Oh happy day… Crawling to the finish line…

Actually, I shouldn’t say that. I’m fine. Maybe not fine but I am okay. And I am okay with being okay. I am healthy, and I am staying healthy! This nonsense called the holiday season (I mean it lovingly) is almost over.

I work tomorrow for 1/2 a day then I am off till January 2! On Saturday we have the usual gymnastics and not much else. On Sunday, Christmas Eve, we have dinner with friends and neighbors at our house. T and I were just lamenting how we used to do barbecues all the tiiiiiiiime, and now we are not having anyone overrrrrr anymore. So, we decided to do a Christmas Eve *buffet style* dinner. A total of seventeen people, a mix of friends and neighbors.

Highlights from this week and last weekend

⛄The Nutcracker Ballet with L at the State Theater

⛄Delivering gifts for teachers and aftercare staff

⛄L’s winter concert. It was so cute! Can’t really share a picture since she sang with other kids in her class and I haven’t asked permission to share the picture with other kids in it.

⛄Ginger people making initiative at L’s school (family night)

⛄L lost her third tooth – right in the front!

⛄R is growing on writing, or writing is growing on R? Not sure but he has been writing his name.

⛄School duty outside on day – sunny and crisp!

⛄Getting my UNannounced observation this week (where school admins just go in to evaluate your teaching, without telling you they are coming). The students did not let me down 😀

⛄Joining a social committee at work – for teachers and staff

⛄Doing a National Geographic crystal-growing kit with the kids – so cool. Actual trees.

⛄L writing her letter to Santa and placing it into a mailbox in our neighborhood

Today is winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, and I am feeling cozy and grateful. Going to finish this post, stop by Walmart to pick up hot chocolate and marshmallows for tomorrow, and pick up the kids from after care.

9 responses to “Happy Winter Solstice”

  1. Michelle G. Avatar
    Michelle G.

    I’m not a teacher, but I think an unannounced observation would be so stressful!! I’m glad your students delivered! It sounds like you’ve had a busy, wonderful week, and Christmas will be over before you know it!


    1. Daria Avatar

      A little bit. After years of teaching one kind of gets used to it 🙂


  2. Melissa Avatar

    How is easy is it to get busy and fall out of th habit of having people over? I hope you enjoy you gathering. It counds like you week was full of lots of good things. Have a Merry Christmas!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Merry Christmas to you, too!! Yes, very easy to be in the hamster wheel and loose sight of what matters.


  3. Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    I’m so impressed with R! I feel like Taco is far off from writing his letters or his name! R’s a smarty pants!

    I wish our winter break was as short as yours was! I am sure the teachers love it. The parents? Eh. Although there did not seem to be a lot of kids at the child care program at school this week so maybe families like the 2 weeks off? I only didn’t mind since we could send him to this program 7 of the 11 days he’ll have off! And he’s been having a blast there. Your comment about getting gifts for the after school teachers motivated me to do something. There are 11 teachers so I got everyone a $10 Starbucks gift card. They must not get things like that often as they were so appreciative of it!


    1. Daria Avatar

      I don’t know about smarty pants but he is lazy. He can do it but doesn’t want to. Calling a spade a spade.
      i am a parent and just today I mentioned to T “we are staring down the barrel of an abyss with 10 days with the kids” lol He goes “yep”

      I think $10 card is very generous and thoughtful. You see, after care and teacher assistants don’t really get much “love” if you will. At least from what I see. L has 5 after care teachers so we gifted each a bag filled with Cheryls’ cookies which is pretty much like Christmas crack- they are that good.


  4. Lindsay Avatar

    Happy (day after the) Winter Solstice! I love the idea of a buffet-style Christmas Eve gathering, no pressure of the formal meal and folks can just take what they like. Hope it goes well – and happy time off work to you!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hey Lindsay! Been using the mug- it’s perfect!! Merry Christmas to you, too xoxox


  5. San Avatar

    An unannounced observation the week before Christmas? RUDE! I hope you had a great Christmas break!


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