The idea for this list came from Becoming Who You Are blog.

Today will be a list of things I’m proud of. Because… Why not?

  1. Surviving and thriving as an immigrant in the US
  2. Getting my PhD in only four years
  3. Defending my dissertation at 3 months postpartum (L was 3 months old, and she was at my defense lol)
  4. Traveling- before having kids. Traveling- after kids, with the kids and without.
  5. Having courage to go through infertility treatments and giving birth to two beautiful, healthy humans
  6. Recovering after my miscarriages
  7. Publishing some articles in scholarly journals
  8. Mastering two foreign languages: English and Spanish
  9. Doing the mental work on my inner child or shadow self so that it does not impact the family we created
  10. Finally, in my 40s, learning how to articulate my needs
  11. Teaching myself how to effectively plan my life
  12. Breaking the cycle in parenting
  13. Quitting friendships that were one-sided or/and were no longer nurturing
  14. Starting this blog
  15. Stepping into an advisor role in addition to my teaching role
  16. Implementing meditation with my students
  17. Being a regular meditator myself
  18. Teaching myself how to be organized
  19. Learning about and adopting minimalism
  20. Saying no to things that do not contribute to my happiness or wellbeing – mostly without guilt.

Picture on the cover: March 1, 2018 after my dissertation defense.

14 responses to “20 Things I’m Proud Of”

  1. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Those are all such great things, Daria!! Good for you!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Aww thank you Nicole!


  2. Melissa Avatar

    ‘Clapping hands” Well done to you.

    In Australia we don’t have to do an oral defence of our PhD thesis but it is sent off to two examiners who must be experts in their fields and completely independent from the student’s supervisor and university. They then certfiy that it is of international level and makes an original contribution to the field. The university then makes a final decision based on the examiners reports. I handed in while pregnant and then crossed fingers that it would pass without changes (of the two people who handed in prior to me, one had a substatial rewrite and the other had to go back to do more benchwork). Luckily mine got through with 6 typos and one other nomenclature issue that we ended up arguing that I was correct. Luckily as I wouldn’t have been able to go back to the bench while pregnant or feeding due to the chemicals.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Wow, what a story!! Amazing :))


  3. Kyria @ Travel Spot Avatar

    This is a great list; I feel like you have done a lot and have really spent some time figuring yourself out (meditation, organization, minimization etc.!)


    1. Daria Avatar

      Wow, love your perspective. You are SO right. As kids gets older I need/want ti explore more hobbies, even if it’s for a short time.


  4. Grateful Kae Avatar

    That is a VERY impressive list! You should be proud!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you Kae!


  5. San Avatar

    I can very much relate to #1. It’s hard to move to a foreign country and figure out your life there. I know it’s become much more common in recent years that people move around, but it’s still no small feat and you can be very proud! The rest of your list is great, too… you did accomplish a lot.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you so much. I went to England completely alone at age 16 to attend an English-language school. I can’t FATHOM sending my kids at age 16 alone, anywhere! But then again, no matter how bad England could get, it was STILL better than Russia.


  6. Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    Holy this is impressive and I learned a lot about you from this list! Like I did not know you went through fertility treatments or that you had your PhD to name a few!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hi Lisa, thanks for stopping by :))


  7. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    Such a. great post. We should all celebrate the things we are proud of. I for one am not very good at it. I don’t even know if I would come up with 20 things. And just thinking this I really need to do it then. Maybe I even blog about it.


    1. Daria Avatar

      I know I have to love myself more. After years of talking down to myself and having others talk down to myself I am done. But I’m 42. I wish I had done this sooner.


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