makes them tick.
  4. Commenting. Hooo boy. Giving myself a D. I could not get to leave a meaningful comment on everyone’s blog. I know that is never the expectation but I really feel I could have done better.
  5. Feeling. Tired but also accomplished. I look forward to taking a little breather and scaling down my writing to twice-once a week. This was fun but it was A LOT.

How did it go for you? How did you feel? Any lessons learned?

Congratulations all for finishing!! #NaBloPoMo2023

11 responses to “NaBloPoMo day 30: NaBloPoMo lessons!”

  1. Suzanne Avatar

    I am with you — an A on keeping up, a D on commenting regularly. But I think there will be a lull in posting, and hopefully I will have a chance to go back and read posts I missed.


  2. Sarah Avatar

    Yay! I had a blast following along 🙂


  3. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Congrats on finishing! Great job!


  4. NGS Avatar

    Yay! Congrats on completing it! I think that just slapping up a photo and writing a tiny bit about it is a LEGITIMATE post and you should give yourself full credit for each and every one.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Elisabeth Avatar

    You did a GREAT job (and this is your first year blogging). I gave myself a LOT more grace about not commenting this time. It made things easier than last year, for sure.

    I loved doing it, but am relieved it’s over!


  6. Grateful Kae Avatar

    Yay! Loved all your posts and I really enjoy your blogging style. Now… take a break! Or not! Just post whenever feels good. 😎


  7. San Avatar

    I think you did amazing, Daria. I know there’s a little bit of pressure involved but I hope it was “good pressure”… 🙂 I really loved that you joined us this year! And now you can take a break 😉


  8. Tina Avatar

    Congratulations! This was a difficult challenge but you saw it through. I rather like the randomness of your posts, and it didn’t matter if they were short, just pictures, whatever. It’s just very interesting being able to get a little glimpse into other people’s lives. I actually found that I enjoyed blogging this month, in the past I’ve burned out about half way through. I think it’s because of the community that I found this year in San’s NaBloPoMo participants. I felt energized by everyone and enjoyed their posts immensely. I’ll be glad to slow down, quite a bit, but in the end I really had a good time. I do need to do better about keeping up with the reading and most definitely commenting. I did some, but not nearly as much as I should have.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Same here!! I was challenged for sure, but yay us for finishing!! Looking forward to digging into your blog!


  9. Stephany Avatar

    You did it! Congrats! It’s such a beast of a challenge but it feels so good to know you’ve completed it. (And dang, it felt so good to go a few days without writing a blog post, haha.)


  10. home here and there Avatar

    Congrats on finishing! It’s a lot and I felt a little overwhelmed at times but I am still glad I did it. I felt especially guilty that I did not get to comment as much in the last two weeks it was running but it’s also nice to catch up now and revisit.


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