This WEATHER is driving me bonkers. Scattered, severe, isolated, blah blah blah thunderstorms, with intermittent pockets of humidity and heat. Some sunshine. Nothing predictable! The beach bum in me is dying. I bought the season pass and I want to use it.

Sunday: watching the weather like a hawk, whenever the sun peeked out, me: “Everybody, outside!!!!!!” It worked. Mostly.

In the morning, I went to the Korean Spa to sweat for about 3 hours and that made me so tired! Came home, the kids happened to also be tired so the three of us took a nap. Dreamy… We have never practiced co-sleeping but I gotta say, there is something special about listening to your child’s breath while they are sleeping.

In the evening, L and I went to celebrate the 18th birthday and high school graduation of my good friends’ kids (twins). When her and I met, the kids were… Six years old? And now they are eighteen and starting a new chapter of their lives. God bless.

Monday (today). Wonky weather continues. Even as I type this, I hear distant thunder. However, today had a bigger promise of sunshine so we decided to take our chances at the beach. And we lucked out! Sunny albeit a bit windy with a bit of an ominous background (as you can see in the picture). But that storm moved toward New York, I think.

We were on the bay side today. You can see the dark at the horizon-moving toward NYC

Observations on summer so far and SAHMom-ing:

  1. I feel like I haven’t done anything “cool” with them yet. Except the beach and nature reserves. No science experiments, or lemonade stands, or making slime (shudders), or other cool craft projects. Coloring-yes, L is very much into that, on her own volition. R is not interested, at all. On the other hand, none of this stuff is on our summer wishlist so I should just chill.
  2. Time outside: a big pat on the back for myself! I am set on not wasting our summer indoors. Even when the weather wasn’t ideal we got out. My car is packed to the gills with necessities for sunny and rainy weather. I got some resistance from both of them a few times but I think I said something along the lines: “it’s summer, we are going outside.” And we did.
  3. Mental health: doing okay. Being at home with a 3 and 5 year old is hard. That is why it’s important for us to get out into nature or do an activity.
  4. Reading: my last two fiction books were so BLAH. I gave up on one and gritted my teeth through another. But now I am reading a non-fiction book that reads like a novel: A Place Called Home by David Ambroz. I’m flying through it, it’s incredible.
A smiley face on our banana today haha

13 responses to “SAHM day 3 and 4: wonky weather”

  1. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    I’m glad you are getting outside and having fun even when the weather is meh! Too bad about the books, I had a streak of kind of dull ones but lately they have been FIRE.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    Unreliable weather makes things way more challenging when you are trying to entertain young kids. I think going to the beach and parks and such should count as something “cool.” Last week, my kids went to 3 different parks. I tried to explain to my older son that I had access to 1 park in my tiny home town and MAYBE MAYBE OCCASSIONALLY my mom would drop us off at a park in the next biggish town over when she was running errands. So basically I had access to 2 parks my entire childhood and my kids went to 3 over the weekend?? And I was pretty content with those 2 parks. Sometimes I get a little triggered by “what are we doing next” questions… Since I was 1 of 5, and the 4th kid, I did not have nearly as much attention from my parents as my kids do. And I sort of want the older one to realize that/appreciate what he has? But then again, he’s a kid and isn’t old enough to realize he has it good?

    I’m glad the weather held out for your trip to the beach!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you for your perspective! I have to remind myself that the kids already have an amazing life. And yes, where are we going next? or what are we doing next? is UGH lol


  3. NGS Avatar

    Our air quality has been very bad for the last two days and it’s driving me crazy to be inside the house so much! I admire your ambition to get outside!


    1. Daria Avatar

      It’s hazy again in NJ this week! I think we are getting more smoke.. Hopefully nothing as bad as before..


  4. Diane Avatar

    Yes to the going outside!
    All the “cool” Pinterest-y crafty science-y projects… I sometimes contemplate, and then it seems like too much work to set up and then, more to the point, clean up, so I don’t bother. I have so many books about at home science experiments, and flip through them aspirationally. I did buy sun paper one summer and had the kids do sun prints – minimal clean up and they had to go outside to collect the materials and develop the paper. That felt like a win.
    Which is all to say I think beaches and nature reserves are plenty cool!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Ah I feel seen and validated-thank you Diane!


  5. melissagstebbins Avatar

    Somehow a bad book seems even worse over summer. I hope you turn a corner with the next reads.

    Well done getting out and about despite the weather. Hopefully it will settle down and be less rainy soon.


    1. Daria Avatar

      I did find a book that I enjoy!!! It happened to be non fiction but reads like a fiction book!


  6. San Avatar

    Don’t pressure yourself in doing something “special”… just getting out in nature and spending time with your kids is enough. One day, they’ll remember those times fondly!


    1. Daria Avatar

      That is what I tell myself.. It helps, sometimes.


  7. Stephany Avatar

    You’re doing great! You are building fun memories with your kids. I remember all the little things my mom did with us – not the big crazy activities. A fun day at the beach or a park can make great memories! And you’re spending quality time, which is exactly what they need. ❤

    Sorry about the blah books. I hate when that happens!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you for your words- I needed that!


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