What a day yesterday. I mean, this whole week is rough but yesterday may hold a prize for one of the longest days.

I was up early (before alarm) and did my usual golden hour to center myself. Meditation, journal, reading, and, of course, coffee.

Got myself and the kids ready. Fed them and myself breakfast. Dropped L off at our neighbor’s house (their girls go to the same school as L), then drove R to his preschool. From pre-school, drove to work, arrived on time, taught an early class.

Then had an observation for my second class (whoever is a teacher may know it may be stressful). In other words, picture you boss sitting in the back and typing away while you work.

After that, taught two more classes. Stayed at work till 4 to get ahead, then remembered that tonight is back to school night at R’s preschool! 🌊

Also remembered that L doesn’t really have anything for lunch for tomorrow and the new school is still figuring out the payment system so we can’t just not pack lunch. In between 4 and 5 rushed to the supermarket to pick up lunch stuff and fruit. Then rushed to R’s preschool to get him AND attend his Back to School night, then got L afterwards around 5:30 from their aftercare.

L’s aftercare is at the same place as R’s preschool just in a different section so at the end of the day I am picking them up from ONE place. Both pre-school and aftercare are accredited. Another good thing is that L has gone to this preschool for the past two years, and this aftercare has transportation. In other words, she gets on the bus at her kindergarten and the bus brings her to R’s preschool. She knows the staff, she knows the driver. And although she is quite young (will be 6 in November) we have no other choice but to have her ride the bus to aftercare).

When I picked her up she was sitting their calmly, coloring and making a boy next to her laugh. Her aftercare teacher is the one L had for summer camp, and is very familiar to her. When I walked in, the teacher was not on their phone, but making conversation with the kids. The other two (I think elementary age) kids where doing Legos. The person who was in charge of collecting the kids from L’s school was there, too, so I asked if there were any issues, he said “nope, all kids were waiting on the steps, got on the bus, no problems.” L reported that this person gets on the bus with them (🙏), checks their seatbelts(🙏🙏) then rides with them to this preschool (🙏🙏🙏).

I also had a chance to visit R’s preschool classroom yesterday. I loved both teachers, and the classroom set up. Very social-emotional friendly. They have water tables and sand tables, how fun is that?

Our evening was okay. We had dinner, baths, and read a few books. When I crawled into bed around 8, I had absolutely nothing left 🙃 but I did read some of my book which is amazing.

👉 picture on the front: the custodian at my school told me these types of lights are not allowed in the classroom so I brought them home.

8 responses to “Hugging myself”

  1. Coco Avatar

    that’s a long and busy day. hang in there. I bet a good night of sleep will help to recharge and restart again.


  2. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar
    Lisa’s Yarns

    Ooof, that is a really really long day. This is bad timing to be solo parenting as the start of school can be fraught with emotion. Although it sounds like your kids are handling it well. Will is doing better at preschool, Paul is holding it together for the most part but then completely melts down with no warning which was the case this morning and made for a rough morning. I’ve had an incredibly busy week at work with lots of meetings + training my new person. I feel very spread thin. To top it all off, I co-led a training session yesterday and was driving the presentation on zoom – but forgot about that momentarily and shifted from the presentation to my email. Which everyone then saw. Ooof. I have been beating myself up over this ever since and feel so embarrassed.

    So in other words, I am right there in the trenches with you, although I am fortunately NOT solo parenting. But Phil will be next week when I travel to NJ for work! (So I’ll be in your neck of the woods although I have no idea where I’ll be/where I am staying yet since I have 0 control over my days when I travel).


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh Lisa, yes to being spread thin. I’ve made mistakes similar to that. Just yesterday, I misspelt a student’s name. In front of everybody. Ugh. Very embarrassing- I apologized in class and sent a follow up email to him, I felt terrible!!
      When you are in NJ I’ll be thinking of you! Let me know where you’ll be staying when you know ! And thank you again for words of encouragement.


  3. NGS Avatar

    I hate days when there’s not time for proper transitions. I am like a toddler and I need time between activities to process what has happened and what’s happening next. I honestly don’t know how I made it through high school when you’d just get thrown from one class to another. I never scheduled classes back to back in college because I am not Superwoman. Hugs to you and hopes that this was just a blip and doesn’t become a normal day.


    1. Daria Avatar

      You get me! I need processing time as well even if it’s just a few minutes to sit and think.


  4. Stephany Avatar

    Gosh, I can only imagine how overwhelmed you must have been after such a busy day! Teaching all day is exhausting enough, but throw in extra errands and a back-to-school night? Oof! I hope things start feeling easier. ❤


  5. San Avatar

    Ugh, that sounds like a full, exhausting day but I am glad to hear that your kids are so independent and taken care of at their pre-school/aftercare. That must be a huge relief.


    1. Daria Avatar

      It is! It would’ve been harder if they were “we hate it! We don’t wanna do it!” 🙂


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