Daily writing prompt
List your top 5 favorite fruits.

This is a daily writing prompt provided by WordPress- thank you.

Mangos from Grenada
  • Banana: the easiest fruit to eat. No washing needed, pret-a-manger. Nutritious and keeps me full. My go-to fruit! Symbolizes being on the go, quality nutrition, and sustenance. I enjoy it year around!
  • Blackberry: fragrant, antioxidant-rich, as all berries! In my mind, those berries associate with the Anapa region of Russia (where I spent my summers as a girl), there are a lot of them there. Year-round treat.
  • Mango: reminds me of our honeymoon in Grenada. I was eating those mangos by the pound lol when we were there! Summer treat.
  • Papaya: makes me think of our time in Costa Rica (friends’ road trip). Also remind me of anything tropical, happy, sunny, and simple. I don’t eat papaya nearly as often as I want. Exotic locations treat.
  • Black cherries: my beach food! Also can eat them by the pound. As much as I love a good cherry, it sometimes doesn’t like me 😉 and makes me bloated. Summer/fall treat!

Kiddos and fruit over the years 🙂

How about you? Favorite fruit/berries? Are they just food or do they represent something? A season in life, a location, or even a feeling?

9 responses to “Five Favorite Fruits (and Berries)”

  1. Elisabeth Avatar

    This is funny because I have a blog post drafted all about my top five favourite fruits and bottom 5.

    A really great raspberry is probably my favourite fruit; though a perfect peach is hard to beat. I’m not a fan of melon or blackberries. I LOVE bananas, but only in things – sliced on toast or oatmeal, in a muffin or smoothie, or plain but smeared with PB.

    I also really like grapes and strawberries. Yum. Fresh fruit is so good. I’m fortunate to live in an agricultural hub so can pick almost all fruits fresh in the summer. Such a delicious treat.


    1. Daria Avatar

      New Jersey has so many farms, I want to pick-your-own with the kids this summer!


  2. San Avatar

    Interesting! While I do eat bananas, for their nutrition and ease of eating, they’re not on my list of favorite fruits.
    My list goes like this
    1) apples
    2) raspberries
    3) strawberries
    4) peaches
    5) cherries


    1. Daria Avatar

      Yum! Peaches, for sure!!


  3. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    I love fruit and I eat a lot of it. It depends on the season, what I like the most. I love McIntosh apples, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and pears probably the most of all the fruits. And I eat bananas every day, or rather drink them, as I put them in smoothies, but I don’t LOVE them the most.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Ohhh McIntosh apples are the best :))


  4. NGS Avatar

    Interesting! I actively dislike bananas. I feel like they are way too many calories for the little fruit you get and the texture is not appealing to me. That being said, they sure are convenient.

    My favorite fruits are: cherries, blueberries, nectarines, strawberries, and raspberries. I’m definitely a berry and stone fruit girl!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Nectarines have a strong summer association for me 🙂


  5. Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I eat bananas every day but wouldn’t list them as a favorite fruit. They enhance my breakfast but aren’t very special to me. My favorite fruits are raspberries and watermelon. My grandparents had a huge raspberry patch and we had to go over there and pick at least once a week during the summer months of my childhood. I whined SO MUCH about having to do this. Now I would love to have pretty much unlimited access to raspberries. I think about that when we buy tiny but expensive containers of raspberries that never live up to what I ate as a child.

    We bought our first watermelon of the season today at Aldi and it was surprisingly good! I am the only watermelon eater in my family. I might be able to talk my youngest into trying it. My oldest son doesn’t like fruit at all! I can’t believe it as I love fruit! Our youngest likes fruit quite a bit, though. His favorite is blueberries and raspberries.


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