List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?

Daily writing prompt
List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?

A daily prompt from WordPress. Without too much thinking, here they are.

A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. I read that book back in 2014 (?) and then bought it for two of my friends as gifts. Not sure about its impact on me, but I will never forget the very detailed descriptions of abuse against Jude. I remember as I was reading it, I could feel the cringes. I also remember I cried during descriptions of loss of a child.

Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. I remember I read this long, multi-generational book during a difficult time in my life: when I was trying to find out why I wasn’t getting pregnant. January 2015. I had the book with me when I went for a hysterosalpingogram to see if my tubes were open (they were), and the radiology assistant commented what a great book I am holding.

Sophie’s Choice by William Styron. I read it when I was very, very young. Possibly 18-19 years old. The novel was read in a linguistics class at a university. I read it in English, and supplemented with a Russian translation. Years later I found out about the movie with Meryl Streep and Kevin Kline. The part where a malnourished Sophie arrives to the United States and goes into delis and sort of teaches herself how to shop for food is the part I remember. My 18 year old self was wondering hmm, this is what it’s like to be living in a brand new country… Of course, the part where she has to make a terrible choice is just… I can’t.

6 responses to “List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?”

  1. NGS Avatar

    What a great prompt! I might steal it for my own blog. I’ll give you credit, though!
    1) A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (obviously) – It was so great to read a book about another bookworm who wanted out of her hard life when I was a tween. Francie really resonated with me and gave me hope.
    2) Home Style by Richard Fenno – This in academic work based on participant observation. Guy imbeds himself with Congressmen (they were all men) to see how they interact with their various constituencies. It basically gave me hope that social science could be focused on people and not just numbers. It was the first real qualitative work I’d read that resonated.
    3) The Ship Who Sang by Anne McCaffery – This is the book that ignited my interest in sci-fi/fantasy novels. Everything else I’d read had been written by men about men (my dad had a lot of Heinlein, Asimov, and Dick in the house), but this book made me realize that the genre could be vast.

    I thought this was such a great question! I’m going to be ruminating on it for the rest of the day and I’ll probably regret at least one of these answers as the day goes by and want to change it.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Amazing books!!


  2. Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    Gosh this is a tough one to answer! I have only read the first 2. I really liked it but gosh it was a brutal book! I actually did not like Middlesex! I think I”ve read 2-3 books by that author and did not like any of them! But that’s one of the greatest things about books – they can elicit such different reactions!!


    1. Daria Avatar



  3. San Avatar

    I read A Little Life and I had such mixed feelings about it. It was good but also so hard to read.

    Three books that I loved:
    Outlander – I just love the first book (and subsequent series) because of the historical and detailed writing.
    The Art of Racing in the Rain – I didn’t think I would love this one but have given it as gifts multiple times after I read it.
    The Signature of all things was also very intriguing.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Wonderful! I need to add those to my never ending TBR list 🙂


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