Happy Friday, all!

I realized that I never reflected on that week between Christmas and New Years. That week was hard and amazing at the same time. We were circling in each other’s orbits; being happy and being miserable; fighting and hugging. Walks, playing, napping, eating, projects and workbooks, watching movies, playing, outside, eating, napping, watching movies. On repeat. Some lovely impromptu visits to friends and neighbors.

Grateful to neighbors who invited R and L for (drop off!!) playdates. That broke up the routine a little. R was especially lucky- his friend lives next door to us, so I bring R over, they keep each other company, and that gives a break to me and the other mom.

In spite of all of the above, by the end we were so tired of each other. I say, it’s only natural. The kids happily went to school and I (almost) happily went to work.

After the break. On Tuesday, January 2, hoards of bleary-eyed teenagers mumbled their greetings and “happynewyears” and collapsed at their desks. I inferred that they probably stayed up late during their winter break, and now they are in my class, looking like zombies. However, as the week progressed, most perked up!

Habits/health. Doing well with my one coffee a day habit, but I do admit, it’s hard. One day I just made myself a second coffee without thinking about it! Talking about being on autopilot. Wake up, D.

Health is okay. I have a horrendous cough, again. It is most annoying at night, and during lessons! Gahhhh. I need it to go away.

Connection. Been reaching out via texts to friends, and hung with T a few evenings, talked, even watched an episode Task Master with him.

Reading/meditation/journaling- no issues. I even meditated at work! Just closed the door, turned off the overhead lights, and put a 10 minute meditation on.

Exercise- just walks, I have yet to do yoga this week.

Reading/listening to. Just finished a book on ADHD since I work with some students who have that diagnosis. Listening to a book by Briana Wiest: that is amazing.

9 responses to “First post of 2024!”

  1. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    I love seeing all the pictures of your kids being kids! What fun! I’m sure the week between Christmas and New Year is full of ups and downs, and many memories for the future. You are very brave sticking to one cup of coffee when you have to teach teenagers!! I need an extra cup just thinking about it! 🤣


  2. Elisabeth Avatar

    Those pictures are all so cute. Sparkly eyelids! Cozy winter sheets! Workbooks.

    That said, I 100% relate to being SO OVER MY KIDS BY THE END OF A BREAK. It’s exhausting and fun and all the feels all at once (which, frankly, I find confusing – how can it be wonderful and awful and easy and hard all at the same time? welcome to the mystery that is parenting).

    Hope your cough gets better soon. Ugh. That’s tough, especially when it’s disrupting your sleep.


  3. Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    Gosh break must have felt so long! Taco’s school was only closed on Christmas Day so it was a fairly normal week for us. I would struggle with a week+ of being home. A 3-day weekend is hard enough! Attendance was low at his daycare so I think they reduced staff to still give teachers some time off.

    Paul SPRUNG out of bed on Tuesday to go to school and my gosh he was so very very very excited. He is definitely like his mom and adores school.

    I hope your cough gets better! You just got over one so it sucks to have yet another one. Knock on wood, I am healthy and the kids are, too. Taco got an ear infection after Christmas but since he still have ear tubes, we just treat it with ear drops. Which were a HORRIBLE PAIN to give to him because it’s like medicating a feral cat. It was a 2 person job and admittedly, we stopped the drops after 5 days because I could not handle 2 more days of restraining him while Phil gave him the drops. Ay yi yi.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh no! Hopefully that will improve! Glad to hear you are healthy- may January be kind to you!


      1. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

        I did not mean to comment twice! I thought my first one didn’t go through!!


  4. Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    Ugh you have another cough! Noooooo! That is so awful!

    A long break with young kids can feel very very long. I wish Taco had a friend to do playdates with but he hasn’t really made friends at his new daycare. I should plan something w/ his best buddy from his old daycare. Playdates are nice since they play w/ each other and the mom has to do less. Even better if it’s a drop off play date!!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Seriously, this cough needs to go away. It is so annoying if it’s during lessons! And yes, drop offs are the best!


  5. San Avatar

    Happy New Year. I know many parents who like for things to go back to the normal grind after the holidays, because while it’s fun, it’s also a lot of time around each other LOL


  6. Sarah Jedd Avatar

    Darling pictures!!


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