Solo parenting this week.

1. On Monday I made it to work right on time after dropping off both kids at two different locations AND I didn’t lose my you-know-what. Somebody give me that medal 🏅I walked in right at the bell, unlocked the door for the students, and started the lesson.

2. L was up at 3:30AM saying her knees hurt: growing pains. A bit of Motrin, she fell back asleep on the couch. I started my morning: coffee, meditation, some blogs, some yoga.

3. Speaking of morning routine, try this on Insight Timer:

4. Speaking of removing negativity, I should be in luteal phase any day now. Watch out, world! Actually, nah, I am feeling okay – but the awareness is important.

5. A workshop by a colleague from Southern Maine on minimalist teaching is still on my mind. What a wonderful, quiet presence that woman had. I could listen to her for hours. I want to see her in her classroom. So often workshop presenters are rah-rah, fist pumping, tons of energy, but that exhausts me.

Plus, the topic – the Minimalist Teaching- was so, so relevant! She talked about clutter – physical (our classrooms), mental (teachers’ brains), and curricula (activities and ideas).

My classroom is NOT cluttered, especially that this year it is my own room.

My brain… Well yes, I think about teaching a lot, in the shower, while I drive, while I walk.

Curricula clutter. Yep, have that! I decided that after each unit I will go through the folder and get rid of any duplicates, or old ideas/activities.

8 responses to “Growing pains+solo parenting+The Minimalist Teacher”

  1. Elisabeth Avatar

    I don’t think you’ve mentioned this before so maybe it’s a rare issue in your household. If not…my son has growing pains off and on (I think it tends to be worse for boys?) and the only thing that has reliably helped is supplementing with magnesium! It has done SO MUCH to offset growing pains. My osteopath recommended it and I was shocked how well it worked.

    Also, he has a long heatable sac that can go in the microwave and he wraps that around his legs.

    When he was younger I would sometimes find him asleep with his legs hanging over the edge of the bed; the weight of gravity helped ease the pain. I don’t think I had them as a child, but I had a nephew who had a lot of growing pains (and he is now an adult and SO tall!!!)


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you SO much Elisabeth!!


  2. Nicole MacPherson Avatar

    Mental clutter is such an interesting concept – and one I can really relate to!


  3. Coco Avatar

    I’ve never heard of growing pain! wooo! this is real. she must be going through growth spurts. Hang on there! Minimalist teaching, i like that idea. I feel like my girls classrooms have too many clutters.


  4. Natka Avatar

    #1 – That Monday morning sounded AWESOME! Go Daria!!!! Solo parenting with young kids and a full-time job can be so hard. You are making it look easy 🙂

    #2 – That’s rough. Impressed that you just rolled with it and started your morning routine at 3:30!


    1. Daria Avatar

      OMG thank you Natasha for the validation


  5. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    Poor L! Paul had growing pains when he was 4 I think? I don’t remember having them as a kid but know of other parents whose kids have had them, too. I so could not start my day at 3:30 though! I would be a ZOMBIE!!

    I am pretty much here for anything minimalist! I can see how it really applies to your job!


  6. San Avatar

    I think I also had growing pains growing up… I am sorry L had to deal with it. It’s not pleasant.


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