Let the whining begin…

1. This is going to be a busy week. I hate busy.

2. Both kids have parent-teacher conferences this week, two late nights.

3. I don’t feel that prepared for this week. Whose fault? My own.

4. Still. Still! Feeling under the weather. Have a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday.

5. I am tired of eating turkey.

6. L has a horrendous cough. Still.

7. The house is in permanent disarray because someone has to “play castle” with couch pillows right before bed.

8. Cal Newport’s podcast is so good but makes me feel inadequate.

9. The temperature is going dowwwwwwn tonight in New Jersey.

10. I have not done my “golden hour” morning routine in a long time.

And that’s a wrap to my complaining! Really, those are very minor gripes and I know tomorrow is another day.

Join San and other amazing souls as we make our way through #NaBloPoMo2023

More information about this great initiative can be found here!

7 responses to “NaBloPoMo day 27: Mondays…”

  1. Elisabeth Avatar

    Death by a thousand paper cuts…All those little things add up to feel So. Overwhelming. I hope you (and the kids) feel better soon. It’s a hard transitional time of year when I feel extra tired.

    Sending hugs ❤


  2. rachelinwales Avatar

    This definitely sounds like a lot for a Monday. I really hear you on points 6 to 8. Noting looks like chaos more, or gives kids more joy, than moving all the couch cushions. Whyyyy. I hope the week improves as it goes


  3. NGS Avatar

    In June, when there is sunlight until 9:30 at night, I am EAGER for evening activities – sure I’ll go to a fitness class, the grocery store, and even stop at a friend’s house to drop off some cookies. Right now? When it’s dark at 4:15? I had to run to the grocery store last night at 7 and you would have thought someone had asked me to build my own car the way I acted like it was So Hard. So, I have no idea how you’re going to do TWO late nights this week. Good luck.


    1. Daria Avatar

      Two late nights done! I’m ready to crawl into my hole and stay there 🤗


  4. Lisa's Yarns Avatar

    It’s so freaking cold out here right now. It’s depressing. It was 6 this morning. It is too early for this crap!

    If Cal’s content makes you feel inadequate, I would take a break from listening. I’ve never listened to him because he kind of seems to live and operate in an alternate reality where a lot of work gets done by someone else (his wife?) from what I’ve heard about his show.

    Hang in there. It’s really hard to deal with multiptle illnesses while feeling under-the-weather yourself!!


    1. Daria Avatar

      Your comment about Cal made me crack up 🤣🤣


  5. San Avatar

    Uff, Monday can really get us down when we think about the whole week ahead… but now it’s Thursday already and I hope you were able to chip away at the week day by day. The weekend is in sight! 😉


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