Saturday. Trunk-or-Treat was fun although it was in the 80s and, when you were in the sun, you were pretty much roasting. I wore leather pants (WHY?) and my butterfly mask, antennae, and wings. L was a fairy and R – a transformer. He was roasting in his padded costume as well. T was his good old… dad? lol He wore all black which is his every day “uniform.”

I took the kids to gymnastics while T was throwing this Trunk-or-Treat together. Ultimately, he made it work, even on a very short notice. Took some tomb stones, some black mesh fabric, fake grass, and made a cemetery in the trunk of his Subaru.

After Trunk-or-Treat we went home, had lunch, finished E.T. (the movie from yesterday) and then went outside again! Walked the neighborhood, played on our playground in the back of the house, rustled the leaves.

Sunday I woke up early and in a funk. It was raining, and I felt lightheaded and dizzy when I was standing up and moving around the house. Not sure if I was dehydrated or some other reason. All I know that, from my very privileged position, I wasn’t feeling well. I did do a short exercise routine (treadmill+rowing machine) then curled up on the couch with my never-ending contemporary Japanese novel. Last week, I started taking L-tyrosine for mood management but I think I’m going to stop. It may be giving me anxiety and a shorter-than-usual fuse (especially when it comes to parenting small and loud humans. No, I did not speak to my doctor before buying this supplement.

Patting Myself on the Back

  1. Ordered L’s birthday invitations from Canva (to be distributed in her kindergarten class)
  2. Finished “What Happened to You?” by Dr Perry and Oprah
  3. Chatted with a friend on the phone
  4. Washed and put away laundry
  5. Kept my promise to teachers’ union – Trunk-or-Treat
  6. Meditated every morning
  7. Made blueberry muffins with the kids

The Upcoming Week

November starts next week! Hard to believe. On Tuesday I’m leaving work early so I can see L’s Halloween parade at 2:15. Then I’ll pick up R from his pre-school and we’ll go to the library for another parade. Then- trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. Sounds like a full day but it’s only one day.

I drew the whole MindMap where I reflected on quintile 4 and sketched out quintile 5. Will share that on November 1st – my first NaBloPoMO entry.

5 responses to “Funky Weather I Mood I Pats on the Back”

  1. Coco Avatar

    sorry to hear you were not feeling well. it might be with the weather. sometimes during colder months when i was living in DC, i often got down given the gray depressing sky.
    hope the holiday season can cheer you up.


  2. Elisabeth Avatar

    I’ve never participated in a Trunk or Treat, but they sound SO fun (and efficient)!


  3. Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    80s sounds amazing! It got really cold here – our highs were in the low 30s this weekend. It’s going to be a very chilly Halloween. That’s kind of typical for this part of the country, though. We got really lucky last year and it was GORGEOUS on Halloween. The boys will have winter coats, hats, and mittens on. I don’t know how long we’ll last. I doubt Taco will last longer than our block. I have taken then trick or treating the last couple of years but might see if Phil will since he is way heartier when it comes to cold weather than I am!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hey Lisa! We are also only going up and down the block. Mayyyybe a side street. Need to tire them out 😉


  4. Stephany Avatar

    I went to my mom’s house to pass out candy and we only got, like, 7 kids or something? It was a big disappointment! I told her that next year we need to participate in a trunk-or-treat!

    I’m always impressed with anyone who works out on a day they aren’t feeling well. I always use that as an excuse to skip my workout, ha.


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