Last weekend was a nice combo of meanngful activities intermingled with rest and relaxation. Exactly as I like it! On Saturday rained all day so in the morning we played, cleaned the house, and went to buy some groceriesto have guests for tea.

In the afternoon, we had a Russian (!) family come over for tea: mom, grandma and a toddler. They live down the street down from us, in the same town. Because they are my compatriots, I was very excited. It feels wonderful to make friends as an adult. We had a good 3 hours of “posidelki” with tea, cheese, kolbasa (Russian sausage), pastries, and, of course, chocolates. Then it was time to relax for a bit so the kids watches a few cartoons, T worked on a video, and I read my book, journaled, and planned my week.

Sushki, cookies, grapes, cheese (not pictured), and my favorite Polish chocolates- Mella!

Sunday I went to a Korean Spa to get a Radiance facial and spent time toasting my bones in dry and wet saunas afterwards. After about 3 hours I truly felt relaxed and rejuvenated. Korean sauna seems to be not as hot and intense as Russian banya but I enjoyed my experience nonetheless. Becasue the saunas were “cooler” I could actually bring my Kindle and saw other people reading books while sweating in the sauna. Plan on coming back bi-weekly or monthly for my body and mind. Pictures were not allowed for obvious reasons 😉

On Sunday afternoon we had a birthday party to attend which was a lot of fun: it was for R and L’s friend and his family next door to us. The kids had a blast. Great food, wonderful music, and many familiar faces from the neighborhood. Sunday night was used for mental organization, reading, and meditating. Also, prep work to set me up for success, because ->

This week I am flying solo: just the kids and I. T is traveling for business for the next four days. So it looks like this:

4:30-5:30 Golden hour- coffee, meditation, morning pages, [maybe a short workout, read]

5:30-6:00 get ready

6:00-6:30 get kids ready + eat breakfast

6:30-7:00 drop kids off at two different locations, not close by :[ Use my commute time to listen to my audio book (currently -the Second Mountain by David Brooks), have green tea in my travel mug, and do affirmations aloud so nobody can hear me.

7:15- arrive at work, take a deep breath, high five myself for making it not only on time, with time to spare (usually).

7:15-2:45 educate young minds!

2:45-3:15 prep for next day, clean up loose ends, clean work desk and area.

3:15-4:15 pick up kids at two different locations. Use time in the car to decompress, breathe, listen to audiobook, listen to sad music and cry, listen to a standup and laugh, call a friend: whatever is needed for me on a particular day.

4ish: arrive home. Unload the car, wash hands, put stuff away (coats, shoes into the closet, lunch bag dishes- dishwasher

4-5pm: kids play, while I have tea and either play with them for a bit, or patter around the house and prep myself for the next day. Preparing lunch means scooping whatever leftovers we have into a container, re-packing the lunch bag, adding fruit and a utensil, and placing it all in the fridge. Also refilling the water bottle, and placing it in backpack.

A little digression… I have to commend the kids because they have been playing outside so well lately. And by “lately” I mean since R turned three in January. That’s when the magic started to really happen in terms of all kinds of play. But when they play together, emotions can run high so we have to intervene sometimes. But for the most part, they are very good.

5ish-6:00 Dinner, heat-up and eat: me and the kiddos.

6-6:30 they play, I clean up the kitchen, do “closing duties”.

6:30-7: baths, teeth, books, bed, songs and snuggles.

By 7:30 everyone is in bed, maybe not asleep but in bed, with their door closed. This is the time for me to rest, and I rest by journaling and reading. At the end of the day I feel very worn out.

Yesterday was especially hard because after work, I picked up L, then picked up R, then went to drove to Duck Donuts, then drove to visit my friend who had a terrible loss not too long ago. After spending about an hour and a half at her house, we drove home, and by the time we had dinner and did the evening routine, I was so done. I had absolutely nothing to give, and felt deflated, cynical, and negative. This morning I still was quietly sulking but I that’s just the fatigue. I am giving myself grace for doing my best, and I forgive myself for snapping at the kids and being angry at the world.

Duck Donuts of New Jersey 🙂

14 responses to “Solo week + weekend recap”

  1. Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    Solo parenting is so hard. On a normal day, I would feel depleted. Add in the emotions from your friends loss and I can see why the night was especially tough. I am the one traveling usually and I for sure have the easier week when I travel v being at home solo parenting. Mornings are the hardest because our toddler is extremely moody and tantrum-prone in the morning. He seemed to be growing out of this but we’ve had some rough mornings this week.

    Your Russian tea sounds so fun! And the spa experience sounds great, too!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Lisa, thanks for stopping by and your kind words. I feel better! Today I am off (district is closed) and have some space to breathe and just be.


  2. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Those Polish chocolates look really good. I’m glad you had such a nice visit and spa time. I hope your solo week goes okay – it can be tricky sometimes for sure.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you! Today I have time to just be- partner is back and he is the “point to” parent 😉


  3. Katie Avatar

    I’m really intrigued by the Korean spa experience! I live in a pretty small town, so nothing like that is available- but I’ve always wanted to try it! Sounds really rejuvinating! The donuts look AMAZING. Wow!

    I look forward to when our kids can play a little better together. They are 3 and 20 months. I feel like a lot of their play ends in hurting each other or stealing toys back and forth (so not really playing at all, ha!).


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh stealing toys is infuriating!! Happens here all the time! lol


  4. San Avatar

    Sounds like you had a lot going on right now. No wonder you feel fatigued. I love that you’re trying to get in some mindful “me-time” where you can.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Just have to give myself some time and space…


  5. melissagstebbins Avatar

    It sounds like just the weekend you needed before a big week. My husband travelled a lot for work and when the kids were young it could be very draining.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you for feeling my discomfort 🙂


  6. Maya Avatar

    I love the idea of a golden hour–it has been part of my practice forever (tea, meditation, alone time), but I never had a proper name for it before.

    Yours is a whole hour earlier than mine–probably necessary since it looks like you start work an hour earlier than me as well? Good for you for sticking to it! Do you have the summer off?


    1. Daria Avatar

      Yes! Work starts at 7:30! And is over at 3PM. After work I have zero motivation to do anything :[


  7. Coco Avatar

    solo week is not easy so do give you some rest when you feel needing it. lowering standard/expectation works wonders when I know I’m not in my best physical self, when sleep deprived and exhausted.
    I’ve never tried Korean spa, sounds like something I’d enjoy because I don’t like the conventional sauna as it’s too hot and can’t do anything but lay down. if I can bring kindle, then I’ll enjoy more. there are few here in Jakarta, will give it a try.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Daria Avatar

      It was lovely!


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