Father’s day was very low key. T slept in (as much as it is possible to sleep in with two small yet loud kids). We then took him to breakfast at a local diner. As you may know, diners define New Jersey but New Jersey did not create diners. Rather, they revived this phenomenon of casual dining. Small digression.

I then took the kids out of the house so T can spend time in any way he wished. It was his day after all. He is a maker and a YouTuber so he needs time to create. Came back, and had a barbecue with neighbors. Our next door neighbors have twins of L’s age and a two-year-old toddler, the nicest people!

“Our” diner!

I think it’s fair to say that in the summer, I only have one job: a mom. At the end of August, I resume having two jobs: a teacher and a parent. This week I’ve been solo parenting since T is traveling. L is still in school this week (last day is today), R is home, me – also home. These three days when L was in school and R was home, I had plentiful time with my son. Every day we went to a different playground, a café, a library, a grocery store, and even got a hair cut for our upcoming Portugal-Spain trip. He went with me to my MD follow-up appointment. Of course, plentiful time playing outside (R) and gardening (me).

I don’t have brain space for themed days such as Wet Wednesday or Maker Monday or Sparking Saturday or whatever else. Rather, I have a wish list of summer activities that we decide on a weekly basis (much depends on NJ weather). For instance, it will be raining/drizzling for the next three days in New Jersey so we will probably go to the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City on one day and Aircraft Carrier Intrepid in NYC on another.

Self. My mood has been peaceful and think it’s because, as much as I love teaching, only having ONE job is much easier. My job to keep the kids fed, clean, and safe. Plus I want to keep them learning. All other stuff really is just an add-on.

I have meditated, did yoga three times (yoga with Adriene on YouTube), and journaled my morning pages. Also, been slowly planning the rest of the year and first few months of 2024. For example, I know that next year, my kids’ spring break and my spring break coincide. AND, it happens to be a long spring break- 10 full days! So I want to take advantage of that and book a Morocco trip.

I honestly don’t even know where I was going with this post so I will just press publish and leave it at that.

9 responses to “Father’s Day I Solo parenting I Self”

  1. Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    Your days sound so nice! And your youngest is getting to what is often a bit easier age to manage, especially when you are only catering to his interests. It’s more challenging to do things with Paul and Will because they have different interests and abilities at the playground. So it can feel a little stressful to keep an eye on both. But when I just have Will, it’s much easier. I’m not home with the boys much on summer week days so I just have to fill the weekends. I usually try to seek out a place with water when it’s warm out but we have a lot of options. As much as I like the break I get when Will naps, I look forward to him dropping his nap because then we will have more options for things to do. There are some really nice pools with play areas for kids but the entrance fee is kind of steep so I’d prefer to go if we can spend like 3-5 hours there. That’s tough to do with a kid that NEEDS a nap! But by next summer things will look very different!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Starting today-they are both HOME so I have to step up my parenting game lol I agree-one child at a time is so much easier hehe R’s naps are very haphazard so we stopped worrying about it. Just looked up tickets to the Liberty Science Center for the three of us – $100 (!!!!) I guess I have to bite the bullet.


  2. Coco Avatar

    parenting and working could be tiring at the time so summer break is welcoming. having lived alone for 10 days with only job working, I feel not fully myself and missing my girls badly. next week I’ll go back and do parenting more, which I actually miss. doing just one job doesn’t feel right to me anymore nor balance.
    what a great gift you’ve given to your husband. 🙂


    1. Daria Avatar

      Can’t wait to see more updates on your solo life 🙂


  3. melissagstebbins Avatar

    It sounds like your summer has got off to a great start. It’s great that you can take the time to do the routine morning activities that you know set you up well for the day.

    Morocco would be fascinating to visit!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Morocco has been on my list for years, I think it’s time!


  4. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Oooh Morocco is on my list of must-go-to places!
    Solo parenting is tough, but your summer sounds like it is off to a good start! I was pretty unstructured with summers with my kids and we have lots of good memories from those times where we’d just go to the zoo or park or pool on a whim.


    1. Daria Avatar

      We have a mix of structured and unstructured time 🙂


  5. San Avatar

    Summer sounds like a lovely time for you where you can just focus on your kids and family!


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