Daily writing prompt
Describe one habit that brings you joy.

Thank you, WordPress, for this interesting daily prompt.

One habit that brings me joy is meditation. I tend to do it in the morning – first thing – but also have had situations where I would do it in the afternoon, and before going to sleep. Rather, to make myself sleep.

Many types of meditation exist but I usually choose from a plethora of available meditation tracks from the Insight Timer. Been using that service since 2016.

If we were to break down even further… Grounding meditation, inner child, prayer, gratitude, anxiety, loving kindness, breath work, I do them all. It all depends on my mental and spiritual needs at a given moment. But all meditation that I do involves some kind of visualization and it is never silent. I lean toward 10 to 15 minute sessions.

In the mornings, I do favor a “morning meditation” which is a bit more energizing, may involve some affirmations and setting intention(s) for the day. That is part of my Golden hour practice. Evening types are usually labelled clearly on Insight Timer with words like “sleep”, “end-of-day”, “relaxing” or “nidra”. I also do archangel meditation. I am not Christian but I enjoy visualizing the four archangels, their corresponding colors, and what they can aid in.

I have done meditation on planes and trains. I have done it with my eyes open while supervising students in a cafeteria or while taking a walk. I have meditated inside and outside. Do prefer to do it inside, in my living room, sitting cross-legged on the couch.

What about the kids?… L comes down the stairs in the morning and I say to her “mom needs to meditate.” She takes her crayons and markers and starts drawing next to me. She knows that this is part of my life and no questions or requests are allowed if I am meditating. R doesn’t wake up that early 🙂

Benefits… Meditation has not filled my life with rainbows and unicorns but it provided balance and perspective. I feel it helps me with being less reactionary and more appreciative with the things I have. And to me, joy is directly connected to feeling balanced in life.

What about you? What habit brings you joy?

14 responses to “Describe one habit that brings you joy”

  1. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    I also love my meditation practice, along with my yoga practice. Reading and exercise also bring me joy, as does playing the piano.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Wonderful. I need to get back to my yoga practice!


  2. Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I have rarely meditated but should! The only time I did was when I was having major anxiety before my 8 week ultrasound with Will. My last pregnancy ended in a miscarriage with no signs that anything was amiss – I was the sickest during that pregnancy so it seemed like all was well as usually the worse you feel the better in terms of pregnancy viability. I found out at the 8w ultrasound. Luckily Phil was with me. But my 8w US with Will was in April 2020 so no one was allowed with me which made me extra anxious. So I used pregnancy specific meditations through that same ap. But discontinued them for some reason!

    But habits that bring me joy are my morning cup(s) of coffee, playing spelling bee and wordle and reading!! All but reading happen in the morning.


    1. Daria Avatar

      I am so sorry for your loss. I can honestly say that miscarriages are so difficult, I’ve had one before each of my kids, one before L and another one before R. Being alone in the U/S room during the pandemic… I am sorry! And now you have Taco! ❤️


      1. Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

        Yes pregnancy loss is so awful to experience. I am sorry you went through it twice! We had so many friends and coworkers reach out to us when we lost that pregnancy so it is so very common but it’s an awful loss. And then having the pandemic going on made it extra tough since that added so much uncertainty! I was so relieved when I saw the heartbeat at the ultrasound.


      2. Daria Avatar

        Of course. Hugs to you


  3. NGS Avatar

    I just discovered Insight Timer and really enjoy all of its features (even the free version has a lot!).
    Every morning, rain or shine, summer or winter, I walk the dog for 20-30 minutes first thing. I honestly don’t know how I got the day started pre-dog. Generally I am very groggy when we set out and I often think to myself that I can always go back to bed when we get home, but by the end of the walk, I am ready to go! I am so grateful for the time with just me and the dog. It’s a wonderful start to the day.


    1. Daria Avatar

      I need to do something similar. It must be so empowering to “conquer” yourself that way.


  4. Melissa Avatar

    I use an app each morning that takes me through a guided prayer/bible reading. Like you with your meditation I find it helps me get in a good frame of mind to approach the day with my values front and centre.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Exactly. I use the app to play prayers in the background even when Im driving.


  5. San Avatar

    Meditation is great. I don’t fit it in daily, but try to do it a few times per week. I am currently in a daily yoga routine which also does wonders for my inner calm.


    1. Daria Avatar

      You are a runner and I need to learn from you to make exercise part of my identity.


  6. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    I admire people who have the meditation down. And you really seem to have a huge repertoire you can pick from. I guess it comes with practice like anything’s.
    I rarely mediate. I may do some breathing exercise. But nothing really structured. I just poke around and do what feels good.


    1. Daria Avatar

      I just learned alternate nostril breathing exercise- tremendously calming!


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