SAHMom-ing is going… Well, it’s going. Wonky weather has passed, and in the past three days we went to the beach (twice), hit a couple of playgrounds, a local park, and went to the library. Plus, the kids came with me to do grocery shopping. Highlights are definitely our visits to the Jersey Shore! Went to the beach on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Yesterday, in spite of all the haze, the ocean was still beautiful.

L frolicking mid week. R will NOT go anywhere near the water (says it’s too cold for him lol). He is right.

Books. Almost finished with David Ambroz’ memoir– it’s inspiring and heartbreaking at the same time. As I’m reading it, some parts make me smile and other makes me cringe. A big minus: I got the book through Libby and it is only available to read through Libby (not Kindle). That means I am reading on my phone. Not ideal.

Movies/shows. 1.”The Lookout” – a woman becomes a fire watch tower volunteer (liked it, eerie); 2. An episode of “Black Mirror” with Aaron Paul (amazing and 1.5 hours long, essentially, a movie); 3. “Run Rabbit Run” – an Australian film, moody and scary, liked it very much). All in all, three high quality movies. And yes, thriller and horror is my thing (thanks honey 😉

Town and garden. Our town has a garden that is tended by garden society volunteers, and it is just lovely. The kids and I went there to sit and contemplate some flowers as well as insects. It smells amazing. L is fearful of flies and such but seeing busy insects, in their natural habitat, going about their business, is great for her. If you don’t bother bees, they will not bother you (or so we hope).

Mood and the upcoming trip. After getting over the PMS symptoms earlier this week, I feel better. Having mixed feelings about our upcoming family trip (Portugal and the south of Spain); we are leaving next week. While traveling and learning is my life goal, things can go wrong. Need to remind myself about a couple of things, so why not here?

  1. Things will go wrong
  2. You will handle them
  3. If you forget something- just buy it when you arrive
  4. You are privileged to be able to take such a trip
  5. You speak the language (for Spain)
  6. Airbnbs have good reviews
  7. R is potty-trained; L is adaptable and a social butterfly
  8. You will have a reliable car with road-side assistance, a cell-phone, and a GPS
  9. Roll with the punches
  10. The trip will be long, you will get bored
  11. The concept of slow travel is better for the kids (and you)
  12. The house will be waiting for you when you come back.

6 responses to “Saturday Thoughts”

  1. NGS Avatar

    I HATE that my library doesn’t have an option to save my preferences for searches on the Libby app. I have also gotten books that aren’t available through Kindle by accident and it’s TERRIBLE. I want to read it on my Kindle or not at all!

    I’m loving these beach photos and living vicariously through you.


    1. Daria Avatar

      THANK YOU! I feel the same. I just finished Ambroz’ book but from now on I’ll have to see whether I can get books on Kindle. Do not like reading on my phone.


  2. Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I hate reading books through Libby. I have returned books that aren’t available on Libby because I just hate the format so much – mostly I hate that it doesn’t tell you how many minutes are left in the chapter! And I prefer to read on my kindle or at least want the option to!

    I can’t wait to hear about your trip! I went to southern Spain in 2016 and had a great time. My husband studied abroad in Sevilla so he had a lot of suggestions for me (I went with a girlfriend). We went to Sevilla, Ronda (just one night – not much to do there) and Grenada. I liked Grenada the most!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Lovely! I am nervous but excited. We will have a car so kids can nap there and it’s good to just have a “base” In Denmark it was all metro and buses so they couldn’t nap.

      Ugh yeah, I finished the book but from now on I’ll be sure to read on Kindle.


  3. Coco Avatar

    great reminders for traveling with kids. I’d add a couple:
    – kids will fight and play with each other. let them be.
    – go with the flow, forget about routines, to-do lists
    – try new things that you wouldn’t do back home
    – we can have fun without spending $
    – be ready for funny conversations with kids


    1. Daria Avatar

      Love those, Coco!


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