1. October is not busy at all so it is going well. I feel like our family has finally fallen into a good routine.

Weekdays: kids-school, T and I- work. Then aftercare for both kids. Pick up, play, dinner, clean up, baths, teeth, books. Next day: rinse and repeat.

Weekends: one hour of gymnastics for both kids, then- wide open. Usually a visit to the library, a hike or two, a movie with popcorn.

2. For the past week and a half I have been feeling the need to retreat, to crawl into my den and stay there with my book. Does that make me a bear? 🧸

I do have a tendency to go into “reflection mode” once cold season starts but this year it seems to have arrived earlier than usual. It also is manifesting with my digital activity: less check-ins with friends on WhatsApp, less writing to our local parenting group, and no coffee dates with friends.

3. Inputs. After listening to Sarah’s podcast episode on inputs, I reflected on mine. External inputs for me are: my kids, any auditory input (music, cat meowing, fox barking, audio books, any kind of noise, dump truck). Visual: email, WhatsApp, texts, google searches, blogs, books, movies. Internal inputs: thoughts and worries.

Two cuties 🐈 and 👧

7 responses to “Retreating”

  1. Elisabeth Avatar

    I definitely “hibernate” when the evenings get shorter/darker and the weather turns cold. Part of me loves this – I enjoy being cozy. But it’s the cold that really gets to me. I have such a hard time staying warm in the winter and I have a heated vest/heated socks…I’m not really sure what more I can do?!

    Glad October has been relatively relaxed!


    1. Daria Avatar

      “Hibernate” -YES! That’s me. I dont mind the cold but it’s being peopled-out. Sounds terrible but the gatherings take a lot out of me.


  2. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    Cooler weather and less hours of daylight puts me in hibernation mode as well. October has been busy for us and we’ve had super sick kids this week (Paul tested positive for strep and flu A yesterday) so I feel super depleted. I travel twice this month so that always throws me off and then I feel like I have to make up for being away. I am looking forward to a break from travel from mid-December through late January!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh gosh, I bet! Try to take care of yourself , I hope Paul feels a tad bit better. Hugging you!!


  3. Stephany Avatar

    Lean into the hibernation! I feel like in places where it gets dark so early and gets so cold, hibernation is needed. That’s kinda how it feels in the summer in Florida. It’s just too hot to be outside so I stay inside as much as possible. Ha!


    1. Daria Avatar

      I did not know that, wow. I think it’s only natural to seek comfort.


  4. J Avatar

    Glad you’re having a slower October, your schedule sounds manageable.

    I love the picture of your daughter and the cat. ❤


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