Aftercare / NJ Expanded Sick Leave Bill / A Bored Kid

🍁 Now that our after care is all squared away and we are paying $600 per month for both kids to be there after school, I find myself with whole two-three hours after work that I can dedicate to whatever. The first week I was staying at work for about an hour after dismissal and just working in advance to get ahead (example- planned lessons for units that we will not touch for another few weeks). But now I’m thinking I could:

👉 bring sneakers, put them in the trunk, and go for hikes (the school is right next to a beautiful nature reserve)

👉 read while at Panera or at the school

👉 plan life

👉 work on a passion project.

🍁 New Jersey Expanded Sick Leave Bill passed. Meaning that I now can use my public employee sick time when I am not sick. This is a huge win for NJEA aka the teachers’ union. Last year my kids got sick A LOT so I burned through the three family sick days I had real fast. But this year I can use MY sick time for things like school closures, children being sick, a teacher meeting, or an event at their schools. Say, God forbid, their classroom has a case of covid and goes virtual or closes, then I can use my days without fear of repercussions from my employer. Thankful for that!

🍁L mentioned she is bored in class and how school is work (duh), and how she doesn’t like to trace numbers and letters. Me: “we all have jobs and school is your job. Also, the teacher is there to help you learn how to read and write and not to entertain (ouch, I know). We do work for the sake of work and not because it’s always fun. Sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s not. ” L: “😑”

Would love to hear your thoughts on the any of the above.

10 responses to “Aftercare / NJ Expanded Sick Leave Bill / A Bored Kid”

  1. Kyria @ Travel Spot Avatar

    You should definitely run or read or have some sort of “me” habit that you do after work now that you have the extra time! I take my friend’s kids to soccer practice but if I get there a little early, I will go do a quick hike or run, even if it’s just 20 minutes! It feels good and it is also nice to have a routine, as sometimes my workouts easily go by the wayside.

    As for sick time, that is great that you can now use it for more things. We can use ours for anybody (kids/parent) but it is for sick only. However, we can only roll over 80 hours, which sounds like a lot, but I lose many hours every year because I am never out sick. I guess that is the silver lining!

    Re the bored kid, maybe you should think about seeing if she needs to go up a grade? I don’t know if this is an option, but being bored could lead down a path you don’t like (acting out or something). Or maybe put her in Kumon or some other after school activity?


    1. Daria Avatar

      Great ideas! Today I am wearing my Thursday boots (brand) and they will be perfect for a little hike after work!


  2. Coco Avatar

    I’d do what I enjoy the most on free time, lately has been reading. and great that you can leave sick leave days for non-sick leave! we have 15 days of family/sick leave so that’s super helpful when anyone in the family gets sick.
    I also tell my girls about doing their work and often time will share my days with them including the days I don’t want to work and still go to work.


    1. Daria Avatar

      You pretty much summed it up. I am sure L’s teacher doesn’t feel like doing the work but she still does.


  3. Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    It was so great to meet you yesterday! 🙂 I am so glad your sick care was expanded/broadened to include more kind of care/reasons to be off work! That is great!

    Paul has not been bored yet. He already reads on his own so we kind of assume he’ll be a bit bored at some point but so far he has not complained. I think he is pretty easy to please overall. He’s only bored when he is home with us. Ha. I hope Lyra feels more challenged eventually! It’s tough to feel so bored!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      So, so wonderful to meet you! Thank you for taking the time! Hope you had a smooth trip back home. L can’t read yet (just kind of guesses and separate words) so maybe that would alleviate her “boredom”. See I don’t know if it’s truly boredom or simply work avoidance… She has not cried at drop off yesterday! #improvement


  4. San Avatar

    This is wonderful that you’ll those three hours for yourself and you should definitely not use the time on work (or not all of it at least).


  5. Stephany Avatar

    Woohoo to some free time after work! I definitely think you should take advantage of the time to go for a hike or go to Panera to read. (I love going to a coffee shop to read; it’s such a calming activity!) You deserve the me-time!

    Hopefully school gets smoother for L as they move on to other lessons and units of study. That’s tough!


    1. Daria Avatar

      THAT is such a great point, Stephany! Maybe now they are dong introductory stuff but once they start the units maybe she will be more interested.


  6. #NaBloPoMo day 1: Goodbye Q4, hello Q5! – Mom of Children Avatar

    […] Sick Day policy was a big win for New Jersey public employees Sick leave bill […]


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