A terrible night last night. L coughing up her lung. Then, R started – SAME issue. After some medicine, he calmed down, but I could not fall back asleep after that. Needless to say, today I feel like I am walking against the wind. My work is going well, the lessons are set, my classes are humming along and students are completing their work. That is not a problem.

I am not feeling down, I am actually in a good mood, but the brain fog today is real. I actually had to physically write out everything I need to do today after work:

  1. Finish teaching at 2:45PM. Close-out ritual at work, leave at 3PM
  2. Go to Party City and buy L a big balloon with a big number 6
  3. Pick up at aftercare – say, 4PM?
  4. Bring home
  5. Bring both kids to the dentist (6 mo check-up) at 4:30PM
  6. Bring both kids home
  7. Go to L’s kindergarden- parent-teacher conference at 6PM
  8. Come back home
  9. Dinner (L wants pizza) and cake (already purchased).

I decided, I will just proceed with the steps, without freaking out too much,

On a more positive note, L loved her gifts! I love seeing her so excited. In reality, we do not buy toys/games on a whim so this was a true treat for her. She got a jewelry making set, a potion making set, some puffy stickers of princesses, unicorn glitter slime (blame T for that), and a set of mermaid bath bombs. She made out like a bandit ❤️💎

❤️ Isn’t she so special??? ❤️ We use cloth wrapping paper so that’s what that is 😊

16 responses to “NaBloPoMo day 28: against the wind”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    YES, just follow the steps– this is what I do. I also can never go back to sleep after I hear kids coughing on the monitor. UGH. Happy birthday to L, and I hope the day went smoothly 🙂


  2. Elisabeth Avatar

    I’m so sorry. Having sick kids is like living in a haze.

    Fabric wrapping is BRILLIANT!


  3. Irena Avatar

    Hang in, there, you are not alone, unfortunately the cold season is here 😦 I meant to write-up a response yesterday, suggesting to prioritize your health and healing, over everything else: Make a big pot of tea with ginger, honey, pepper flakes, etc. – you got the message – and carry it with you all day in a thermos cup. In my experience it helps with the cough much better than any over-the-counter syrup. Take huge amounts of vitamin C, like 4,000 mg per day – you need it when you are fighting any virus. Add whatever else you find helpful – Chinese remedies, any other herbs, vicks for chest rubs, etc. Above all means, just get home after work and prioritize your rest. Put the kids in front of TV, they would love it, and you will get your much needed rest. Call in to your parent-teacher conference, instead of going there – just sharing something i have done before to save some energy. I hope you get to feel better soon!!! Sending hugs!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Irena, thank you so much for such a wonderful, thoughtful response. I will be sure to do the ginger tea- I can even bring it to work. May need to eliminate the pepper flakes 🥵🤣


  4. Diane Avatar

    Happy Birthday, L! I love the fabric wrapped packages.
    I hope all your steps went smoothly today. I often find that writing the steps help – if I can get through those things then everything else can wait until tomorrow. (or next week, or next month, or… maybe never…)


  5. Suzanne Avatar

    Happy birthday to L! Sounds like a very busy day but a successful birthday. I hope everyone feels better and gets some sleep.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you so much Suzanne!!


  6. J Avatar

    Blah to illness, all of my blog friends with kids seem to be going through this right now. Hang in there, and Happy Birthday to L!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Thank you Julie!!


  7. NaBloPoMo day 29: getting the grip + birthday picture – Mom of Children Avatar

    […] steps worked great yesterday! I just followed them and, little by little, all was done! L asked for pizza […]


  8. Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    I’m totally going through the motions and also feel intense brain fog. I couldn’t edit a sentence for a deck today. My mind was too fried so I sent it to a coworker. I took Will back to the doctor yesterday because it was day 6 of running fevers. He has the early stages of pneumonia so is on antibiotics for that. He was a new kid today so the drugs are working thank God.

    L looks so happy! Little kid birthdays are so fun! Will’s is on Sunday and his party is on saturday – just with family. I was thinking we might need to reschedule but he seems to be rallying based on his, um, challenging behavior today.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Oh how great that the medicine is working. Will it ever get easier? 🙄 I went to the doctor today for myself, and they think I have/had bronchitis, gave me more medicines, so I hope they work. I am sick of being sick!


  9. Tina Avatar

    I love your steps. I have to have lists of everything that needs to be done. I tend to work in 30 minute blocks of time. I take little chunks out of things and eventually it all gets done. I found it helps me focus more and I don’t get distracted by something else that I think needs to be done. I love the feeling of satisfaction you get when you cross something off the list. If it doesn’t get done, it doesn’t get done that day and it’ll get worked on some more the next. I think we all tend to expect too much from ourself and then beat ourself up when we don’t meet those expectations. It’s hard to get out of that mindset. I keep trying and will hopefully figure it out some day.

    I rather like the wrappings! It saves money on pretty paper that is going to get ripped up and thrown away and it helps the environment as well.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Hey Tina! Thanks for stopping by. I honestly love what you wrote. “If it doesn’t get done today, it gets done tomorrow or the next day.” I needed to hear that!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Melissa Avatar

    On no, kids coughing is the worst. My middle one used to vomit when she coughed which was pretty unpleasant. Our son (20yo) had a bad cough when we were overseas and it was like being back when he was younger because we were basically in the same room and there was nota heap of sleep happening for either of us. Of course Hubby complained that he was awake “all night” but I pointed out that unless he snores when he’s awake that wasn’t true.


  11. San Avatar

    I hope L and R are feeling better. Sometimes all we can do is check off the items on our to-do list, one by one 😉


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