Looking back at this past week, I see and feel that it’s been tinged by sadness over my friend’s husband passing. Before I say anything else, I just want to say thank you for all people who extended their condolences, and I subsequently passed them to her. She is being very strong and she knows that I (and her other friends) are here for her and the boys.

Week highlights and pats on the back

  1. The Golden Hour: I congratulate myself on the Golden Hour each morning this week. My Golden hour includes meditation, writing morning pages, a brief workout, and overviewing my upcoming day. Having that peace in the morning is essential to me functioning properly throughout the day.
  2. Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn – entertaining and disturbing. Liking it.
  3. An order from Nordstrom: as an under buyer, I rarely spend money unless I absolutely need it. At this moment I need a one-piece swimsuit, a summer dress, and face cream. Placed an order for three swimsuits and a few dresses. After I try them on and decide on one I will keep, the rest will be returned to our local Nordstrom. No way I will keep everything, even if they all fit.
  4. Decided to schedule a Korean facial and a massage. Ugh, part of me just hates spending money but I feel like my skin needs it (aging, sun spots, dullness, etc) This facial is in a Korean spa and sauna in the town over, about a 15-minute drive.
  5. Dinners this week: one highlight is pan pockets (in essence, dumplings) and edamame. I am Russian but I do appreciate Asian cuisine very much. Asian culture does have a tremendous influence on Russian culture (borders with Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan, and other central Aisna countries). In the East: the water border with Japan and a very short border with North Korea.
L modeling in one of my dresses – I wanna be like you mom! ❤

6 responses to “Friday… Five?”

  1. Elisabeth Avatar

    A facial sounds amazing – I’ve never had one. Might be a goal for me for 2024.

    See, your Golden Hour is why I wish I could do mornings. I’ve tried – so many times – but my body is just not built for mornings. Maybe when I’m a senior?! Being a lark is a super power of sorts…


    1. Daria Avatar

      I think it’s important to do what your body is telling you. Do you stay up later after the kids go to bed? Then it’s probably your golden hour just in the evening.


  2. Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    Your golden hour routines sound great! My golden hour would definitely be in the evening, although that means that what I can do in that hour is different as I don’t like to workout shortly before going to bed! When my youngest is a bit older and doesn’t rise so early, I can use the 6-7am hour on the weekend to do with it what I’d like. But our kids are early riser since we have to be out of the house at 6:45 on week days. So I’d have to get up a 5 to get an hour to myself and I just can’t do it!!

    That facial sounds amazing!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      I kind of force myself to be up at 4:30 just so I can have that time to myself. Meaning I am in bed by 8, read a few pages, then lights out. I probably could stay up later and wake up later but I’ve been doing it for so long that now it’s a habit. We have to be out the door by 6:30 so the kids wake up at 6. T and I hope that they’ll sleep in on the weekend- no such luck.


  3. melissagstebbins Avatar

    You morning routine is impressive. Swim suits can be a pain to buy, I hope out of the clothes you ordered you find some you love.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Returned most of it- too small…


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