The day before Halloween: “Students, Dr. P’s favorite candy is Snickers. When you go out to trick-or-treat, save me some.” It was more of a tong-in-cheek comment. Next day, 👇

I can’t get over how cute my students are. Although they are in high school and many are over 6 feet tall, they are still kids! Gotta love’em.

Why Snickers?

Back in the Soviet Russia, in the dark 90s, my mom spent half of her salary to buy me a Snickers bar. I was 10 years old. I remember riding in a tram and eating that bar. I remember how delicious it tasted. Not only it tasted sweet but it tasted like the West, big houses, freedom, success, money, a Barbie doll (always wanted one, never had one), and a life that was colorful. To my 10-year-old self, Snickers tasted like America!

Join San and others we make our way through #NaBloPoMo2023! More information about this great initiative can be found here

15 responses to “#NaBloPoMo day 2: Snickers”

  1. Elisabeth Avatar

    It’s amazing what food can represent in our lives. Thanks for sharing this story and how lovely of your students ❤


  2. Suzanne Avatar

    Wow, this is such a great post! Snickers tasted like America — I love that. And how wonderful that your students brought you so many of these nostalgic treats. (I love Snickers too.)


  3. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    I feel you. For me that was Coca Cola. I was six years and my dad and I were on a hiking vacation in Poland. On our way back we had to switch trains a Warsaw and my dad was so proud because lived so frugal throughout the trip that he decided to by me a Coca Cola. I need up throwing it up all over the apartment but I tasted the West.


  4. Steve Avatar

    I remember long ago when I was living abroad and my mom sent me a Snickers bar after I’d been living away from the US for about a year. It tasted like America for sure. Also, I discovered how much I had grown accustomed to a diet without the heavy sugar content of the typical US diet! That Snickers took a while to slowly get through for both reasons. 🙂


  5. Sarah Avatar

    Love this story!


  6. jennystancampiano Avatar

    Aw… I love this story so much! Imagine what your ten-year-old self would have thought of the pile of Snickers you got yesterday!!! And think how many people are casually eating Snickers these days without fully appreciating them- you have a unique perspective.


  7. Coco Avatar

    I totally agree the feeling. I don’t think I’ve had snickers until I went to America. I also agree that food really brings emotions and memories. I bought some from my trip and love the minis.


  8. Melissa Avatar

    What a lovely story, how special of your mum to give you that memory. Your students are so lovely too.


  9. NGS Avatar

    What a lovely memory. Also, Snickers are delicious, so you weren’t wrong. Do you ever put them in the freezer?


    1. Daria Avatar

      No! Must try that! 🙂


  10. San Avatar

    First of all, I am personally a TWIX girl, but Snickers are my second favorite candy bar 🙂 That is such a sweet story about how you savored the Snickers bar way back when and even sweeter that your students saved you a bag full of snickers. Awe!


    1. Daria Avatar

      I can go for Twix any day :))


  11. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar
    Lisa’s Yarns

    This really demonstrates how different your childhood was from most who lived in the US! There is so much you went without, from a little snickers bar to not trick or treating and beyond!


  12. Stephany Avatar

    I love this story and I am just blown away that your students came through for you! What a sweet surprise.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Irena Avatar

    How much I love this post! We should be sisters, I can relate to everything you have said about tasting the Snickers “candy” for the first time 🙂 and generally, about growing up in Russia 🙂 I remember our first time of getting Snickers: My step dad worked over time and he bought a Snickers bar for us. Such a treasure, that came from TV commercials to our tiny kitchen! We cut it with the knife into 5 pieces (because candy cannot be as big, right?) one of each of us, and enjoyed very slowly with the afternoon tea. The taste of peanuts with caramel was so delightful!! I now enjoy it only occasionally, so i saved a few tiny bars for myself before we went to the Candy Buy Back Event to the local Dentist!


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