Thank you for plentiful sick days. As a state employee I get a generous package of sick and personal days in addition to all federal holidays and summers. Yesterday, I couldn’t get a sentence out without succumbing to yet another bout of cough. That has to be annoying to have a teacher who is explaining a concept and has to stop every minute to catch her breath. No gracias. So I took a sick day, went to the doctor, got two prescriptions. A gold star for myself for taking care of myself. I do have some martyr tendencies so this is progress.

Thank you for schools and aftercare. R’s preschool is amazing. His teacher loves him, she is so personable, always sharing pictures of him. Sending stuff home such as newsletters, home-to-school connection projects. He feels safe, he is learning to read and write. He is writing his name in “scribble scrabble.” They went on a field trip to a farm, saw many animals, had a wonderful time. L’s kindergarten is great. Home-to-school connection could be better but then what do I know? I teach HS. They are having a field trip to see a play in December! Both schools are free, warm, get free universal breakfast and lunch, and provide quality learning.

Thank you for this writing challenge. It allows me to stretch my brain and be part of an amazing community of writers. I love seeing different lives, themes, and styles of writing.

Join San and other amazing souls as we make our way through #NaBloPoMo! More information about this great initiative can be found here!

12 responses to “NaBloPoMo day 9: Thankful Thursday”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    Glad you took a sick day and hope you feel better fast.


  2. NGS Avatar

    What of this lingering cough? Are you worried about it? Is it getting any better? (I’m just asking because when I was in my 20s, I had a cough issue, it was pneumonia, and I ended up breaking ribs and taking off a semester from school. Just curious if you know what’s going on.)


    1. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

      NGS, this is my husband’s situation! He was dx’d with pneumonia, the start of an ear infection and a probably fractured rib from all the coughing. And he has only taken 1 day off and that was for his doctor appt when all of this was dx’d! So brutal!


  3. Suzanne Avatar

    This cough sounds so awful. I’m sorry you’re dealing with it, but so glad that you have sick time to use.


  4. home here and there Avatar

    I could underwrite all your thank yous. I hope your cough gets better. It’s important to take care of yourself as much as you take care of others – I know oh to well how hard this sometimes is.


  5. Grateful Kae Avatar

    I’m also really surprised with how much fun I’m having writing and reading this writing challenge too! I didn’t think it would even feel different, since I blog pretty frequently anyway. But there is a distinctly different feel to doing it, for some reason, and it’s been really great!


  6. Coco Avatar

    so sorry to hear that you got sick, thanks to sick days indeed! we have 10 sick days per year and I rarely use them, thankfully, but I use them to take kids to doctors or stay with them when they are sick. hope you recover quickly!!!


  7. Lisa’s Yarns Avatar

    my cough is finally getting better! I am glad you could get some meds. There are some awful bugs circulating. I feel like we have had THEM ALL.

    I am grateful for my boys’ programs as well. Paul’s K teacher is great. She does comment on Paul being super social but unfocused. But he can already read on his own so I think he is just bored. Eventually he will be challenged. I am really happy with Will’s new daycare. It seems to be more play based and less academically focused but I think that is good. He will learn what he needs to learn and now is the time to play!


  8. Ernie Avatar

    I hope the two RX helps. Sounds awful. The kids’ schools sound great. How sweet that R’s teacher is so taken with him.


  9. San Avatar

    I cannot believe that there are workers in this country who don’t get annual and sick leave, so YAY for having the privilege and being able to use it if we feel unwell. Hope you feel better soon!

    I am also so happy that you joined NaBloPoMo this year 🙂


  10. Tobia | craftaliciousme Avatar

    I hear you. I used to power through when being sick, never taking care of myself until I learned the hard way and had a burn out. Now it is something I am more aware of. Glad you are smarter than me and taking a sick day AND heading to the doctor. definitely gold star. Hope you manage to get well over the weekend.


  11. Stephany Avatar

    I’m glad you took a sick day and got some meds from the doctor! Having a cough like that is SO FRUSTRATING! I always hated having a cough when I worked in an office. I knew I was being so annoying, but I couldn’t help it!


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