Weekend was good, not too busy. Saturday T took the kids to their gymnastics class in the morning and a playground later while I trotted around the house cleaning it. Put all of the laundry away 🙌 Sunday- a birthday party for M, a 4 year old boy who has been L and R’s friend for a long time.

Cuties and cupcakes 🧁

Downer: M’s mom is Russian and her mom lives with her and naturally helps out a lot. Then another mutual friend arrives, let’s call her N, with her mom in tow. So here we are, chatting in Russian, with A and N, and their moms right there and me, with no one. My mom hasn’t spoken to me since February of 2020 and made it clear she has no desire to keep in contact. So I was sitting there during M’s lovely 4th birthday party stewing with thoughts like “must be nice to have a mom that likes you.”

On Monday I felt very disheveled at work but managed to pull it together at the end of day. Students are working on Hispanic Brands project and are loving it! Three classes are completely finished 👍

Although I felt disheveled mentally with work stuff, I did like the outfit that I wore on Monday- green pants, a blouse, my favorite Barefoot dreams cardigan and a scarf 🧣

The past few mornings have been hard with L not being able to get ready herself. ALL of her stuff was in her drawer, just open it, take out a shirt, tights, a skirt, put them on- done! “I neeeeeed haaaaaaaalp getting draaaaaaeeest 😭😭😭😭” meanwhile I need to get out of the door to make it to work with a little buffer of time. I was so frustrated yesterday where she just could not find the skirt that I KNEW was in the drawer because I PUT it there so I stomp upstairs, yank open the drawer, yank the skirt out, yell “what it this???” L is crying and I feel like crap. I go to work and cry on my way there because of my outburst.

T is away in Texas for a few days so it’s me and the kiddos. Yesterday was all good, picked up, brought them home, L did her homework, R played, I had green tea while keeping them both company. They were both in bed by 7:15pm. Me – in bed by 7:30 😜 with my Kindle.

Podcast recommendation: a great episode from Kim John Payne, the author of Simplicity Parenting– where he talked about how to respond when your child (specifically, a tween) is having a hard time making social connections.

Any frustrations you want to share with me? Leave a comment below.

12 responses to “Disheveled”

  1. Elisabeth Avatar

    Parenting – especially solo is tough. *Hugs*

    I love your outfit. Before you mentioned liking it too, I had already decided I was going to comment how fantastic you make those clothes/colours look!

    And I’m so sorry about the hard moments surrounding your family relationships. Those are also so, so tough. It’s okay to feel those feelings. It feels hard because it is hard ❤


    1. Daria Avatar

      Elizabeth! Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate the hugs, feelings about mom were ugh… I don’t even know.


  2. NGS Avatar

    Birth family is so very hard. Just know that you are NOT alone and there are many people who support you. *Hugs*


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh thank you so much. It can be very hard, yes.


  3. J Avatar

    Ditto what Elisabeth said, “It feels hard because it is hard”. Sigh.

    My mom died 15 years ago, and I miss her so terribly. Being surrounded by other women with their moms is always really hard and brings up so many feelings of loss. Sigh again.

    I remember once being so frustrated with my daughter, she just wouldn’t do her math homework, and she needed my help, and it would have taken about 10 minutes and now we’re inching into hour two, and I have had a long day myself and all I want is for her to go to bed so I can watch some TV and have a glass of wine. I finally lost it, and threw her math book against the wall, breaking the spine. She had to take it to school and explain why it had broken. UGH. Thankfully it was a very small school, the teachers knew me well, so they were sympathetic rather than judgmental. Hang in there!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you for sharing that. I feel like I could have reacted better, taken a few Deep breaths but you know when lizard brain takes over you are on the train and the train has left the station 🚉


  4. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I also love your outfit! You look very hip and stylish! I bet you are the cool teacher that students love. And I wish I could give you a hug over the mom stuff. That is such a heart breaking situation. I know you are not alone in experiencing that but it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with those emotions. 

    I have had plenty of terse moments with my kids. Paul has acted out quite a bit lately, I think because he’s so tired from school. It is hard to stay cool in the moment. And mornings are especially hard when you have very little margin. Ours are similarly difficult and there have been rough moments. Don’t beat yourself up over this. I like how Dr Becky says it gives us an opportunity to demonstrate ‘err and repair’. 


    1. Daria Avatar

      (((((HUGS)))) Thank you for your words, Lisa!


  5. rachelinwales Avatar

    I’m currently listening to the audio book of Simplicity parenting and enjoying it – thanks for the podcast recommendation. I’m sorry to hear things are tough but solo parenting is so hard. And the great thing about kids is the next day you have the chance to do things better – they don’t hold grudges. Every morning is such a reset, even when I haven’t been great in the evening I try to be better in the mornings.

    and your outfit is great and very put together!


    1. Daria Avatar

      So true! Kids are the most forgiving creatures!


  6. San Avatar

    I am so sorry you don’t have a relationship with your mom. That must be very hard. I cannot even imagine.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you San, it used to be hard but after 20+ years I have become desensitized.


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