The smoke from Canadian wildfires have slowly seeped down to New Jersey. Wednesday was the worst. The world was colored yellow, and everything and everyone smelled of camping. The smoke was was all in the eyes and throat. I checked air quality for my county at 6PM yesterday – hazardous! Kept all windows closed and ran AC for a while.

Today was a bit better. I checked air quality for my county at 6PM today-very unhealthy. Improving from hazardous. Feel bad for animals trapped in the Canadian woods and people who were impacted by these fires. May it resolve itself soon.

You can see NJ in the center.

Watched Being Mary Tyler Moore documentary on HBO Max over the course of two evenings. I kiiiiiiind of knew who she was but then again, not being born or growing up in the country I really had no idea what a legend she was. What a life… Tragic yet full of creativity. I won’t give away the documentary but I truly enjoyed it.

Started a new audiobook: the Guest List by L.Foley. LOVE the accents, LOVE the setting (an island off Connemara, Ireland). Current book is a Kindle edition of The Wonder of All Things. Bleak so far.

Solo week. Yep, me and the kiddos. It’s been fine except we were stuck in the house for two days due to air quality. On Sunday I made two dishes so we’ve been eating the leftovers pretty much all week: chili and rice, and chicken and couscous. Very uneventful but I like it like that. Especially when T is away.

12 responses to “Air quality, Mary Tyler Moore, solo week”

  1. Coco Avatar

    I’m reading everywhere about the smoke, quite terrifying. hope you are all doing well and this passes quickly. in Jakarta, I monitor closely the air quality, when it’s above 100, I can feel it when I breath.


  2. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Oh, so awful. We had that issue a few weeks ago and it’s just gross. I found my body ached from the smoke in the air, it’s just dreadful. Hope it clears soon.


  3. Grateful Kae Avatar

    We’ve even had hazy air and decreased air quality here in southern Wisconsin. Not like what the east coast is experiencing, but it’s crazy!!! So sad and scary!! I also hope the situation resolves soon.

    Hope you enjoy your quiet solo week! Your meals sound like some nice comfort food to me. 🙂 I love the idea of cooking bigger meals on the weekend and then not having to cook all week, but I never seem to do it. Also, maybe I eat too much or don’t make enough, because I sometimes feel like I will make what I think is “extra”….but then it does NOT last me all week. haha.


  4. Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    I have heard about the terrible air quality you’ve had recently! We have had poorer air quality lately but nothing like what you all are experiencing! It sounds kind of post apocalyptic!

    I’ve never seen the Mary Tyler Moore Show! I should check out the actual show at some point since it was set here in Minneapolis. There is a statue on our main downtown thoroughfare and I often see people taking pictures by it!

    I hope the solo week is going ok. That is extra tough when you can’t be outdoors!


  5. melissagstebbins Avatar

    Uneventful is certainly good, when you are on your own with the kids. Smart move cooking enough food to eat leftovers all week. I love having leftovers. Last week I made dahl which we ate for two dinners and a lunch. I really appreciate having home cooked food but not having to cook.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Same! I have to explore what Dahl is 🙂


  6. NGS Avatar

    I’ve always had a meh reaction to Lucy Foley books, but maybe I should try one on audiobook. That might make me less grumpy about the whole thing.


    1. Daria Avatar

      The audio book is a bit slow-moving… But enough for my commute.


  7. Stephany Avatar

    Gosh, I feel so bad for people up north who are dealing with such hazardous conditions. Being stuck inside (with kids!!) has to be difficult. I hope it gets better soon.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hi there! It did get better, over a course of about three days. We saw a sliver of blue in the sky and got excited!


  8. San Avatar

    Oh man, the fire/smoke is so awful. We had our fair share of that in CA last summer (and probably more this year as it has become worth over the last few years) and I feel for you that you were impacted by the smoke. I hope it’s all better now.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Yes, all better!! 🙂


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