Thank you to everyone who commiserated or simply stopped by to offer encouragement on my last post – Overwhelmed. Today was spent addressing the overwhelm. Prepping, prepping for when T is away next week (ALL week). So next week I will excuse myself from cleaning – just maintenance of a kitchen sink and general house pick-up. Well, and surfaces since clutter generally gets on my nerves. My physical surrounding are important to me and directly impact my mental health.

I admit I am on edge lately. Example: got a very friendly text from a dear friend H on Friday afternoon to call her. My reaction: “Is everything okay??” She goes “yeah, I just miss you.” Talking about overreacting. That shows that I may be experiencing some anxiety and, yes, overwhelm.

T took the kids to gymnastics in the morning so I had the morning to myself. Started with ungluing August and gluing December on our refrigerator. Also wrote any upcoming things. That made me feel more in control.

On our refrigerator: September, October, November, December.

Peeked into laundry room. Hooo boy. Got inspired to do our bed sheets AND both pillows. Don’t ask me why.

The laundry room is on the second floor next to L’s room. R and L have separate rooms. In the back is a laundry sorter-the best!

L’s room is borderline presentable. But just yesterday she stepped on a game piece, broke it, and almost hurt her foot. Today all those tiny pieces went away as well as the board game itself. We have had it for a year, it served its purpose, thank you and goodbye. I then peeked into R’s room that is almost always a disaster. I mean, he is three and a half so I understand he needs help cleaning up.

Welcome to R’s room :[ They did have a “game” going on…

After gymnastics R was DONE with the world and needed a nap, so I caught up on a few blogs while L was doing Khan academy. We then went to Walmart to get new slippers for me and a few other necessary things for the upcoming week. Came back, had a good thunderstorm (thank you!), and made dinner.

On Sunday we realized that R has a poster project for preschool. He is not capable of creating a poster alone so him and I went to Walmart and picked up a poster board and some supplies. The poster came out cute! We even glued actual Lucky Charms on it, since it’s an example of R’s favorite food. The marshmallows melted and stained the paper. Oh well 😀

How was your weekend?

9 responses to “Treading water”

  1. melissagstebbins Avatar

    I’m glad you are feeling a bit more together now. It’s definately the right call to go to minimum maintenance mode while T is away.

    I remember those days of games covering the whole floor of a room. You would not want to see a picture of my son’s room at the moment, it’s complete chaos with a partially completed large scale lego project as well as all the other detritus that a 19 y.o. with ADHD produces while also working a 60 hour week.


  2. NGS Avatar

    Why do kids have homework projects that end up being the parents’ problem? WHY!!!???


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hahaha. Yep! They know he is not capable of making a poster- like, he is three! I think teachers are required to do a home-to-school connection where the family(in addition to the kid) works on a project.


  3. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar
    Lisa’s Yarns

    Gosh a poster board project would have annoyed me! Lol. I am not looking forward to parent-involved projects like that. 😉

    You know how my weekend went. Yesterday was REALLY rough – lots of hitting, kicking, screaming from the littles. Everyone is processing a lot of emotions. I’m trying to be patient but I was annoyed that they couldn’t pull it together enough to go to the farmer’s market/park because I knew the time outdoors would be good for them. But the meltdowns were so epic that we couldn’t leave the house.

    R’s room looks so big!! I love it!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Ugh I am so sorry! This, too, shall pass but I hate to be in the middle of meltdowns. I deserve to have a meltdown damnit lol oh wait, I did have one on Sunday night.


  4. justinelevine Avatar

    Oh, I totally get this. Trying to control the small things you can so you’re not totally drowning. I’m glad that you were able to carve out this space of sense for yourself! (and thanks for stopping by. <3)


    1. Daria Avatar

      I feel like I can loose my s**t at any moment lol


  5. San Avatar

    I think it’s very smart that you’re trying to focus on the essentials while your husband is away. You can only do so much.


  6. Rolling – Mom of Children Avatar

    […] I did a good job organizing my classroom and starting the school year strong, in my very own classroom. When T was traveling for work, I was tremendously overwhelmed but did my best to keep my head above water. […]


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