Although I safely landed in Poland this past Tuesday at 10AM, I am just now getting to writing an update. Was I that busy? Not at all. Instead of writing about every single detail like I usually tend to, I will do a few observations.

Getting there. My Newark to Warsaw flight was seamless. LOT Polish Airlines were great, providing us with a DreamLiner plane, plentiful food and very kind staff. I had an aisle seat and actually managed to nod off! Thanks to a strong tail wind, we got there one one before scheduled time, another win. After landing, I made my way through passport control, got a coffee, and found a taxi. Taxi took me to Warsawa Gdanska train station from where I took a train to Lodze. My friend collected me at Lodze train/bus station. While it may sound like an extensive journey, it went seamlessly. The taxi driver, the cashier lady, even a café person all were so helpful.

Spending time with my friend. We have not done much. Similar to my visit here last year, there are no grand plans to sightsee or visit landmarks or places of interest. We both agreed that our priority is rest. What does it entail? Talking, cooking, taking walks, sleeping late, picking mushrooms, writing and reading, watching TV. Sounds really idle but we both feel that is the time we need. Just time to “do nothing.” My anxious nature is okay with it – I have been reading and journalling, slowly planning Q4 and reflecting on Q3, and just closing any digital open loops, or, as Rachel in Wales calls them – pebbles in the shoes. This visit is sort of a retreat.

Feelings. a) Missing my kids and T. L and R are both in summer camp for these two weeks and, according to their teacher’s report, doing really well! This was a great idea after all- especially for R since he will be going to this preschool in the fall. A great way to get him accustomed to being in a group of people his age. b) Guilt. HA! Being away from my kids for 10 days seems like a lot so I do feel guilty. BUT: I am with them for the rest of this year so I need to get over myself.

Food. My friend is an incredibly good cook. But we went out for pierogies yesterday and they were heavenly.

Natural Springs/Spa/Sauna. Yesterday we visited a place that has natural springs that you can swim in and spent some time in their sauna as well. Participated in a sauna “ritual” where music and aromatherapy is used and the temperature is turned wayyy up, sweated buckets. Couldn’t make it till the end, had to walk out since at the end it was too hot for me and I’m kind of light weight. Felt like a kid swimming in the natural springs pool.

16 responses to “An Update from Poland! 🇮🇩”

  1. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Looks like you are having a great time! Enjoy your restful vacation!


  2. Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    This all sounds so wonderful! 10 days with a close friend would be amazing! I am seeing one friend fairly briefly when I land in Calgary on Sunday. She asked what I wanted to see in the city and basically all I care about are seeing her and meeting her husband/kids. Some trips are for sightseeing, some are for connection. The bulk of this Banff trip will be about both sightseeing and connection but we’ll be hiking trails which is the perfect way to catch up with a friend, IMO.

    Enjoy yourself and try to keep the guilt at bay. Do as I say, not as I do, because I am terrible at mom guilt. I have been feeling bad about being gone again after traveling 1-2 times for work. I feel less bad for my kids and more bad for my husband because the weekday mornings are ROUGH. We try to leave at 6:55 am and it’s a struggle because Taco is NOT a morning person and then Paul can act out, too. But my husband has a guys’ golf trip the week after I get back. Just 3 nights/3 days, but he has some time away coming and he did get 3 nights/3 days when I took the kids to the lake. So I am trying not to feel too guilty!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thaaaaank you for your words of encouragement! Enjoy your time at Banff, and I love how you put it: some trips are for sightseeing and some are for connection! So true!!


  3. Irena Avatar

    Looks like such a lovely time and a break from parenting! I envision my friend time exactly as you pictured it – slow days full of meaning doing simple things like cooking and walking together 🙂 with a focus on rest 😉 Thanks for the idea! I also enjoy reading your blog!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hi Irena! Thanks for stopping by! The focus really has been on REST and it’s so good for me 🙂 Once the hamster wheel starts in September ooffffff it’ll be hard.


  4. Coco Avatar

    sounds like a perfect retreat and treat! without kids, rest, spa, good food, and good company! enjoy.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hey Coco, thank you 🙂


  5. Rachel Avatar

    This trip looks amazing! I have never considered Poland as a restful holiday destination but I think I will add it to my list – I’ve been there twice and enjoyed both visits.


  6. Grateful Kae Avatar

    Wow, you’re lucky! Two big Europe trips in one summer! So cool! Hope you continue to have an amazing, restful and relaxing time. 🙂


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you so much for your kind words!


  7. San Avatar

    Oh, I am so happy for you for this precious time with your friend. I love that you don’t have to “plan to do something”, but you can just “be” with each other and be completely comfortable.
    The food looks delicious and I am sure every minutes feels like an enormous gift!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Such a gift. I do miss my kids and T though 🙂


  8. Stephany Avatar

    It looks like Poland was (is? I’m so behind on blog reading!) amazing. I’m sure the mom guilt can be so hard, but I really find it amazing when moms (especially of young children!) take the time to go do something by themselves. You deserve this. ❤


  9. Goodbye Q3, hello Q4! – Mom of Children Avatar

    […] A crown jewel – a trip to Poland to see […]


  10. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    Oh. this must have been a wonderful vacation … or as you said retreat. Very relaxed. Even though I wouldn’t call it doing nothing. You did a lot. But I guess I. was more in flow and what felt right.
    It. is the best then, isn’t it?


  11. 2023 favorites! – Mom of Children Avatar

    […] Hugging my friend Joanna in Poland […]


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