Today, a brief paragraph about R, my son.

R is a Capricorn. He is my second child and was born two weeks before the due date. He has a strong personality and a potty mouth. He is 3 and uses the potty with no problems – even over night. He looks like me – grey eyes, dark blond hair, fair skin. His favorite songs are Gangham Style by Psy and Razvedi Ogon’ by Valeriy Meladze. He speaks two languages but he strongly prefers English. He loves Transformers – especially Bumble Bee. He visited Iceland, Denmark, Portugal, and Spain. He wants to go to Korea (because, see above re: Psy). He loves pre-school but not homework. He is a sensitive child. He sleeps through the night. He loves cereal and (sometimes) kasha. Cookies and candy- yes, please! Broccoli and chicken- no, thank you! Typical. He is an early riser – 6AM or even earlier. He gives the best hugs and loves cuddles and games. He can be whiney. Building a garage with MagnaTiles and parking cars in it – his favorite. Favorite books – anything that has to do with cars, trucks, rockets, etc. He is very smart but can be a huge pain in -you-know-what. He is my favorite boy in the whole world.

Join San and other amazing souls as we make our way through #NaBloPoMo! More information about this great initiative can be found here!

9 responses to “NaBloPoMo day 12: my son”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    Good call on the manga tile/car combo— I am going to see if this is up Minnie’s alley


  2. home here and there Avatar

    Building with magna tiles was all my 3 year old nephew did when he visited recently, too. Your son sounds really sweet ❤️


  3. Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    R reminds me of Taco big time, except the use of the potty.. Oh boy that is not going well for Taco so far. We going to have to do a potty training weekend thing in January. That’s what we did with Paul and it forced him into using the potty. Our kids are so resistant to this life skill!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hey Lisa! R is now sick with vomiting and diarrhea. Sorry TMI. I had to take off again today. Potty training took a while but once it clicked- no problems! Even now, with diarrhea, he gets up and goes to the bathroom. It’ll come. We tries the crash course over the three days, it wouldn’t work for any of them.


      1. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

        Oh I am so sorry to hear this! I hope you stay healthy! We tried the crash course with Paul at age 2 and it was a disaster. We did it again a month after he turned 3 and it clicked. We will see how it goes with Taco. :/


  4. San Avatar

    How sweet you shared a little bit more about R 🙂 Do you teach them Russian or Spanish? Are you consistent with it?


    1. Daria Avatar

      I try to speak 100% Russian to both of my kids. L is pretty much fluent, but R is lagging behind quite a bit. I hope one day we can do immersion- actually go to Russia.


  5. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    Thank you for introducing R. I love that you are raising them bilingual. I always wanted to grow up learning another language but both my parents speak German. So it was a dream.


  6. Ernie @ Avatar

    He sounds like a character. I’m laughing that he has a potty mouth – can he do potty talk in a different language to keep out of trouble? I had to ask. Magna tiles are the very favorite toy here in my daycare.


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