The week felt impossibly long although I only worked four days. On Monday I took a day off to care for R who had a cold. I was caught up in the minutiae of teaching, grading, and not much fun stuff. No creative projects with the students just good old reflexive verbs (level 2) and subjunctive (level 3). I would absolutely LOVE to do something fun and creative every week but I cannot expend that kind of energy. Not every week. Plus students have to see the value of, what should we call it? Grind. There are days when we do work for the sake of work and not because it’s fun. Next week should be better material-wise: they will be creating a video, doing a verbal, and doing readings and analysis.

Skin. After starting my skin cycling routine feel like my skin is looking better. Or maybe it’s psychosomatic. I still have age spots and wrinkles but I feel like my face is looking fresher. The coloring has improved but not in a “I’ve had a face lift” kind of way. In a more natural way. When I’m older and have some money to shell out, I would absolutely get a face-lift, and laser, and whatever else they use. But right now, at 42, I’m sticking with skin cycling routine.

Taking better care of my hair is next! Ha, different lighting but same earrings lol

Hiked the reservation yesterday after work, and it was glorious. The contrast between blue sky and yellow leaves… incredible. The whole hike was about 40 minutes and left me feeling tired but content. I’m glad I did it! Need to do it more often, there really should be no excuse – I work 1 minute away from the reservation.

This weekend… Gymnastics, then we are participating in a Trunk-or-Treat! It’s being organized by our local education association (teachers’ union) so I feel like it’ll be good for me to participate since they advocate for the profession a lot. But talking about last minute. I signed up for this about two weeks ago and yesterday morning I came crawling to T (who is a maker) with pleas for help.

“Heeeeeep me. I need the trunk decorated 😭”


“Tomorrow afternoon 🥴”.

Anyway, we will make it work.

I also want to spend as much time as possible outside, pick up the house, do laundry, maybe finish my current book, do a little exercise. Plan the upcoming week such as coming up with ideas for NaBloPoMo!

Leaving you with this visualization that I found on Pinterest the other day – energy protection.

9 responses to “Muddled through”

  1. Elisabeth Avatar

    Lovely pictures and your skin looks AMAZING!


  2. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Great post, Daria! I especially like the energy protection; I often visualize things like that during meditation and I think it helps a lot with boundaries in my life.
    I have heard great things about skin cycling and it sure looks like it’s working for you! You’re glowing. I’d love to see before and after with your Olaplex treatments as well!
    I hope this week is less of a grind for you.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hey Nicole! My problem is that I do often wear my gear UP (in a bun) that I honestly don’t know if olaplex will be obvious. It’s something about hair touching my neck… Maybe sensory sensitivity? Will try regardless 🙂


  3. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    This week did feel so long. I am glad it is universal and not just me. Tough times…
    The Reservoire looks amazing in the fall foliage.


    1. Daria Avatar

      So it’s not just me… See, the excitement and the newness of back to school wore off and now we are in the grind 🙂 November should be better!


  4. melsteb Avatar

    Lucky you having such a lovely wild place to hike so close to work. The autumn leaves are stunning with a blue sky.


  5. Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    Your skin looks amazing!! I need to get on the ball and focus more on my skin. I look so time and bedraggled right now with my cough that just won’t go away! My undereye circles are EPICALLY bad.

    The trunk or treat sounds fun! That is something we have never done!


    1. Daria Avatar

      I read about your cough- I am so sorry! I remember last November into December I had such a cough, it would NOT go away. I finally went to the doctor turns out- bronchitis. They gave me like 5 things to take and I finally felt better.
      Congratulations on your beautiful car!! And feel better – take some time to rest if you can.


  6. Stephany Avatar

    Your skin looks amazing! I’m glad the skin cycling is working out.

    Ahhh all of those fall colors. So gorgeous! I’m glad you were able to take yourself on an invigorating hike.


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