🎃 R is under the weather, and has been quite a CRAB. No fever but congested, sneezing, runny nose, coughing. I don’t think it’s anything major because he is being his usual self, just with added wining and clinging. Cooler weather has arrived in NJ and perhaps he is reacting to that. Plus, he is in pre-school so they all are in “la sopa” together.

🎃 Friday night T was away to see a play in R.I. that his close friend directed so it was just me and the kids. We ate dinner first, then made a smorgasbord of lox, prosciutto, cheese, sprinkled everything with berries and fruit snacks, and even added some Oreo cookies! Then watched half of Encanto movie. It was so great to see the kids so excited: two guilty pleasures! A movie AND snacks!

🎃 On Friday, instead of picking the kids up straight from work as I usually do, I first stopped by the house. It was fabulous yet I felt guilty. I finished work at 3PM and picked the kids up at 5PM. So I had close to two full hours in an empty house (T already left to R.I. by the time I arrived). I brought my backpack and lunch bag in, unpacked them, made myself a cup of hot tea, roamed the house, wiped the counters in the kitchen, leisurely folded laundry, hung up my blouses and sweaters, listened to music. I think I need to make this a regular practice. Not every day, but regularly.

🎃 Mood – been a bit snappy with the kids this week and weekend but took the time to apologize for snapping and explained to them that mom is human, too. She has feelings, too. She gets angry and frustrated, and experiences all of the other feelings available to humans. L seemed to understand, and R… Well, he is three.

Friday night! A movie! Snaaaaaaaaaaacks!

🎃 On Saturday, saw a good friend after a long absence: last time the kids saw her was back in June! She and I then travelled on different dates in the summer as we just could not get together. She knows and loves my kids so it was extra special. We did not do anything, just drank tea and talked.

R may be poopin’ and my friend and L look like models 🙂

🎃 Completed not one but TWO workouts. I know, I know, the readers are shocked lol Saturday: 20 minutes on a treadmill, fast walking, 5 minutes on rowing machine. Sunday: same. The equipment ( a bike, a treadmill, and a rowing machine) is in the basement so it’s very convenient. Patting myself on the back, because, if you read this blog, you know I hate exercise and never do it. So going from zero to 25 minutes a day is huge. I need to keep this momentum going!

🎃 Bought tickets for two shows: one in November and one in December. November: B – the Underwater Bubble Show, and in December – the Nutcracker. I remember that I mused about how taking the kids to a show once a month really should be doable. And it is!

🎃 Reading/listening: Breasts and Eggs (Kindle) and the Whisper Man (audio). Also picked up “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” by Ramit Sethi… Having mixed feelings about it. The author sounds like a frat boy, the tone is douchy, and the book is mainly common sense, not much new information. Maybe if you are in high school, then yes, you should read it.

🎃 Podcast recommendations: a great episode on the Maximized Minimalist about how to reshape one’s money habits. Making Space for Self-care was validating to me.

🎃 Watched the Boogeyman (based on Steven King’s short story) with T and it was enjoyable. Some scenes made me jump, so that means it was good.

🎃 Spaghetti and marshmallow structures were such a hit with the kids!

🎃 Currently doing the Insight Timer “Living a Purposeful Life” challenge. I already meditate every morning so this is an added bonus. It’s longer – each session can be anywhere from 15 to 25 minutes.

🎃 Happy with our outside time this weekend. Saturday we took a long walk then cleared flower beds and played outside. Sunday we hiked the reservation. Then in the afternoon, T brought the kids to a local playground which is also outside.

🎃 The Upcoming Week 🎃

Work: five days 🙂 Aftercare for kids: 5 days. T work: 5 days.

Family: R- to pre-school, L- to kindergarten, T- to work. Wednesday and Thursday T is traveling so I’ll be solo parenting. There two opportunities at the library (pumpkin painting and scary stories) but they are both at 3:30… How do they expect parents who work 9 to 5 to make these types of events?… A topic for another post. Also, a potential opportunity to meet a former colleague and friend from my former district – on Thursday but that’s still a maybe.

Filling My Cup:

~ Exercise: aiming for 25 minutes three times a week. Mornings.

~Meditation, every morning.

~Books: every night.

~ Writing/blogging: twice? A Wordless Wednesday and maybe a check-in? Honestly, I just write when I feel like it 🙂

🎃 Things to Look Forward To 🎃

Looking ahead to November: Q5 starts! Reflection and celebration season start! L’s 6th birthday. Thanksgiving (T is a great cook). Two very short work weeks (one work week that has only two working days and another that has two and a half working days). NaBloPoMo. B-the Underwater Bubble Show. Getting a Christmas tree December 1st.

Looking ahead to December: my annual physical (already scheduled). L and R teacher gifts! Only three full weeks of work. The Nutcracker. T will be traveling for the whole week. Possibly a Longwood gardens trip to see the lights. And, of course, the magical season of Christmas and New Year. Oh, winter solstice: dinner with candle light to celebrate the shortest day of the year. Winter break: 10 full days!

7 responses to “Sunday Thoughts”

  1. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I hope R isn’t coming down with anything that will really lay him up! Taco bounced back quickly when after he got on antibiotics – it’s like he has been making up for lost time by being extra mischievous!

    I think it makes sense to enjoy some quiet time at home before getting the kids! On Fridays when we work from home, we don’t exactly rush out the door to get Taco. I usually fold some laundry and do some things that are easier to do without a toddler around!


  2. melissagstebbins Avatar

    I think having some time to yourself in the house before picking up the kids is a great time, and I’m sure will help you be more relaxed. I hope R isn’t coming down with anything too awful and has quick recovery. It sounds like your days have been very full with lots of good things.


  3. Elisabeth Avatar

    First, your house looks SO beautiful all decked out for Halloween. It’s such a stately home and you tend the landscaping so well.

    Isn’t it blissful to be in your house ALONE/without kids. I love doing chores without kids underfoot.

    And huge kudos for the exercise. That’s a tough one for me lately; I have a treadmill and cannot bring myself to use it lately, but I know I’d feel better if I did. SIGH.


  4. Stephany Avatar

    Ooh, it must have been DECADENT to be in your home for a few hours without the kids. I definitely think you should make that a regular part of your routine!

    I think it’s so good for parents to own up to the fact that they are human to their kids, even at such a young age. We all have emotions and sometimes we don’t handle them very well, even adults!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Stephany, it was SO good to have the house all to myself. I did it again today! I mean, we are paying professionals to take good care of L and R…


  5. San Avatar

    I love that you took the two hours for yourself and you shouldn’t feel guilty about it – because you’re usually “on” 24/7. Your kids are in good hands.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Right?? I’m gonna write this on a post-it as as reminder.


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