The post from yesterday was finished by me saying we are going out to dinner – we did. In the restaurant we saw a family with kids #yess I ordered a soup and two appetizers and ended up eating most of it. L and R are still getting used to French food. But it get’s better- read on.

On to today… In total, we left at about 9:30 and came back at around 6:30. A long day 🙂

Before I say anything- the weather was amazing today! Warm 50s and sunny/cloudy. I bundled up but there was absolutely no need.

Morning. Left our airbnb at around 9:30am and took a train to Arts et Metiers metro station. It’s wroth mentioning that Paris metro is amazing. We are in zone 1, so I am not sure how other zones are, but zone 1 is awesome. Very clear directions as to where to go and how to change trains, well lit, and clean. The metro is not very deep (comparing it to Moscow Metro). We bought 5 days worth of metro/bus passes (for the three of us that was about $90).

We then got out of the metro and started walking toward Elie Weisel Square in Temple neighborhood. We never made it to the square because, one thing or another… A café, a playground, another small square – all that takes time.

Afternoon. We had 12 pm lunch reservations at a restaurant (one Micheline star) in a neighborhood that’s a bit off the beaten path- Menilmontant. Our lunch lasted about two hours and out bill was about $120. I asked if the chef can make something for the kids, the answer: sure, whatever is on the menu, just a smaller portion. No pizza, or french fries, or chicken nuggets. I already knew that but it was good for the kids to hear that some countries don’t serve that stuff. When R’s meal came out, he asked for ranch dressing. LOLOLOLOL Joke’s on him. But both kids actually ATE. Even without ranch dressing. The food was very, very good. And the dessert- well, the dessert was heavenly. We got two to share. Some kind of concoction made with mango, pineapple and passion fruit and a dessert that looked like chocolate lava cake.

I thought I tasted a little booze in this dessert but I wasn’t sure. Anyway, R can use some mellowing out.

Late afternoon/evening. We then took the metro to D’Orsay museum. Our ticket was for 3PM. I had to pay but the kids got in for free. After looking at the museum plan I decided I wanted to see all of level 5 and three galleries on level 2. The kids were redirected multiple times by the museum staff for touching walls and art. Level 5 was packed and hot. But – we saw some paintings, you know, the Naked Lunch, tons of Renoir, and Degas, and Van Gogh. Took a break in a café, continued on level 2, saw the naturalism and symbolism galleries, got our coats and took the metro back home. When we came out of the metro at our stop, the carousel was open! The kids did a few rounds on that. Tomorrow is a big day- we are going to Versailles!

6 responses to “Paris Day 2: getting comfortable”

  1. Kyria @ Travel Spot Avatar

    How fun! I remember reading a book about French kids and how they were not picky eaters; I cannot remember what it was called but it was basically what you said, that they just eat what the parents eat; there is no separate “kid” food. I like that concept, but of course as a parent you gotta do what you gotta do. I do wonder though if some American kids had been started out that way, if they would be less picky. I also love that you went to a Michelin star restaurant; you just go where you want to go and the kids go with you and it works! Good on you!


  2. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    I am impressed you went to a Michelin star restaurant! I would not trust my kids in an upscale restaurant! But you have traveled a lot so the kids probably get that they need to keep their sh*t together. My kids are so picky so eating without a kids menu would be tough. They would survive on snack (mostly crackers) between meals!

    I am glad you enjoyed d’Orsay!! That is by far my favorite museum in Paris!!


  3. Coco Avatar

    Such a fun and packed day! You are brave to take the kids to museums. I think we will skip most of them. My girls wouldn’t eat new food on the first day either. they are excited about croissant, macaroons, and crepes though.


  4. J Avatar

    I love D’Orsay, but it’s hard when it’s so crowded. I’m glad you enjoyed yourselves, and I’ll bet the kids are learning about different foods as well. When I was in Paris a couple of years ago, I noticed one restaurant we went to in Vincennes (just East of Paris), and there was no kids menu that I saw, but lots of kids, and they were all so much better behaved than most American kids. It was great.


  5. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Sounds like your trip is going great, and the dessert sounds amazing!


  6. Stephany Avatar

    This made me chuckle: “I thought I tasted a little booze in this dessert but I wasn’t sure. Anyway, R can use some mellowing out.”

    Your kids are getting to experience such amazing culture at such young ages – I love that you are exposing them to this! What amazing memories they will have. ❤


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