Daily writing prompt
List 30 things that make you happy.

Thank you again to WordPress for a lovely daily prompt. Let’s get right into it. Warning: this was not a carefully thought-out post. Rather, I used a stream of consciousness kind of approach.

  1. My kids’ eyes
  2. My kids’ smiles and laughter
  3. Travel
  4. [Good] books
  5. Tea
  6. Flowers
  7. Having money
  8. The act of writing on paper with a smooth, high-quality pen
  9. Crying on a shoulder of a good friend
  10. Cuddling
  11. Being listened to with interest
  12. Trees, forests, woods, etc.
  13. Gardening
  14. Blogging
  15. Meeting people who I click with or we have something in common
  16. Meditation
  17. Mornings
  18. Making lists
  19. Checking items off the list, no matter how small
  20. Decluttering
  21. Cleaning
  22. Providing help to people
  23. Working with young people (teaching+mentoring+advising)
  24. Horror movies+deep thrillers
  25. Planning
  26. Validation and praise
  27. Being involved with our community
  28. Prayer
  29. A change of seasons.

And you? 🙂 Thirty is a lot, let’s say, ten?

22 responses to “List 30 things that make you happy”

  1. NGS Avatar

    The smell of a campfire, the way my dog looks at me when she checks in with me on a walk, the cat purring on my lap, an empty email inbox, the feeling you get after a super hard workout, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, turning off the alarm clock so you can wake up on your own, making my husband laugh, rereading the first page of a beloved book, and thank you notes in the mailbox. What a fun exercise!


    1. Daria Avatar

      What a wonderful list, so cozy! Thank you notes-YES!!


  2. Elisabeth Avatar

    I’m still surprised (I know you’ve mentioned it before) that you like horror movies. That is such a hard pass for me!!

    Things that make me happy (stream of consciousness)
    1. Hot coffee in the morning.
    2. Climbing into bed when I’m tired.
    3. Hearing waves lap against the shore at the beach.
    4. Being completely alone!
    5. Listening to music (especially if it’s LOUD).
    6. Sushi and cherry cheesecake. Food makes me very happy.
    7. Going on a walk with my best friend.
    8. Blogging!
    9. Organizing a space.
    10. Hot showers.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Haha! It’s all T’s fault-he turned me onto them. A great list!


    2. Daria Avatar

      Organizing-YES YES YES!


  3. Coco Avatar

    great prompt. My ten:
    – waking up feeling rested
    – quiet morning
    – making coffee
    – running
    – shower after the run
    – kids hug
    – morning sleepy faces of my girls
    – hugging husband
    – massage
    – making a meal for my loved ones


    1. Daria Avatar

      Love these!


  4. Melissa Avatar

    Oh fun! Great list. Love that you listed checking things off.

    1. Being married to my Hubby
    2. Spending time with my adult kids … they are great humans
    3. Leftovers for lunch
    4. Late afternoon light through the trees
    5. Good coffee
    6. A fancy dinner
    7. The spicy potatoes, cauliflower and zucchini I made last night without a recipe (will I be able to replicate it?)
    8. Eating from my garden.
    9. Family photos on the walls, on the shelves
    10. Our dog’s exuberant welcome


    1. Daria Avatar

      Leftovers, of course!! #5 and #9 amazing, me too!


  5. […] Copying Daria. Go here to read her original post. […]


  6. Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    Oh this is a fun prompt! Here are mine! Hugs from my kids, my husband making me laugh/not take life too seriously, being outside, the first cup of coffee each day, afternoon naps, reading a good book, playing wordle and spelling bee, learning a new language, spending time with a good friend, and organizing the house! The last one is a bit odd but I got rid of a bunch of stuff the kids had outgrown yesterday and dropped it at goodwill and it felt sooo good!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh no, I can so relate to organizing the house!! It’s a wonderful feeling to be getting rid of stuff. I love doing it.


  7. San Avatar

    I love this. What a great list of small (and big) joys 🙂
    I completely agree with #3, #7, #8, #10, #18, and #25.
    I’d like to add “early morning runs, sunrises, the first cup of coffee, knitting, and napping”.


    1. Daria Avatar

      “First cup of coffee.” YES! And, for me, first glass of wine -also yes 😉


  8. Anne Avatar

    What a lovely, lovely idea for a post. I’m not posting my top 10 because… I plan to poach this idea. 🙂 Thanks, Daria, for sharing such lovely life joys.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Poach away Anne!! Thanks for stopping by! Hope you week is going well.


  9. Irena Avatar

    Here are few of my favorites:
    1. Morning runs/bike rides after i drop the kids to school and have some time “to smell the roses” before i dive in to work!.
    2. My kids’ smiles and cuddles
    3. Our family and our cozy home
    4. Hugs
    5. Late night talks with my husband, as this is the only time we have to connect ;))


    1. Daria Avatar

      I have to “force” my husband to cuddle LOL He is not a very touchy-feeling kind of guy. But I tell him: “for the next 20 minutes I will cuddle with you, and talk non-stop about my feelings, and you will say “yes, yes, honey, tell me more, how interesting.” LOL He knows thats what I need. In return, I do games with him.

      Cozy home- I NEED to see pictures so you NEED to start your blog. Or email us- one or the other 😉


      1. Irena Avatar

        Thanks! I will be happy to email you some of pictures of my “cozy home”. It is not picture-perfect, and what makes it cozy are the moments that bring us together in our house: playing chess, Uno, reading, creating , and laughing! We deliberately scaled down on SPORTS to allow time for these cozy moments, so that we can enjoy our time together, and can connect, play, and rest!
        We are doing swim lessons on Saturdays, and music (keyboard) for my oldest kid on Monday afternoons. We are going to try Spanish this year:))) I found a lady in our neighborhood who teaches Spanish to homeschooled kids, she has a classroom in her house, and tons of experience, but most importantly WE DON’T HAVE TO drive!!! Given all these conditions, we will give Spanish a try, and I will be happy to report how it goes 😉
        Thanks for your encouragement about starting a blog! If there is an interest, I will be happy to do a guest post on your blog one day, and lets see how it goes. I hope you are enjoying a labor day weekend!


      2. Daria Avatar

        I think a guest post is a great idea!! And, as a language teacher, I love that your kids are doing Spanish. Do they speak Russian, too? My oldest (5) speaks fluently, my youngest (3) strongly prefers English but he is getting there with prompting. Would love to hear how lessons will go, and yes, can’t beat the no-driving. Hmmm… Maybe I can do something similar from my house… Give lessons? Probably not in this season of my life.


  10. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    It is so great to get to know people through those posts. Not sure I can come up with ten but lets see:
    1. hot tea preferable gathered by me
    2. puzzles
    3. writing – blogposts, letters
    4. family
    5. a hug
    6. falling into bed after a long day
    7. days without migraines
    8. cake – unfortunately
    9. being outside inature
    10. being creative
    11. reading

    All those are not in order of priority 😉


    1. Daria Avatar

      Wonderful list, Tobia! I can especially relate to 1, 5, and 9!


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